Typical Indoctrination Of Our Kids

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Sometimes I find it amazing that I came out of the education system in this Country without being brainwashed by these leftists teachers. I had many, as I’m sure all of you did. You can’t walk through one school without being bombarded with the dummies. Would have been nice to have a tape recorder, like this kid did:

An Overland High School teacher who criticized President Bush, capitalism and U.S. foreign policy during his geography class was placed on administrative leave Wednesday afternoon after a student who recorded the session went public with the tape.

In the 20-minute recording, made on an MP3 player, teacher Jay Bennish described capitalism as a system “at odds with human rights.” He also said there were “eerie similarities” between what Bush said during his Jan. 28 State of the Union address and “things that Adolf Hitler used to say.”

The United States was “probably the single most violent nation on planet Earth,” Bennish also said on the tape.

[…]Superintendent Monte Moses, who received a copy of the recording on Monday from 850 KOA-AM radio show host Mike Rosen, said it appears “a breach of district policy” occurred.”Our policy calls for both sides to be present … in the interest of intellectual discourse,” Moses said. Bennish’s presentation appeared to be unbalanced, he said.

The district is looking into whether the incident was an isolated one and will ensure that a balanced viewpoint of the president’s State of the Union address is provided to students, Moses said.

[…]Sean, who described himself as a political independent, said the comments seemed inappropriate for a geography class.”If he wants to give an opinion in class, I’m perfectly OK with that,” he said. “But he has to give both sides of the story.”

James McGrath Morris, an author who has written about academic freedom issues, said Bennish’s comments are acceptable for an adult audience, but they are hard to defend in a high school classroom.

In a number of legal cases, courts have ruled that “up until the age of majority, children are easily influenced … in a way that they don’t have the faculties to sort out rights from wrongs,” Morris said.

A newscast with some additional comments from this teacher can be seen here. The student was on a local radio talkshow for 3 hours yesterday also, all of it can be heard here. The actual recording can be heard here.

After listening to the tape I think we could change the name from Geography to Re-Education Camp, you must believe in the socialist cause. Capitalism bad, Bush bad, America bad.

  • “Bush is threatening the whole planet.”
  • “[The] U.S. wants to keep the world divided.”
  • “Who is probably the most violent nation on the planet?” He shouted the answer to his own question – “The United States!”

Good for this kid.


Here’s a transcript of some of the indoctrination:

Bennish: [tape begins with class already underway. Bennish completing an unintelligble statement about Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.] Why do we have troops in Colombia fighting in their civil war for over 30 years. Most Americans don’t even know this. For over 30 years, America has had soldiers fighting in Colombia in a civil war. Why are we fumigating coca crops in Bolivia and Peru if we’re not trying to control other parts of the world. Who buys cocaine? Not Bolivians. Not Peruvians. Americans! Ok. Why are we destroying the farmers’ lives when we’re the ones that consume that good.

Can you imagine? What is the world’s number one single cause of death by a drug? What drug is responsible for the most deaths in the world? Cigarettes! Who is the world’s largest producer of cigarettes and tobacco? The United States!

What part of our country grows all our tobacco? Anyone know what states in particular? Mostly what’s called North Carolina. Alright. That’s where all the cigarette capitals are. That’s where a lot of them are located from. Now if we have the right to fly to Bolivia or Peru and drop chemical weapons on top of farmers’ fields because we’re afraid they might be growing coca and that could be turned into cocaine and sold to us, well then don’t the Peruvians and the Iranians and the Chinese have the right to invade America and drop chemical weapons over North Carolina to destroy the tobacco plants that are killing millions and millions of people in their countries every year and causing them billions of dollars in health care costs?

Make sure you get these definitions down.

Capitalism: If you don’t understand the economic system of capitalism, you don’t understand the world in which we live. Ok. Economic system in which all or most of the means of production, etc., are owned privately and operated in a somewhat competitive environment for the purpose of producing PROFIT! Of course, you can shorten these definitions down. Make sure you get the gist of it. Do you see how when, you know, when you’re looking at this definition, where does it say anything about capitalism is an economic system that will provide everyone in the world with the basic needs that they need? Is that a part of this system? Do you see how this economic system is at odds with humanity? At odds with caring and compassion? It’s at odds with human rights.

Anytime you have a system that is designed to procure profit, when profit is the bottom motive — money — that means money is going to become more important potentially than what? Safety, human lives, etc.

Why did we invade Iraq?! How do we know that the invasion of Iraq for weapons of mass destruction– even if weapons had been found, how would you have known, how could you prove–that that was not a real reason for us to go there.

There are dozens upon dozens of countries that have weapons of mass destruction. Iraq is one of dozens. There are plenty of countries that are controlled by dictators, where people have no freedom, where they have weapons of mass destruction and they could be potentially threatening to America. We’re not invading any of those countries!



I’ll give you guys another minute or two to get some of these [definitions] down. I agree with Joey. Try to condense these a little bit. I took these straight out of the dictionary.

Anyone in here watch any of Mr. Bush’s [State of the Union] speech last night? I’m gonna talk a little about some of things he had to say.


…One of things that I’ll bring up now, since some of you are still writing, is, you know, Condoleezza Rice said this the other day and George Bush reiterated it last night. And the implication was that the solution to the violence in the Middle East is democratization. And the implication through his language was that democracies don’t go to war. Democracies aren’t violent. Democracies won’t want weapons of mass destruction. This is called blind, naive faith in democracy!


Who is probably the single most violent nation on planet Earth?!

Unidentified brainwashed student interjects: We are.

The United States of America! And we’re a democracy. Quote-unquote.

Who has the most weapons of mass destruction in the world? The United States.

Who’s continuing to develop new weapons of mass destruction as we speak?!
The United States.

So, why does Mr. Bush think that other countries that are democracies won’t wanna be like us? Why does he think they’ll just wanna be at peace with each other?! What makes him think that when the Palestinians get their own state that they won’t wanna preemptively invade Israel to eliminate a potential threat to their security just like we supposedly did in Iraq?! Do you see the dangerous precedent that we have set by illegally invading another country and violating their sovereignty in the name of protecting us against a potential future–sorry–attack? [Unintelligible.]


Why doesn’t Mexico invade Guatemala? Maybe they’re scared of being attacked. Ok. Why doesn’t North Korea invade South Korea?! They might be afraid of being attacked. Or maybe Iran and North Korea and Saudi Arabia and what else did he add to the list last night – and Zimbabwe – maybe they’re all gonna team up and try and invade us because they’re afraid we might invade them. I mean, where does this cycle of violence end? You know?

This whole “do as I say, not as I do” thing. That doesn’t work. What was so important about President Bush’s speech last night–and it doesn’t matter if it was President Clinton still it would just as important) is that it’s not just a speech to America. But who? The whole world! It’s very obvious that if you listen to his language, if you listen to his body language, and if you paid attention to what he was saying, he wasn’t always just talking to us. He was talking to the whole planet. Addressing the whole planet!

He started off his speech talking about how America should be the country that dominates the world. That we have been blessed essentially by God to have the most civilized, most advanced, best system and that it is our duty as Americans to use the military to go out into the world and make the whole world like us.


Sounds a lot like the things that Adolf Hitler use to say.

We’re the only ones who are right. Everyone else is backwards. And it’s our job to conquer the world and make sure they live just like we want them to.

Now, I’m not saying that Bush and Hitler are exactly the same. Obviously, they are not. But there are some eerie similarities to the tones that they use. Very, very “ethnocentric.” We’re right. You’re all wrong.

What a wackjob, and he was teaching kids….sheesh

Overland High School website –

Teacher Jay Bennish contact info –
(720) 747-3780

School principal Jana Frieler –
(720) 747-3880


A few dozen of the kids this guy has already brainwashed have know decided to skip class in protest:

Dozens of students at Overland High School walked out of class Thursday morning in support of a teacher who was at the center of a controversy over comments he made about President Bush during a geography class.

Typically the DummiesU crowd is worked up in a lather:

Bennish said we are “probably the single most violent nation on planet Earth,” and while that may be debatable, it is certainly not over the top in any sense, nor is it a statement that is somehow indefensible.

I’d suspend the kid, and have him hiked on down to the Principal’s office to be suspended, if not written up by the police OR A.C.L.U. for taping a U.S. Citizen WITHOUT that person’s knowledge or consent. This kid’s destined to be a Joe Scarborough, or the like…”my way or the highway.”

Currently, we are one of the most violent countries on earth. Crime rate here and the things we are doing in the ME, not to mention what we have done in the Philippines, Panama Canal, Columbia, etc. He’s not that far off.

I love this one:

teachers are paid to teach children to think. The media characterized it as a “rant.” It sounds like the opening of a discussion.

Sure, that was just a discussion, no ranting at all.

“eerie similarities” between Bush and Adolf Hitler says it all…but of course we can’t have anyone telling the truth these days.

I just called the school district and the school. I am trying to get the district superintendent on my radio program. I already voiced my outrage and I told them that if it was their policy to “balance” opinion then they should report the balance to the 9/11 official story, the stolen elections and the lies that led to war. I also asked them that if they were teaching a class about a child molester if the would have to balance that with good commentary about the molester.

Welcome to 1984.

Does it get any better then this one?

I heard what this guy said. He did not go far enough. He did not talk about the questions or EVIDENCE that shows that the Bush administration was involved in 9/11. He never mentioned PNAC and their quest for a new Pearl Harbor. He never mentioned the Bin Laden statement where he claimed that he had nothing to do with the attacks. Still I think this speech should be given in every classroom in the nation with the verve and urgency that it deserves.

The Brown Shirts have ARRIVED in the Classrooms

They intimidate, stifle, etc through shit like this.

This sends a message the Pubs want…get the teachers to shut the fuck up on matter off subject. Only teach the subject at hand. This stifles all teachers who wish to stray on what they feel is important…

Germany 1934 all over again.

We now officially live in a Dictatorship.

The irony that the little shit was upset about Bush and Hitler..

..while the little turd helps to create a Nazi state himself, by tormenting people for having ideas contrary to Rush Limbaugh. Do these people not see the irony? Do they not see that they are trying to stifle ANYONE with a differing opinion?

It always brings a smile to my face reading what these dummies think. Typical byproduct of our leftist schools


It appears the America hating teacher has hired a ACLU lawyer, no big surprise there:

The anti-US Aurora Colorado high school teacher who was suspended after being taped making anti-US remarks is said to have hired an ACLU attorney. Attorney David Lane, who represented self-avowed anti-US Professor Ward Churchill, is said to be representing Jay Bennish.*

Bennish, who was taped making comments to his students such as ?The American flag is the same as the Nazi flag?, capitalism is “at odds with human rights” and that President Bush?s January State of the Union address included “things that Adolph Hitler used to say? was placed on temporary suspension Wednesday.

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Listening to Prager, one caller mentioned about how his 2nd grader’s teacher apparently walked into the classroom after the 2004 Election and proclaimed “Another 4 years of killing.”

Wonderful, ain’t it?

This was a geography lesson? Why do I get the feeling that Jay Bennish couldn’t point out Iraq on a map? He probably thinks it’s somewhere in South America.

Yeah and in “Geography” no less! Just nuts!

The one that caught my attention though is the NJ high school teacher (with the full consent and knowledge of the principal and four other teachers is holding mock “war crimes” trials for Bush. This is HIGH SCHOOL!!! They all think this is a great idea. Sigh…


Has the whole world gone crazy???


Mike’s America

Another America Hating Ward Churchill in Colorado Schools at Tax Payer Expense…

What’s going on in Colorado? First Ward Churchill, now a public school teacher using his position to preach the left’s hate America religion….