More of my thoughts on this port dustup.
- This is going to be primarily a investment deal. Nothing more, nothing less. This is a deal on paper. They will have no presence at the terminal.
- The same U.S employee’s who are working in management will still be there, as they were when the British owned the company (on paper also). Nobody from this company will be involved with terminal operations.
- Security will still be handled by our Coast Guard and our law enforcement
- It appears this UAE company is in acquisitions not into managing, or security, or building terminals. They are investors.
- This company will have no presence on the facility. The company heads might visit but you can read who they are in my prior post, mostly Americans.
- The employees still have to pass a background check by homeland security before they set foot on the terminal.
- They already own the global port assets of CSX Corp., which gave the company critical terminals in Asia and made the it one of the 10 largest port terminal operators in the world.
- They already own a US firm which tracks US goods globally. They already track our goods and anything that is classified they do not see, they don’t have clearance from the governement.
- This company has already been in place in Australia for years. PM Howard must think it isn’t a huge deal and he is no spineless jellyfish.
- For those who are worried about the company sending terrorists over here: We already have Arab owned airlines, with Arab employee’s…why no outcry?
- Why piss off an obvious ally in the War, when we may need them more then ever with Iran, and over a paper transaction?
Something really smells about this hysteria.

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