The Moment Tara Reader Alleges Joey “Fingers” Biden Forcibly Penetrated Her, Biden’s Senior Advisor Deletes All Her Tweets About Brett Kavanaugh (and Believing All Women)


Via Ace:

The media continues to protect a Senile Rapist from scrutiny.

And yes, per many states’ rape codes, forcible digital penetration would be considered rape.

Credibly accused of rape, but the Believe All Women refuses to even interview his accuser.


On September 14, 2018, The New York Times reported the existence of an unverified sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The story cited three people who had read a letter sent by the accuser–Christine Blasey Ford–to Sen. Diane Feinstein (D – Calif.). Ford was not interviewed for the story; indeed, she wasn’t named.

Unconfirmed reports of a teenaged Kavanaugh assaulting a teenaged Ford evidently merited coverage from The Times. This prompts an obvious question: Why is the paper of record now declining to publicize a very troubling allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden?

The Times is hardly alone in this regard. The mainstream media have remained bafflingly silent about Tara Reade, a former member of then-Senator Biden’s staff who claims that he sexually assaulted her in 1993. Reade’s name has only appeared twice in The Washington Post, and both were quick asides: A news roundup from April of last year briefly acknowledged an earlier, milder version of Reade’s accusation, and a recent rapid-fire Q&A asked a Post political reporter to weigh-in on the political ramifications “of the Tara Reade bombshell.” (The nature of the bombshell is not described.)

And while the coronavirus pandemic is obviously dominating news coverage, CNN has made plenty of time for Biden. Chris Cillizza is still ranking Biden’s potential veep choices, and the network conducted a virtual townhall event with the candidate last Friday. Reade’s name didn’t come u

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Obviously, among Democrats rape is appropriate behavior.

Tabloid trash. There’s nothing remotely credible about Tara Reader’s allegations. This sort of story is only possible because the distinction between truth and lies has been methodically eroded. There actually is a fundamental difference. Anyone who has respect for their own intelligence and moral standards will do everything in their power to distinguish between the two.


Tabloid trash. There’s nothing remotely credible about Tara Reader’s allegations.

How do you know? By YOUR very own new and improved rules of justice, it is now BIDEN’S task to prove himself innocent because by the very virtue of an accusation, he is GUILTY. That was precisely how you viewed the Kavanaugh lynching.

The only difference here and in Kavanaugh’s case is that here, a Democrat is the target. Don’t make rules you can’t follow yourself. Biden is a rapist until and unless he can PROVE he isn’t. When you figure out how a person does that, you be sure to let the world know.


Tabloid trash. There’s nothing remotely credible about Tara Reader’s allegations.

But there is about Christine Blasey Ford’s?

Payback’s a bitch.

This sort of story is only possible because the distinction between truth and lies has been methodically eroded. There actually is a fundamental difference. Anyone who has respect for their own intelligence and moral standards will do everything in their power to distinguish between the two.

This sort of story is possible because that gradual distortion has come about primarily because of the Dem party and their media.

You idiots made “rape” allegations into a political tool, and now you are going to suck it, balls deep.

She’s a Democrat.
Makes me wonder if this isn’t part of the planned exit strategy for Joe Biden.
No one thinks he can win.

@Nan G: So then…*hears slow cackling laughter in the distance…*

…they are going to run Emperor Palpatine after all!

The point is that people come out of the woodwork with unsubstantiated claims for political points. Same goes for Biden’s accuser. I despise “China Joe” but did the accuser present any evidence that would hold up in court?

@Deplorable Me, #4:

How do you know?

From the timing. Biden has had a very long and well-documented public career, with few if any credible indications of sexual impropriety or scandal. Newspapers that thrive on this sort of stuff generally found Biden and his family’s conventional personalities, morality, and behavior deadly dull. The exception, of course, has been the National Enquirer, which has a long history of using scandal mongering as a political tool as much as a source of lowbrow entertainment.

It’s also obvious from the way the stage has recently been set for character assassination. This began by mischaracterizing arguably, if not most likely, harmless behaviors and idiosyncrasies (He touched my shoulder! He smelled my hair! He stood too close and I felt uncomfortable!) to gradually arouse suspicions which could then be built upon. The present story has been rolled out and escalated a bit at a time, with increasingly graphic details gradually added that would have been immediately rejected as slander had they been presented all at once. The attacks on Biden and his family have been presented in a fashion that clearly suggests the methodical, carefully calculated manipulation of public opinion by people who have no regard whatsoever for the distinction between truth and lies.

The predictable response, of course, will be That’s exactly what the mainstream media has done to Trump! Don’t even bother. That isn’t exactly what the mainstream media has done to Trump. Trump really did hire a full-time bagman, now in prison, whose job description involved routine things like paying off porn stars and other offended women. Trump really did wander through the dressing area of teenage beauty contestants. He actually said what he said on an open microphone, and he wasn’t referring to house cats. The main tabloid attacker of Joe Biden really has been documented in court to have been a Trump tool, involved in catch-and-kill contracts to prevent salacious, politically damaging stories about Trump from becoming public knowledge.

@Greg: Biden has had a very long and well-documented public career, with few if any credible indications of sexual impropriety or scandal. ….. This began by mischaracterizing arguably, if not most likely, harmless behaviors and idiosyncrasies (He touched my shoulder! He smelled my hair! He stood too close and I felt uncomfortable!) to gradually arouse suspicions which could then be built upon.

Piling on – this time by a Democrat – about sexual irregularities might be an inoculated behavior nowadays. But Biden’s brains do seem to have fallen out.
There are so many examples it is beyond disqualifying.
Remember when, soon after major back surgery and still on painkillers, Rick Perry said we needed three things during a debate…..then he could only remember two of them
He was out before you knew it.
Biden just did that, not for the 1st time.
This time while being interviewed by MSNBC’s Brian Williams on the air.
See it here.

@Tony G:

I despise “China Joe” but did the accuser present any evidence that would hold up in court?

According to Democrats, that doesn’t make a damn bit of difference. An accusation has been made (this one actually has a face, but they CAN be totally anonymous) so Joe should drop out. That is an established Democrat rule. Even Greg here supports it (when it serves).

@Greg: Just so you know, I didn’t read your long, blah, blah, blah post. Because it doesn’t matter. Now, remember; this was YOUR RULE when Kavanaugh was accused. Someone has accused Biden. Biden needs to prove his innocence; none of that innocent until proven guilty crap. How old were the accusations against Kavanaugh? You yourself said it didn’t matter; an accusation is a guilty verdict unless the accused can prove they are innocent.

So, Biden is guilty, because he has been accused, and must now drop out. Mind you, that is the LAST thing I want, but those are YOUR rules and I have to wonder why you aren’t steadfastly standing by them.

Oh, and Biden is a corrupt thief, too.

@Deplorable Me, #10:

Just so you know, I didn’t read your long, blah, blah, blah post.

But you’ve got an opinion about it anyway. Wasn’t it you who asked the question? I thought about the question and gave an answer.

This is another character assassination smear campaign, just like the Burisma b.s. By the way, where’s Rudy, and his Big Box of Evidence?

@Greg: I have an opinion on your stated belief that once the accusation has been made, it is the accused’s responsibility to prove innocence. Do you deny you had that position explicitly concerning Kavanaugh? We argued that specifically and you were unwavering. What could possibly be different now?

What’s the deal, Greg? Can’t square your politically motivated conviction without trial or credible evidence of Kavanaugh with your instinctive defense of known-groper and corrupt extortionist Biden? You’ve gone silent all of a sudden.

@Deplorable Me, #13:

I found the stories of Kavanaugh’s drunken frat boy behavior and the witnesses who made them to be far more credible than accusations made by the National Enquirer concerning Joe Biden. One thing can be said with certainty about the allegations against Kavanaugh: somebody lied under oath about what happened. The allegations were supported by multiple witnesses—some of whom were never given an opportunity to submit sworn testimony.

But those allegations were never the basis for my opposition to Kavanaugh’s confirmation. I was—and remain—very wary of Kavanaugh’s publicly stated outlier opinions concerning presidential power, and the right of a president to defy subpoenas. I saw those as part of the developing argument that would effectively place this president—and all subsequent presidents, in any number of presently unforeseen circumstances—above the law.

To my mind, the fact that Trump was allowed to get away with this very bullshit during his subsequent impeachment proceedings fully justifies that concern.

Barr was appointed to head the DoJ for a reason; Mnuchin was appointed head of Treasury for a similar reason; the Kavanaugh appointment can be viewed as part of the same dangerous pattern, though that has yet to be clearly demonstrated. Maybe he’ll eventually surprise me.


I found the stories of Kavanaugh’s drunken frat boy behavior and the witnesses who made them to be far more credible than accusations made by the National Enquirer concerning Joe Biden.

First, the National Enquirer isn’t playing a role here; the alleged victim is. Second, you clearly pick and choose who to believe and who to vilify based solely on how it serves your politics.

Yeah, a few of the “witnesses” didn’t give sworn testimony because, well… perjury and stuff. They eventually admitted they were making it up. And Ford was caught lying at least 6 times on important details. Yet, you believe her and the others who admitted they lied because… politics.

We have video records of Biden fondling, groping, cuddling, sniffing his victims. This makes the accusation suspicious at least. But, by your criteria, we don’t even need that; there is an accusation so, automatically, there is guilt… until innocence is proven. Well, for Republicans anyway. Because… politics.

But those allegations were never the basis for my opposition to Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Oh, trust me, no one had that misconception. It was merely a means to an end. He was going to be confirmed, probably, so you went along with using lies to try and destroy his life, career and confirmation. No one doubts you wanted more liberals to make liberal, political decisions on the bench instead of following the Constitution. Making up rape accusations is just one of the tactics you slimy liberals utilize.

Destroying people that are in the way for fun and profit. The Democrat Party Way.

Trump has nothing to do with using false accusations to try and eliminate political opponents except that he is often the target of them.

Keep in mind, this is more than likely a DEMOCRAT operation. This is BERNIE. If it were Republicans, it would have been better to wait until Biden was the candidate, not assist Bernie.

Nice party ya got there, Scooter.

@Deplorable Me, #15:

First, the National Enquirer isn’t playing a role here

Of course it is. The National Enquirer has long been the main purveyor of tabloid gossip and rumor concerning the Bidens. The National Enquirer set the stage for the current round of attacks.

No one doubts you wanted more liberals to make liberal, political decisions on the bench instead of following the Constitution. Making up rape accusations is just one of the tactics you slimy liberals utilize.

Opposing Kavanaugh wasn’t a matter of wanting more liberals, but a matter of wanting a Supreme Court free of extremist views. The Constitution does not endorse the concept of a president above the law and protected from checks and balances.

There is, of course, the question of lying under oath. But we’re becoming accustomed to ignoring the fact we’re being constantly lied to. Getting away with public false statements is gradually becoming the equivalent of truthfulness and honesty; not getting caught is becoming the equivalent of doing nothing wrong. Trump is our shining example of all of that. Those who challenge this change are targeted for personal defamation and character assassination.

Trump has nothing to do with using false accusations to try and eliminate political opponents except that he is often the target of them.

If a lie it told often enough it may come to be believed by many people, but it still isn’t the truth. False accusation is a fundamental part—and the single most consistently used part—of Trump’s political modus operandi. That is a demonstrable fact. Just look at what he has done to anyone who has gotten in his way, be they republican or democrat. Putting them through a shredder with a barrage of lies, false accusations, insults, and personal character attacks is the norm.

@Deplorable Me: Sorry, but you can’t blame a former Biden staffer accusing him of raping her on the National Enquirer. If that’s your best shot, you’d best give up. It’s pathetic. Don’t blame the National Enquirer; blame the DNC. Blame Bernie.

AGAIN, your version of justice requires the accused to prove they are innocent; aside from Biden being a Democrat, what is different here? Ford had not one shred of evidence to support her accusations, she couldn’t remember when or where it happened, any time she provided a detail, it was debunked and even the “witnesses” she cited disagreed with her. Yet you found THAT credible. So, what’s the difference now… except for the politics?

You’re wrong; you can repeat the same lie as many times as you want, but I ain’t believing it.

By the way, remember John Edwards? Who broke THAT story, which was totally accurate?