I participated in a conference call with Congressman Curt Weldon this afternoon along with the following bloggers:
Mike Kasper from Able Danger Blog
AJ Strata from The Strata-Sphere
Vadkins from QT Monster’s Place
Pierre from The Pink Flamingo Bar & Grill
Rory O’Connor from Media Is A Plural
Bluto from Dread Pundit Bluto
Dan Pico from Common Sense Political Thought
Many thanks to Mike from Able Danger Blog for ramrodding this call, and of course thanks to the Congressman for spending close to 2 hours with us. Lots was said, and we should have audio up in the next day or so but I will run down a few interesting tidbits. First, he needs any help any can get in keeping this story on the front burner. Contact your local representatives, your Senator, and your Congressman. Contact the press and let them know you feel this is an important story. Anything and everything helps. As you heard in the hearings, Mr. Weldon has a retired intelligence officer who has signed a sworn affadavit alleging that Cambone’s staff told her they are going to kill this story. This is what they are counting on. This is too important to let fade away.
In fact towards the end of the call Mr. Weldon told us that the DIA held a agency wide conference where the main topic was not security of this country, not improving the intelligence gathering of the agency, it was killing the Able Danger story.
I live and work in DC and that has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. If people wanted this story to go away they would fix all the problems – none of which are involve classified material or details. All the problems surrounding Able Danger are related to people misusing their positions to hide personally embarrassing information. In the Clinton years it was apparently studies regarding technology leaks to Chine. In the Bush administration it appears to be bad decisions, turf wars and protecting empires. But in all cases, national security is second to the DC CYA.
We got into every aspect of this case, which you will hear in the audio, from the China aspect to the destruction of unclassified data. So stayed tuned.
Meanwhile, I have finished transcribing 53.5 minutes of the hearings. You can read it here, or download the .PDF here.

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Me too!!!
I’ve been all over Hastert’s butt about this. Maybe I can shake up a few people but I doubt it.
I feel like the above when it comes to rousting politicians to do anything they really don’t want to do. You know how it is!