by Don Surber
John Nolte reported, “Joe Biden’s campaign chairwoman, Jen O’Malley Dillon, has already conceded Florida’s 30 electoral votes to former President Donald Trump.
“During a podcast interview with the far-left Puck, she was asked if the campaign considered Florida a legitimate battleground state His Fraudulency would contest in the coming months. Her answer was a flat, No.”
The woman’s statement makes sense. Why blow resources on a state Democrats cannot win.
Trump has carried the state twice. He made DeSantis governor in 2018, outcampaigning BO in the general election. In 2020, Democrats still led Republicans in voter registration since the state joined the union in 1845.
Today, Republicans lead Democrats by a million voters.
Mary Ellen Klas is a media expert on Florida politics. A former capital bureau chief for the Miami Herald, she has covered politics and government for more than three decades.
So what did she write in her new gig as a columnist for Bloomberg?
“Trump Could Actually Lose Florida. Here’s Why.
“After two years of Governor Ron DeSantis pushing his extremist agenda, there’s a case to be made that voters have had enough of the Republican Party’s obsession with culture wars.”
DeSantis carried the state by 19 points in his re-election run in 2022 after he signed into law the Don’t Say Gay To Kindergarteners bill and took on Disney (the state’s largest employer) and won.
Nevertheless, she persisted:
Could the odds be in Democrats’ favor in 2024? Few pundits consider Florida a true swing state. But after two years of Governor Ron DeSantis pushing his extremist agenda, including one of the toughest abortion bans in the country, and policies curtailing the teaching of Black history and gender identity, there’s a case to be made that Florida voters have had enough of the Republican Party’s obsession with culture wars. That may pay off for Democrats at the ballot box.
A recent Fox News poll found, for example, that DeSantis and Republicans are widely out of sync with voters’ views on abortion. According to the poll, 69% of those surveyed said they support an amendment to the state’s constitution that would establish the right to an abortion up until fetal viability, or to protect the patient’s health. It’s a resounding rejection of the six-week ban rammed into law by DeSantis and the Republican-dominated legislature last year.
DeSantis’ popularity also has plummeted since his failed presidential campaign. An April Morning Consult poll found the governor had a disapproval rating of 44%, one of the highest of any state leader in the nation.
And Florida legislators this year abandoned several bills sought by party officials — from prohibiting cities from removing Confederate monuments or putting up Pride flags to requiring driver licenses to display a person’s gender at birth. In a rare gesture of rebellion, Senate President Kathleen Passidomo declared: “Our bill process is not the Republican Party of Florida.”
Florida voters, many of them transplants from other places, are traditionally independent thinkers. They have a long history of splitting their ballots between personality politics and issue-oriented policies. In the last 20 years, voters have repeatedly elected conservative Republicans for governor while also voting for liberal-leaning constitutional amendments that raised the minimum wage, provided for environmental conservation, limited class size, legalized medical marijuana and banned oil drilling.
Klas cited the 1992 presidential election in which Democrats held a huge voter registration lead and Bush 41 carried the state.
She failed to note that despite a huge voter registration disadvantage, Republicans had won Florida in 9 of the previous 11 presidential elections from 1952 to 1988 — and 1992 was part of a 40-state landslide for Bush 41.
Hers is wishful thinking, something I try to guard against. Today’s journalists seek no such guard as they push their agenda.
I will give another example. For years, journalists have insisted that even though Nazis were socialists, they are part of what Hillary called the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
But now that the communist left is openly anti-Semitic in its support of Hamas, the press defends it.
The New York Slimes w as happy to use the work GUILTY on their Headline on their daily rags about Trump then watch as their Readers and Subscribers decline
“Journalists” would be an almost criminal stretch of the term, but leftists would be wise to be in a panic. They are failures, they have brought nothing but disaster, misery and tragedy to the US taxpayers. They have absolutely NOTHING the patriotic, nation-loving normal person wants and it is coming home to roost. They will, as rat-faced Schumer has said, reap the whirlwind. Only election fraud can possibly save them.