Very sad story out of Atlanta but one that also shows why it’s important to fight for our right to bear arms, to kill scum like this: (h/t Red State Rant)
ACWORTH — A carjacking suspect who was shot dead after an automobile accident that killed his alleged victim had been previously convicted of sex crimes and is also suspected in a rape that took place in the area last week, authorities said.
But despite having been convicted of child molestation and statutory rape, Brian O’Neil Clark, 25, is not listed in the state’s database for sex offenders and state officials could not explain why.
Kimberly Boyd, 30, was kidnapped at gunpoint Monday morning, police said. She died when Clark, who was driving Boyd’s sport utility vehicle, turned into the path of a cement truck, causing a collision.
Investigators also say Boyd had been shot as she struggled with her abductor. The coroner did not detail the extent of her wound, but police believe she was alive when the cement truck hit her Toyota Sequoia.
As Clark was fleeing that accident, he was shot dead by motorist Shawn Roberts, who had seen Boyd and Clark struggling and followed them. Cobb County police Lt. Kevin Flynn said Tuesday that Roberts was cooperating and appeared to have acted lawfully.
Roberts said he believes killing Clark probably saved more lives.
Meanwhile, police said Clark fits the description of a man who raped and carjacked an Acworth woman last week.
“Further evidence has been confirmed linking Clark to the rape,” Acworth police officer Wayne Dennard said. “However, DNA results from the GBI Crime Lab confirming he is last week’s attacker will not be available for some time.”
In the Sept. 6 attack, a man confronted the victim as she walked out onto her front porch. He forced her back into the house, raped her and then made her drive to withdraw money from an ATM, Dennard said. Instead, the woman ran inside the bank and the man drove off in her car.
A gun recovered at Monday’s crime scene may have been taken in last week’s attack, Dennard said.
Clark had a history of criminal offenses, according to police and court records.
In April 2002, he was arrested in Illinois and returned to Georgia to face child molestation, statutory rape and burglary charges in Cobb County, where he received an 18-month sentence, jail records show. In Cherokee County, he was convicted in 2004 of first-degree forgery and released June 13 after a year in prison.
Clark was placed on the sexual offenders database operated by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation after his conviction in Cobb County, GBI spokesman John Bankhead said. But he was removed from the list while serving time for the forgery conviction. He should have been added after his release three months ago, Bankhead said.
“It’s very peculiar that he isn’t” on the list, Bankhead said Tuesday. “We’re investigating to find out why.”
It appears the victim was shot to death after the accident but at least this scum was shot and killed by someone who wouldn’t look away. Good job Shawn Roberts.

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