Dan Rather Sacked

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As most of the Blogs have been reporting, Dan Rather has finally been sacked.

“Dan Rather, embattled anchor of the “CBS Evening News,” announced Tuesday that he will step down in March, on the 24th anniversary of taking over the job from Walter Cronkite.

The veteran anchor has been under fire in recent months for his role in a “60 Minutes Wednesday” story that questioned President Bush’s service in the National Guard, which turned out to based on allegedly forged documents.

Rather, 73, said he will continue to work for CBS, as a correspondent for both editions of “60 Minutes.””

This of course is great news, worthy of a huge party with naked women and party hats but…..

He is just the talking head of a institutionalized problem. If anyone really believes with this flying monkey’s ass gone that things will change then let me slap you silly for a minute. It’s great news that he is having to pay for his misdeed but all the same heads of the networks are there with all the same goals, and we all know what their goals are.

Mr. Van der Leun over at American Digest has such a well written and thought out paragraph that I had to steal it. No way I could match his writing.

“The main stream media is not the way it is because of this or that individual at this or that company, but because all those who make their livings in it, and who draw their identities from it, have long ago thrown away any elements of their character that would set them apart and inhibit their advancement. Those that have done so and prospered are careful to vet the young that are allowed entry for a carefully monitored and calibrated set of attitudes. Those that do not exhibit the correct head set never get to the first interview. Those that do almost all have a recommendation in order to elevate their resumes out of the slush pile. It helps to go to the right school, but it helps more to have the right parents with the right connections. This isn’t unusual or even wrong, but it is a fact.”

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