I have been restoring a 1969 Dodge Charger R/T for 28 months now and have spent waaaayyyy too much money on it but I love the damn thing. You can see the website I put up about the car here with lots of pictures.
Today I spent 7 hours putting the windshield wiper pivots in….twice, the first time we forgot to put the waterproofing seals on it, installing the defroster vents into the dash, and finally getting the steering column and wheel into the car.
I’m hoping to get this baby on the road by this summer, but I said that last year also. If there is one thing I have learned restoring this car, it’s patience.
Ok, enough of that, back to bashing lefties.

See author page
If your grand kids drive as bad as your kid, you might as well send the charger to its impending destination, a scrap heep.
Awesome ride!
Well done Devil-Dog!
Do you still own this car? I was following your progress, then lost the website.
@Tim: Yeah I do, the server I had it on folded but I’ve got all the content still and still own the domain name so I will be putting it back up asap.
it seems to me it did not look so nice, you where working on it then,
but it look finish and I like the inside color, my favorite red,
it’s your baby, you work on it and forget the bad dudes you have to deal with,
I WILL like to have a picture of his baptize when you decide to take it on the road,
I’m sure you won’t go on the beach with it or on the muddy roads, or you won’t eat a sushi while on the wheel, or challenge any car for a start drag to show off , nah not you, but if they challenge you,
what are you going to do? take the risk of being arrested for driving while impair with alcohol,
it will be so tempting hey, nah not you,
You Sir.. ARE THE MAN!!! CLASSIC Mopar MUSCLE!!!! What’s under the hood?? 440? 383? or the 318 LA??
@Hankster58: It’s a 440, number matching. Will be trying to get the site back up today.
Hey Curt,
Have you found time to update your Dodge Charger site? I would love to see it.
Sure have Tim
lots of patience in that beauty, thank you for the rides,
I like the driver also,
your car is like you are with FLOPPING ACES, absolutly you,
with love
@ilovebeeswarzone: Thanks so much Bees!