And with this line uttered by Karl Rove last night:
Democrats are “deeply and profoundly and consistently wrong” on national security, Karl Rove said.
We are officially out the gate and running full steam to the finish line:
White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove offered a biting preview of the 2006 midterm elections yesterday, drawing sharp distinctions with the Democrats over the campaign against terrorism, tax cuts and judicial philosophy, and describing the opposition party as backward-looking and bereft of ideas.
“At the core, we are dealing with two parties that have fundamentally different views on national security,” Rove said. “Republicans have a post-9/11 worldview and many Democrats have a pre-9/11 worldview. That doesn’t make them unpatriotic — not at all. But it does make them wrong — deeply and profoundly and consistently wrong.”
Democrats are “deeply and profoundly and consistently wrong” on national security, Karl Rove said.
Rove spoke at the winter meeting of the Republican National Committee and, with RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman, provided a campaign blueprint for fighting the Democrats. They spoke at the beginning of an important election year in which Republicans are battling historical trends, public unrest over Iraq and a spreading corruption scandal that together threaten to reduce the GOP majorities in the House and the Senate and possibly shift control of one or both chambers to the Democrats.
At a time when Democrats have staked their hopes in large part on the issue of corruption, Rove and Mehlman showed that Republicans plan to contest the elections on themes that have helped expand their majorities under President Bush. They see national security and the vigorous prosecution of the campaign against terrorism at the heart of the GOP appeal to voters.
[…]Mehlman and Rove accused the Democrats of trying to weaken the USA Patriot Act and of embracing calls for a premature exit from Iraq. They defended Bush’s use of warrantless eavesdropping to gather intelligence about possible terrorist plots. “Do Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean really think that when the NSA is listening in on terrorists planning attacks on America, they need to hang up when those terrorists dial their sleeper cells in the United States?” Mehlman asked. Pelosi (D-Calif.) is the House minority leader.
Another great line can be found at the New York Times, (after reading their version you get the feeling they are not too keen on Rove, shocker!):
“The United States faces a ruthless enemy, and we need a commander in chief and a Congress who understand the nature of the threat and the gravity of the moment America finds itself in,” Mr. Rove said. “President Bush and the Republican Party do. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for many Democrats.”
“Let me be as clear as I can be: President Bush believes if Al Qaeda is calling somebody in America, it is in our national security interest to know who they’re calling and why,” Mr. Rove said
And it even appears Rove has put his foot down on wayward RINO’s:
But Mr. Rove got a reminder of the tensions the party faces after a group of Republican leaders tried to push through a tough-worded resolution condemning immigration that explicitly broke with President Bush’s policy of allowing illegal immigrants to participate in guest-worker programs. The issue has proved vexing for Republicans as they try to expand their appeal to Hispanic voters while being deferential to voters in states like Arizona increasingly angered over a flow of illegal immigrant .
Randy Pullman of Arizona, the sponsor of the renegade resolution, pulled it back this afternoon after an officially sanctioned resolution reflecting Mr. Bush’s immigration policy was passed almost unanimously by the committee, and Republicans warned against any suggestion that the party was not unified on the issue.
“To go forward with another resolution that clearly is contrary to what they want is literally a waste of time,” Mr. Pullman said after the vote.
The Democrats never learn. Four years ago they were whining that Afghanistan was going to become armageddon, comparing us to the soviet invasion of that country. They had a twisted sense of logic then and they do now.
What Other’s Are Saying:
But the whole article is replete (do you like that word?) with such odd pieces that don’t quite fit. Like this one:
Rove, making a rare public address while under investigation in the CIA leak case, joined Republican Party chairman Ken Mehlman in warning GOP leaders against falling prey to the corrupting nature of power.
Has Patrick Fitzgerald called a press conference to announce “the noose is tightening” around Karl Rove? Has anyone specified Rove as a target? Yes, the case is still under investigation… but is there any evidence, other than liberal hatred, that the focus is Karl Rove? This strikes me as a perfect example of “it must be true because it would be so wonderful if it were true!” Here it comes again:
The special prosecutor’s inquiry is still under way, leaving the fate of other senior White House officials, notably Rove, in doubt.
Why Rove more notably than anybody else? Does AP have some insight into the direction of Fitzgerald’s investigation? Is someone in Fitzgerald’s office illegally leaking secret information from the probe, a felony? If they have a “whistleblower,” why doesn’t AP crow about it?
This, by the way, is the real way that leftist media bias works. It’s not that the MSM suddenly lapses into Kossack Talk (they save that for their columnists); it’s just a subtle but inexporable pressure: the knowing wink; the slight smirk; the conclusion jumping, whispering, the significant glance… all pointing the same direction: well, you know how those Republicans are;
As Rove said, the greatest danger is that Republicans have become thoroughly complacent. They have become a leaky bucket of spending give-aways. Bridges to Nowhere. They have abandoned many of Reagan’s fondest themes.
But the saving grace in all of this is that there is no real alternative. The Democrats have become the party of roiling anti-Americanism and hand-to-the-head fainting and surrender. For the first time in history, one of the major parties has gone stark raving mad.
Their fanatisicm would gleefully sacrifice the lives of every man, woman and child in America rather than harm a single hair on a Kahlid Sheik Mohammed’s scraggy, balding head. To their warped sensibility, we really should allow thousands to die, to be burned, maimed, and have nails driven through their skulls – rather than waterboard anyone. That would REALLY be effective in showing how moral we are. (Such is the logic of multiculturalism, a doctrine more aimed at cultural suicide than anything else).
My word but Howard Dean is an idiot. Karl Rove hasn?t even been indicted, let alone convicted, of leaking anything. Patrick Fitzgerald investigated the matter for two years and came out of it with one indictment, and that indictment was for a crime that didn?t even exist until there was an investigation.
Honestly, Dean is like one of those toy dolls from years back that blurted out one of several recorded messages every time you pulled a string in its back. Every time the man is asked a question he spurts out something likt ?ITS A REPUBLICAN SCANDAL!? or ?WE?RE LOSING IN IRAQ!? regardless if those responses have anything to do with the issue at hand or not.
For national defense, the Democrats want to impeach the President for conducting surveillance on international communications on people identified by evidence and intel as terrorists, including the common-sense tracking of such calls into and out of the US to identify potential terrorist cells before they strike here. Their leadership knew of this program and all its implications since the month after 9/11 and have been continuously briefed ever since, and not one of those briefed have called for an end to the NSA program — not one.
Democrats have one strategy, and it boils down to I Hate George. Rove and Mehlman simply want to show America that on national security, they have some ‘splainin’ to do.
Other’s Blogging:

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