Just when you think the Dem’s couldn’t be more idiotic good ole’ Pelosi opens her mouth again:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) denounced President Bush?s most recent statements on the War on Terrorism by saying the White House lacks “a real plan for success.?
Pelosi, commenting via press release on Bush?s Tuesday speech at the Pentagon, said “candor was not one of President Bush?s New Year?s resolutions.?
The Calif. Democrat claims Bush diverted attention and resources from the war on terrorism to wage “his war of choice in Iraq,? which Pelosi said, “removed the focus from Afghanistan and the real war on terror.?
“[Bush] has allowed the Taliban and their al Qaeda (sic) allies to continue to attack our troops,? Pelosi said. “President Bush also failed to admit that a lack of post-war planning in Iraq has allowed the insurgents to remain a threat nearly three years after the invasion.?
As previously reported by NewsMax, Pelosi recently backed the proposal by Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) for a swift redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq over six months, but other party leaders did not endorse it and House Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) publicly opposed her.
Pelosi opposed the war, arguing that Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the United States.
God, how do people like this get elected? Oh, I’m sorry, my state elects them….doh.
“Lacks a real plan for success” in Iraq? Get a grip lady. We are succeeding, there is a Democratically elected government in Iraq now, over 200,000 Iraqi troops are now trained and in service, and the majority of Iraqi’s feel good about their future. But she want’s to say there is no plan for success? If there was no plan for success why are we succeeding?
Want some more Pelosisms?
In the October 2001 letter, Pelosi said she was told in a briefing that month that the agency “had been operating since the Sept. 11 attacks with an expansive view” of its authorities “to the conduct of electronic surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and related statutes, orders, regulations and guidelines.”
“I am concerned whether, and to what extent, the National Security Agency has received specific presidential authorization for the operations you are conducting,” Pelosi, then the top Democrat on the intelligence panel, wrote Hayden.
This after shrilly claiming:
We all agree that the President must have the best possible intelligence to protect the American people, but that intelligence must be produced in a manner consistent with the United States Constitution and our laws. The President’s statement today raises serious questions as to what the activities were and whether the activities were lawful.”
“I was advised of President Bush’s decision to provide authority to the National Security Agency to conduct unspecified activities shortly after he made it and have been provided with updates on several occasions.
“The Bush Administration considered these briefings to be notification, not a request for approval. As is my practice whenever I am notified about such intelligence activities, I expressed my strong concerns during these briefings.”
So which is it lady? Either your concerned about the fact Bush may not have knowledge of these activities or your concerned because he did have knowledge of these activities. Geez, gives me a headache.
We all know the reason her tune has changed. If she had challenged this shortly after 9/11 she would have lost. But now she thinks (wrongly) she can win. It’s not that cares one whit about these issues, only what these issues can do for her career.
Other’s Blogging about the current Pelosism’s:
Sister Toldjah, Ace Of Spades, Suitably Flip, Don Singleton,
We all know the reason her tune has changed. If she had challenged this shortly after 9/11 she would have lost. But now she thinks (wrongly) she can win. It’s not that cares one whit about these issues, only what these issues can do for her career.

See author page
What? Not representative of the population? Um, please get a clue. Why do you think the Sunni’s are bitching? Because they have far fewer seats BECAUSE there are less of them in the country. That’s called a Democracy.
It’s a democracy and they will elect who they want, we do not tell them who to elect. But the country is doing well. There is violence in only 4 of the 18 provinces and the economy is growing:
Dont believe everything you see and read from the MSM….open your mind.
I’ve got one beef with this article. Progress in Iraq? Sure, we have a democratically elected government. But all it’s done is change the Sunnis’ role from dominator to oppressed. Iraq has some serious cultural issues to work out. There are more extremists than moderates, which just means that more extremists get seats in Parliament and, who knows, maybe the Kurds and Shiites will decide it’s time for the Sunnis to get their just desserts.
Yes, it’s democratically elected, but it’s not really representative of the population.
If she keeps this up she’s going to pass Babs Boxer as California’s dumbest elected offical. At least you guys don’t have to put up with Shelia Jackson Lee…
What turns my stomach is that every time Bush makes a statement, you can count the seconds until you see Nancy Pelosi’s shiny little “deer in the headlights” face, complete with the phoniest and greasiest smile I have ever seen in my life, as she practically runs to the nearest microphone to voice her latest outrage. What a *#@$&!!!!
Carol Johnson
Nazi Pelosi needs to hire some new writers… She’s been recycling those silly shopworn shibboleths for months now and they are past stale.
Bush gives a series of detailed speeches, replete with documentation of his plan for Victory and Nazi P. and friends just ignore it and continue to blather…
Mike’s America
Democrats Begin Campaign 2006 Early…
Two interesting items as we gear up for the 2006 campaign to control Congress:
1. Harry Reid calls for resignation of Homeland Security Secretary for not doing enough to protect Las Vegas days after he gloated about killing the Patriot Act.
2. …..