Just have to link to a commentor at Protein Wisdom. He nails this wiretapping business:
I?m just bewildered by this whole thing, and the ongoing maneuvering to kneecap any of our more effective terroristic countermeasures.
We know by now that terrorist cells work much like organized crime, though in a much more shadowy setting than, say, your average don. We HAVE to be able to act on intelligence from them quickly because of the cellular nature of their operations – that requires speed, for which we have to give up something.
IT guys often say you can get it fast, or you can get it right. CEOs say do both, because they have bigger issues to deal with than project management.
No one that I know is saying that gives license for wanton snooping; speaking for myself, though, I?m willing to give up a portion of ?privacy? that I didn?t realize I had in order to more effectively combat the people who have declared war on us and are trying to kill us.
Which brings me to what I think is really going on: I believe that the majority of those on the left and a good number of libertarians believe, quite simply, that we aren?t at war; or that if we are, it?s ?war? instead of war, and besides, it was based on lies so it really isn?t a war. Also: Halliburton. And anyway, we started it.
With that as an assumption, they then act in ways that are utterly baffling to those of us who believe we are in a war that has many fronts, not all of which are physical.
If you begin with the assumption that, say, the New York Times thinks the war on terror and the war in Iraq are just a bunch of bullshit, then this kind of reporting makes complete and perfect sense. Same with Dean?s and Murtha?s and Pelosi?s and Kerry?s pronouncements.
It?s the kind of fundamental difference that I?m afraid can never really be bridged, much like that between pro-choicers and pro-lifers.
It?s going to take another attack for it to perhaps change, but even then, the left and many of the Dems have an out – that Bush obviously put us in greater danger. They?ve already set up the theorem, they?re just waiting for the proof. A little attack, say a mall bombing, would do just fine. If it?s in a Red State, that actually might be better. That might ?wake people up? to the real danger to life on Earth.
They?ve seen that their constituents can absorb a 9/11-style attack, and they?ve seen that the victims of such attacks become even more resolute in their hatred of George Bush and Republicans.
If I?m a terrorist, feeling all bummed by my comrades getting greased along the Euphrates, I?m really trying to find a silver lining. Fortunately, the infidels are cooperating:
— I now no longer need fear any kind of physical coercion; the Dems have basically put me in the same position as Nigel Tufnel?s guitar: It?s never been played. Don?t touch it. Don?t even point. Don?t even look at it.
— As a potential martyr, I know I won?t need to comply with a treaty I never signed; I won?t be incarcerated for much more than a fortnight; I won?t be returned to my country of origin; and I won?t be placed in some allahforsaken Caribbean gulag where they pee within 20 feet of my plastic-encased Koran.
— I also know that if the kufr find my Blackberry, they can?t really do much about checking on my contacts at Harvard and Georgetown. I?ll lose my speed dial to Ahmenedijad (sp?) and Dana Milbank?s (or is it Dana Priest?s?) e-mail address, but I can always rebuild my contacts list.
It?s great. I get all the benefits of being an American citizen and still get to plot its violent demise.
Once these retards figure out the fact that what Bush did was perfectly legal:
50 USC 1802:
(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year[…]
Will these same jackasses be screaming for a criminal investigation into the leak of a operation that helped PROTECT our country? I think not.
Will these same jackasses be screaming for a criminal investigation into the leak of a operation that helped PROTECT our country? I think not.

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Mike’s America
A Victory Strategy for Al Queda?
A veritable stew of disgust over the only plan the Defeaticrats have thus far put forward: “A Victory Strategy for Al Queda.”
Flopping Aces presents the comments from a reader at Protein Wisdom, matched with the clear outrage of My Vast Right Wing…