You know what, these reporters who got themselves hurt today are just not that big of a deal. They are reporters covering a war, the way the MSM is making such a big deal about them getting hurt is just idiotic.
Where is the big deal for these REAL heroes?
Staff Sgt. Jerry M. Durbin Jr

Staff Sgt. Jerry “Micheal” M. Durbin Jr. enlisted in the Army because he thought it would take him on the quickest route toward his goal of one day working for the Central Intelligence Agency.
By 26, he had become a staff sergeant in an air assault unit and had his eyes on becoming a member of the elite Delta Force. To prove his mettle, he served two tours in the Middle East and was deployed for a third in September. Family members said he lived to serve his country.
“He was the leader of everybody, no doubt about it,” said his father, Jerry M. Durbin Sr.
The Nimitz High School graduate died Wednesday in Baghdad when a homemade bomb exploded near his patrol during combat operations.
Sgt. Joshua A. Johnson

Sgt. Joshua Allen Johnson, 24, of Richford, died during surgery after being hit by a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) outside Ramadi, Iraq, in the early morning of Wednesday, Jan. 25, the Vermont National Guard announced Thursday.
Johnson was in the passenger seat of an armored humvee when the RPG struck the vehicle. He was wearing his full complement of body armor at the time, according to a Vermont National Guard press release. None of the other passengers in the vehicle were injured, officials said.
Johnson was team leader of Alpha Co. 3-172nd Infantry (Mtn.) Battalion and was in the Ramadi region as part of an effort to bring stability to the area and train Iraqi security forces.

Tech. Sgt. Jason L. Norton, 32, and Staff Sgt. Brian McElroy, 28, had been in the country since November, officials said today. They died Sunday after their armored Humvee hit a roadside bomb near Taji, about 18 miles north of Baghdad.
The two men from the base in Anchorage were part of the 586th Expeditionary Mission Support Group in Iraq. A third Elmendorf airmen suffered “relatively minor” injuries and is being treated in Germany, said Col. Scotty Lewis, vice commander of Elmendorf’s 3rd Wing.
A Camp Pendleton Marine from Rosemead on his third tour of duty in Iraq was killed in an insurgent suicide attack, it was reported Thursday.
Marine Cpl. Carlos Arellano, 22, had survived two previous tours of duty in Iraq, although he was wounded on the second, his brother, Robert Arellano, told the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.
The Pentagon, which identified him as Carlos Arrelanopandura, said he died Friday when a suicide bomber in a vehicle set off an explosion in Haqlaniyah.

A Chandler man who has broken bad news to countless families in his previous career as a cop knew what had happened as soon as he opened his door Friday night.
Three Marines in full dress uniform were there to tell Mark Dewey that his son, Brandon, had been killed by a car bomb earlier that day in Iraq.
The 20-year-old lance corporal was serving his second Iraq tour.
[…]”He was a happy, good-hearted, good-natured, squared-away, always-smiling kid,” his dad said. “In many ways he was a man but in other ways he was still a kid. He was addicted to video games and he loved to read. He was waiting for the paperback version of the Da Vinci Code to come out” so it would be light enough to carry in the field.
[…]His first tour in Iraq ran from June 2004 until January 2005. His second tour began in September and was to end in April. Brandon planned to follow his father into law enforcement when his Marine enlistment ended in 2007.
[…]Details from Friday’s car bomb in the Haqlaniyah region, which killed Brandon and another Marine, are still coming in. But this wasn’t the first time he had been involved in an Iraqi car bombing, Dewey said.
In the first incident, two cars exploded within about 20 yards, with Brandon receiving shrapnel wounds to his hands and neck, as well as damage to his hearing. Brandon, who received a Purple Heart, was back in battle in a week.
A little perspective please. These reporters were not there to serve our country…they were there to pad their resume with duty in Iraq. They knew the risks they were taking to further their career. In the process they got some boo-boo’s while we have troops over there getting very little pay and NO recognition from the MSM (except when it can further their anti-bush cause) fighting and dieing for our Country.
MSM, get over yourself. Your really not that important, but our troops are!

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I’m somewhere in the middle I guess… Yes, the soldiers should definitely get media coverage too, but so should the reporters. The soldiers went to Iraq with training, knowing that this was what they wanted to do. The journalists were untrained. They aren’t field people trained in the art of war. They write. So the fact that they went to a dangerous place such as Iraq to present the truth to the American people (unlike those who report from say, New York offices) and died there in their line of duty (informing the American public) should be commended.
Scotts Conservative News & Commentary
Misplaced Priorities, Perspective…
Curt at Flopping Aces has a good post pointing out the distorted perspective of the MSM. One of the big stories over the weekend was the wounding of an ABC News crew (and an Iraqi soldier, BTW). As Curt points out, and if my calculations are correct,…..