The Liberal Cabal Against Bush

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Interesting post by AJStrata today regarding the wiretap issue. The one point that stuck out was this update:

Would anyone be surprised that Judge James Robertson who resigned his post from the FISA court from some unknown reason, has a linkage to 9-11 Commissioner Jamie Gorelick and 9-11 staffer Daniel Marcus (here, then here)?

Well they all do have a connection. They all worked for the same DC, powerhouse law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering (now with Hale and Dorr. That would be Lloyd Cutler, Clinton counsel. Their stall of lawyers is like a Who?s Who of DC power players. Are we surprised this fine group keeps being mentioned as participants in erecting the barriers to our self defense pre and post 9-11 (Able Danger comes to mind with Gorelick and Marcus)?

They have their fingers all over defense and national security issues. More on this later, if warranted.

He ends his post with:

We shall see if there is a cabal of liberal lawyers and judges working with rogue intelligence agents to devastate our war on terror and defense against attack.

Which I fully believe is happening here. Is it any coincidence that all these players in the NSA wiretap, Able Danger, & Plamegate stories are connected by their pasts? The ongoing CIA coup appears to be much larger then I even imagined. Where it will end is anyone’s guess.

AJ also touches on the fact that FISA appears to have dragged it’s feet with many of Bush’s requests, and he has emails to prove it, one of them showing it took 2 1/2 years for the court to comply with a request from the FBI. Is it any wonder Bush then had to use his authority to wiretap foreign phone calls into the US?

s it any coincidence that all these players in the NSA wiretap, Able Danger, & Plamegate stories are connected by their pasts? The ongoing CIA coup appears to be much larger then I even imagined. Where it will end is anyone’s guess.

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Small Town Veteran

Jihadis and Wiretaps and Moonbats! Oh, My!

I’m combining my NSA_Wiretaps and CIA/NSA Treason threads from here out. They’re too intertwined to try to keep separate and I’m not even sure at this point that the wiretaps leak(s) came from within the CIA or NSA. William Kristol:The