The White House Disinformation Campaign on Libya


The narrative is unraveling for the Obama administration.

The depth of the deceit and cover up for political purposes should in itself lose the election for Obama. But it probably won’t.

This complilation by The Heritage Foundation lays out the timeline of the deceit:

(h/t Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion)


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The disinformation is presently pouring out of right-wing propaganda sources, such as the one that put together the above video. It’s a politically motivated effort to create a scandal in the run-up to the election.

There was no White House cover-up. There was incorrect assessment of what happened in Benghazi, based upon initial information that subsequently turned out to be incorrect.

The House investigation, orchestrated by Darrel Issa, is nothing more than another politically motivated dog and pony show calculated to further that strategy. It might be useful to bear in mind that the majority party conducting the investigation is the same one that has attempted to cut the State Department’s security budget by nearly half a billion dollars.

From Budget cuts: Will Panetta come to diplomacy’s defense?, Federal Times, September 11, 2011 (Exactly one year before the Benghazi embassy attack):

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, having testified in recent years about why her budget needs to expand, was forced to argue this year against drastic cuts. The House has laid out plans to cut her budget by 43 percent. The danger is that the structure of the debt deal, including her budget and Panetta’s, plus those of the Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs departments in a single security category, will threaten her budget even more.

I’m beginning to genuinely detest the entire lying, politically opportunistic pack of House republican weasels.


Let’s see, what where we told by Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, Jay Carney and Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.?

Well, they said the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was a “spontaneous” protest over a hateful, vile (yes, Hillary used the word “vile”) internet video.

Nevermind that Charlene R. Lamb, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Progress, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, U.S. State Department (she works for Hillary) just said that they were monitoring the Benghazi consulate that very night on video and that at 8:30 the streets in Benghazi were clear. NO PROTESTS.

Now, the State Department is saying “Ooops, we never said it was a spontanous protest over a vile internet video. We said from the beginning it was a pre-planned terrorist attack.”

Don’t choke on that Koolaid, Greg.

No Kool-Ade is being consumed over here.

It’s apparently being knocked back by the quart among Romney supporters. The guy has now reversed himself on virtually every position he has identified himself with over the past 6 months.

A few hours ago, for example, he announced that there’s no anti-abortion legislation that he would consider to be part of his agenda.

The guy is a complete chameleon. He’s whatever people want him to be.


Greg, concentrate. This is not about Romney. This is about the Administration, and it’s Secretary of State, denying the Libyan Ambassador the security it requested and now four Americans are dead because of it.

You cannot even address what is the topic because if you do, you know that any words you present you are going to have to eat. Libya is completely a failure of this Administration and to try to spin it any other way only shows you have no concern about dead Americans as long as you can try to make Obama’s opponent look bad.

Shame on you.

So how do we reconcile House republicans’ sudden overwhelming concern about diplomatic security with their recent efforts to slash the State Department’s budget by 43 percent?

Greg: There was no White House cover-up. There was incorrect assessment of what happened in Benghazi, based upon initial information that subsequently turned out to be incorrect.


No Kool-Ade is being consumed over here.

Maybe you’re not drinking “kool-aid” (I so hate that tired expression…), but you may want to check your belly for damage after swallowing that hook, line and sinker.

Before you go out on a thin sapling, and definitively state there is no cover up, and that it was just mistaken intel, a few facts need to be acknowledged. Eli Lake, at the Daily Beast, has been doing some of the best reporting on Benghazi. And what we do know is that in the hours after the consulate attack, there were communication intercepts between Ansar al-Sharia and AQIM (al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)…. in which the former was bragging about their success.

As reported by both Eli, in the link above, and even by MSNBC, the intel in the possession of the CIA indicated that the attack was, indeed, a plan by AQ affiliated militants, but that they had only decided to go ahead with it after watching the uprising in Cairo.

From Eli Lake, discussing how the CIA decided to construct their talking points from the intel:

The intelligence that helped inform those talking points—and what the U.S. public would ultimately be told—came in part from an intercept of a phone call between one of the alleged attackers and a middle manager from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), the group’s north African affiliate, according to U.S. officials familiar with the intercept. In the call, the alleged attacker said the locals went forward with the attack only after watching the riots that same day at the U.S. embassy in Cairo.

The MSNBC version:


The stream of intelligence flowing into Washington within hours of the Benghazi attacks contained data from communications intercepts and U.S. informants, which were then fashioned into polished initial assessments for policymakers.

Officials familiar with them said they contained evidence that members of a militant faction, Ansar al-Sharia, as well as al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, were involved in the assaults.

The report did not allege the attacks were a reaction to the anti-Muslim film, but acknowledged it was possible that the attackers sought to use an outbreak of violence in Cairo over the film, which insulted the Prophet Mohammad, as a pretext for attacks.

One official said initial reporting suggested militants had begun planning attacks on U.S. targets in Benghazi before September 11, but may well have decided to use the protests as a pretext for moving forward that day.

The CIA is overseen by both Congress and the Executive branch. In the latter, they report to the National Security Council, which includes the POTUS, the Veep, the SOS and the Defense Secretary.

So… we have the intel intercept that the attack was a plan that they decided to implement during the protests, possibly as cover or as an excuse.

This means one side is in error when they state the film is totally irrelevant, and the other side is in error with the claims the film is solely responsible. The fact is, it is both… a preplanned event that was given the green light under the cover of chaos.

Where’s the cover up? Greg, the CIA reports directly to Obama and Hillary. Who chooses how to construct the public talking points for this intel? Would Petraeus hold back intel and counsel from Hillary and Obama, and issue talking points without their guidance? Don’t think so. Especially with what we know of Petraeus. He’d be more likely to announce from the start that it was an act of terrorism, with details to come later.

Thus the reason you hear the criticism of intel being “cherry picked”. Obama, Hillary and peers decided to seize upon the green light of the film protest, and totally discard the confirmation that there was a planned attack on the shelf, ready to go.

And why would they leave out facts about a planned, AQ affiliated planned attack on Sept 11th? Political inconvenience during an election year. You can’t be touting that AQ is gasping for breath, or that the US is on top of terror attacks when the US just got successfully nailed on the 11th anniversary of Sept 11th.

This admin hasn’t thwarted squat. Fort Hood happened, despite warning signs. The Times Square and Christmas bomber? All stopped by alert citizens.

What is apparent is that the film was not only an excuse for Muslim protests, attacks and violence against US interests in over 40 nations, plus for Ansar al-Sharia, but for this WH administration as well. Each for their own, carefully crafted reasons.

Obama will, however, attempt to lay the blame for the talking points on the CIA. His lackeys are attempting that today, hoping that Petraeus will play the scapegoat. Hillary has no out. Which brings me to your comment:

So how do we reconcile House republicans’ sudden overwhelming concern about diplomatic security with their recent efforts to slash the State Department’s budget by 43 percent?

Quite simple. You cut the unneeded dead weight and non performers in the administrative positions. They are enjoying a robust budget now, and they are still ineffectual and dangerous idiots that refused to supply the needed security for a consulate in a hotbed area of militants that housed intel. There’s no way Hillary can escape her culpability here. She’s toast for any future political office. The only question is, will Obama kick her to the curb before the election to offset his own culpability?

What should be painfully obvious is that with a full budget, and plenty of staff, they are blundering idiots. Streamlining for efficiency, including the rolling of heads, is in order.


Well, Greg, unfortunately you are going to spin the deaths of four Americans by slamming Republicans, except……………………we have no budget, have not had a budget in three years so the budget for the State Department is not being cut by anyone.

‘Way back in 2009 Obama signed a same-sex order that forced the State Department to give same-sex partners favored standing in getting employment of their significant others at embassies.
Hillary complied with this order by issuing a new job description qualification standard.
The world has over 57 Islamic countries where homosexuality between adults is frowned upon, often criminalized, sometimes even to the point of the death penalty.
BUT Hillary still put these new, improved job descriptions into Arabic in every Islamic country where our embassies exist.
It just so happened that Ambassador Stevens was a homosexual.
Did he have a significant other on his payroll as security?
His significant other would have had preferential treatment had he applied for the job.

How could this NOT lead to anger among Islamists inside a Muslim land?

@Greg: Greg Greg Greg, please answer this question. If the Administration didn’t have the intelligence to be certain that what happened was terrorism, please provide the intelligence to support it was a negative reaction to the video. It would appear that they where certain it was if you go back and look at the comments from Rice, Hillary, and 0-blama. Can’t have it both ways and be consistent. I will await the proof. My proof is that the people on the ground at the time said that all was quiet before the attack and there where NO riots!!

@Greg: They have always been concerned Greg, Democrats have always been the Party of cutbacks to our national security!! Let me help, it was the Administrations responsibility to see that our security at all embassies and consulants are secure not the Republicans in the House. Prove me wrong. Please point out where the 0-blama or his administration have stated they do not have enough resources to accomplish this task. I will await your proof.

@Greg: Greg, what about 0-blama’s lies as President?? Cut the deficit in half, unemployment below 6%, close Gittmo, affordable health care, and a transparent administration.

@Greg: Greg, please provide the budget that Democrats or 0-blama has proposed and where Republicans have cut national security by 43%. I am calling you a liar now prove me wrong!!

And how, Greg, do you explain the $105,000 charging station sent to Vienna while the additional forces were denied to Benghazi?
The military responsible for security have testified that their requests for additional forces were denied. They further testified that their warnings about worrisome developments were ignored.
What ever happened to “provide for the common defense”?
Now the task of the military is to make Islam look good.