This will be my second live blog post, my first being the Oklahoma Bomber some months back. Probably not much to blog about except the finale “HE’S DEAD”! comment but hey, better then watching reruns of “Friends”.
1653hrs – Please check out the John & Ken show broadcasting live at San Quentin, lots of funny interviews with the protestors.
1657hrs – Last appeal:
Hours after California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger denied clemency Monday for convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams, lawyers for the Crips street gang co-founder filed a last-ditch appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court for a stay of execution.
1658hrs – John & Ken are now yelling at Jessie Jackson “what are the names of the victims?” and he doesn’t know. Jessie just said “what does it matter?”
1700hrs – Jesse Jackson just said “I don’t want to deal with that tonight” when asked by John & Ken what the names of the victims are.
1705hrs – Albert Owens

1730hrs – Jesse Jackson’s (the man of peace) bodyguards broke John Ziegler’s microphone when he asked him what the names of the victims are. Guess he doesn’t like that question.
1740hrs – Lawanda Hawkins on CNN: “My son was killed by Crips, no clemency for Williams! where are the protestors for the victims?”
1741hrs – Jesse Jackson is apparently trying to get on the witness list for the execution
1743hrs – How much you wanna bet Tookie will be dragged to his death screaming and crying? It’s all fine while he has been sitting on his ass in a cell but not anymore.
1747hrs – John & Ken just yelled at Mike Farrell and asked what the names of the victims are, when Mike kept walking they yelled are you a fraud like Jesse? These guys are great.
1810hrs – Here is the audio of them yelling at Mike Farrell
1817hrs –

1823hrs – Jesse Jackson just said that there is no evidence Tookie killed the 4 victims.
1828hrs – The Supreme Court has just denied Tookie’s last appeal plus Schwarzenegger has denied his request for a stay…..ITS OVER!
1829hrs – Gonna go eat, be back in a bit.
1922hrs – Listen to this protestor here. She feels Tookie did the crime but shouldn’t die but Scott Peterson should since she doesn’t like him…..huh?
1926hrs – Here is another great one where the protestor states us whites are lynching blacks.
1932hrs – And another one calling the interview violent but hey, that lady getting a shotgun blast to her face wasn’t violent.
1941hrs – A bunch of pro-Tookie supporters are now preventing John Ziegler from interviewing protestors, that’s free speech for the liberal crowd.
1946hrs – Here is a segment where John Ziegler is trying to get away from these “free speech” advocates who prevent him from interviewing the wackjobs.
1953hrs – John Ziegler is now reporting that the one person who was for Tookie being executed was physically pushed away from the protest, they are now screaming at John. Classic example of the liberal idiots.
1956hrs – Oh I love this, they are now chanting “legal lynching is a crime, Ziegler should be doing time”.
2001hrs – Here is the audio which is a perfect example of what happens when liberals & victocrats have no intellectual honesty. When confronted with facts and a valid argument they resort to chanting, yelling, & name calling.
2152hrs – Gonna go watch a movie since I’m off tomorrow, will be back in a few hours for the final countdown.
2346hrs – I’m back. 15 min’s and counting!
2352hrs – I have my shot of tequila ready to toast at 0001hrs to honor the memory the 4 that were killed by Tookie and their families.
2358hrs – A few minutes left until justice is done.
0001hrs – And it’s started!
0012hrs – Live feed here:
0015hrs – Just realized that this is the anniversary of Saddam being pulled out of his hole, how fitting.
0030hrs – Waiting for the announcement of his death.
0038hrs – Still no ETA on his death.
0040hrs – Tookie is now dead, officially announced.
0052hrs – Watching the press conference now. Execution began at 0022hr and was over at 0035hrs. One of the reporters stated Tookie’s supporters raised their fists in a black power salute and then on the way out they yelled “the State of California has just killed a innocent man” at which point one of the family members of Albert Owens began crying. Disgusting act in the death chamber.
0054hrs – Next group of reporters is coming up now.
0104hrs – One of the reporters just stated that it appeared Tookie was trying to intimidate the reporters when he gave a stare at the reporters.
0112hrs – The whole group of reporters just stated that it appeared Tookie was defiant to the bitter end. He was trying to intimidate the room from the beginning.
0122hrs – Some idiot just asked the reporters that because it took 12 minutes to find the vein in the scumbags left arm would that provide any fodder for the opponents to the lethal injection. All the reporters said, “not that we could answer” and then left.
0124hrs – Warden just stated he refused a spiritual advisor.
0130hrs – Here is the complete audio of the after execution interviews with the witnesses.
0133hrs – And with that, I’m going to bed. Justice has been done and my sympathies to the families of those who were killed by this evil man.

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I understand, Curt. And you are right, the idiots who supported Tookie deserve ridicule, for he was an evil man.
Tom, that is exactly the reason I felt the need to post so much about his execution. To counter these idiots who come out in force for a evil man but will not a damn thing for people that really deserve their sympathy.
PS – Love the song Mike.
I will never understand how our celebrities could ever back an animal like Tookie. I can only hope his death will ease the pain of his victims families.
Thank you Curt, from my sisters and I for your understanding.
Forgive me for saying this but, its individuals like yourself. The uneducated, impoverished, and uninformed that truly propagate pseudo-racism in our culture. Regardless of your race, you should be ashamed of yourself for stooping to level of “STUPID” to make your statement; “Live tookie live” . Creativity obviously isn’t one of your strong points.
TOOKIE COUNTDOWN at the time of this post:
1 Hours 21 Minutes and 20 Seconds
live tookie live
see if u print this
that female “ringleader” the wackjobs are following at that protest is a complete moron, no wonder the mindless sheep are so mindless