Just another example of bias in the media with this poll:
In an ominous election-year sign for Republicans, Americans are leaning sharply toward wanting Democrats to take control of Congress, an AP-Ipsos poll finds. Democrats are favored 49 percent to 36 percent.
The poll was taken this week as Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to tax evasion, fraud and corruption charges and agreed to aid a federal investigation of members of Congress and other government officials.
President Bush’s job approval remains low ? 40 percent in the AP-Ipsos poll. About as many approve of his handling of?Iraq, where violence against Iraqis and U.S. troops has been surging.
Only trouble being they over-sampled Democrats once again, by 12%:
Project #81-5139-72
Interview dates: January 3-5, 2006
Interviews 1,001 adults, 856 registered voters Margin of error: +3.1 for all adults, +3.4 for registered votersTHE ASSOCIATED PRESS POLL
NOTE: all results shown are percentages unless otherwise labeled.REGISTERED VOTERS/ PARTY AFFILIATION
1. Are you currently registered to vote at this address, or not?ALL
No ………………………………………..18
Refused/not sure ……………………..1REGISTERED VOTERS
Strongly Republican …………………..13
Moderately Republican ………………..27
Definitely Independent/neither……….8
Moderately Democrat…………………..32
Strongly Democrat …………………….20
Refused/not sure……………………….-Total Republican ………………………..40
Total Democrat ………………………….52
This is now just common practice with these polls since they know the headline they can get with this kind of stuff.? But hey, there is no bias here……laugh.
Can you remember a poll in the last decade where they showed the Republican’s up???But?every time we still continue to gain seats and win.??

See author page
This trend toward more and more blatantly biased polling will just ensure that aside from losing (again) in November, the Dems will be surprised, too. Have you noticed how that has been happening a lot the last several elections? Now, nobody likes losing; but the interesting thing is, every time it happens, it’s clear that they never saw it coming. They are always genuinely flabbergasted at their defeat.
Polls like this are why. You can lie about what people think all you want, but when there’s an election, they tend to vote what they really think. And then the Dems who believed the lies get to be surprised.