Italian Idiots – Update XII

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What a perfect venue for the queen idiot herself Giuliana Sgrena to accuse our military of Lying. Which venue you might ask? 60 Minutes Wednesday, Dan Rather’s alma mater:

Journalist and former hostage Giuliana Sgrena says that the American military is lying about the shooting at a security checkpoint in Iraq that wounded her and killed an Italian intelligence officer.

Days before the Pentagon is expected to release the results of its investigation into what happened at the checkpoint, Sgrena tells Correspondent Scott Pelley that shortly after her release by insurgents, American soldiers in Baghdad opened fire on her car without any warning.

Even better there appears to be a disgruntled former military officer who agreed to talk shit about our military:

A former U.S. Marine captain who led an elite combat unit in Iraq says that encounters at military checkpoints are often confusing, sometimes with tragic results.

“The hand and arm signals are hard to see; they’re hard to interpret,” says Nathaniel Fick. “The warning shots are difficult to see…almost impossible to hear in a speeding car at a long distance and the warning shot into the engine block is…Hollywood fantasy most of the time.”

After struggling with the Pentagon’s checkpoint procedures, Fick tells Pelley that he improvised a solution; he stole a traffic sign. “At every checkpoint we set up after that, we put the stop sign down the road near the wire and it was hugely successful,” he says.

Fick tells Pelley he had to make quick decisions about cars that were speeding toward his checkpoints. “You’ve got four seconds,” he says. “They’re snap judgments…You make these decisions and you hope at the end that you’ve made more right than wrong.”

Fick remembers his Marines killed one driver who seemed to be charging their checkpoint. “We determined that there were no bombs in the car, no weapons in the car and the other men in the car said that they didn’t know why they’d charged at us,” says Fick. “They were scared and disoriented and confused. … In hindsight, was it a mistake? I think it was.”