The DummiesU Reaction To Alito

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Well, it seems that the Democratic fantasy of preventing Alito’s confirmation has come to an end. Many of my fellow bloggers have blogged about it already so I won’t add too much to the discussion. The one thing I wanted to offer, at considerable cost to my psyche, is the ravings from DummiesU after the vote. Get ready for a ride:

Alito is now a purjurer:

not one more dime to the dnc.

A perjurer now gets to be on the SCOTUS.

I don’t give one wit about being pragmatic or keeping
your powder dry or is this a hill worth dying on.

Just like these people wouldn’t stand up about Florida 2000
or Ohio 2004 they will not stand up now. Fat, rich, and happy
why rock the boat?

This guy is big on defeating Darth Vader:

The country is going to split on the issue of Empire

The big issue before the country relates to Empire. Both parties support Empire. The good of the country requires an end to Empire. WeThePeople are for the good of the country.

Parties are part of the machinery of the country. The electoral college is part of the machinery of the country. Today we saw the machinery of the judiciary turn for the sake of an imperial presidency.

There will be an anti-Empire party for the people. If the Democratic Party does not want to denounce Empire, it will decline to a force that eventually will link with the Republicans to be the Empire Party.

The Nation says it will not endorse a pro-Iraq candidate. It is just part of the line that is forming. If the Dems run a pro Iraq/Empire candidate in 2008 they are going to lose. The days of lesser of two blow-up-and imprison-the-world evils is over for a lot of us.

Typical leftist wanting to decide who should live in the US and who should not:

Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

Filthy cowards. The ones that voted with the republicans, and the ones that said it was ok to vote with them, need to leave the damn country. They don’t deserve to live here.

Here’s a brillant one:

I got it. Let’s email the traitors wrappers of Bush Baked Beans.

And on the back of the labels we write “your career is cooked. “

Which got a response:

Actually I don’t buy them because of the name.

I prefer B&M (or Bowel and Movement as we say)…..but exceptions can be made

No hatred in this party huh? Then a real Einstein chirped in:

*lmao* What a brilliant idea! *hugs*

This has to be one of my favorites:

How can a President who has committed many impeachable offenses

and has an approval rating of 39% be allowed to select nominees for the SCOTUS? That just makes NO sense to me, whatsoever. Hell…the rat bastard should be in jail.


Woops, I spoke to soon….Too many favorites to go around:

To all those working to defeat the GWB appointment and Senate confirmation of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court:

Data indicates that Allard (R-CO), Chambliss (R-GA), Coleman (R-MN), and Sununu (R-NH) are NOT DULY ELECTED, and that they are, therefore, ineligible to cast a vote in the U.S. Senate for Supreme Court Justice. (See below.)

Might there be other ineligibles?

Um, yeah:

Something to feel good about: Kennedy was OUTSTANDING when…

…he blasted Alito prior to the cloture vote. If Kennedy can get up and talk like that, there’s still hope left for the party. We just have to toss the Republican (D) candidates out and replace them with more like Kennedy. Watch the video and remind yourself that we have some good ‘uns out there.

You know we have a traitor in our midst when the Dummies thank one of our own:


Well, here’s one Repub. with his head screwed on right regarding ScAlito!

Think I’ll end this with an outstanding example of a typical leftist:

What I want is a complete list of every scumsucking fuckstick Democratic asshole Senator who voted for Cloture. That’s what I want.

I don’t know what to DO with that list, not yet — but I know for GODDAMNED sure I won’t be VOTING for any of them, lt alone sending them any goddamned MONEY.

Frankly, right now I’d like nothing better than to torpedo the entire lot of them. Just dump them like so much worthless, leaden, VICHY MOTHERFUCKING BALLAST.

I got nothin’, folks. Don’t look over here if you want comfort or a nice, uplifting LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY speech.

I’M DONE WITH THEM. They are DEAD to me.

Yeah. CANTWELL and BYRD and LANDRIEU and BINGAMAN and every last motherfucking one of them, I’m DONE with them.

I’m registering Independent tomorrow. You’re welcome to join me.

This is all they have folks. Anger and more anger. You don’t agree with them and all they can do is scream and yell. No valid arguments, no facts, no nothing. They are a lost cause.

With these types of people in that party they will never see power again.

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Since when do those nut cases care about perjury?

It really doesn’t get any better than this. Oh, how I love the sound of moonbats shrieking in the morning!

Hi. I linked over here from Wordsmith. Today I posted a comparison of the modern Democrats with the church leaders in Galileo’s day. When he proved to them his theory of gravity was correct. They not only refused to believe what they saw with their own eyes, but had Galileo put in Jail for telling the truth.

This whole attitude has nothing to do with Alito and everything to do with hatred of Bush. they are still angry over losing the elevtion in 2000.