Biden’s New Assistant AG for Civil Rights Claims that Black People Are “Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually Superior” to White People, Due To Their Magic Melanin


by Ace

No big deal, but the Assistant Attorney General for “Civil Rights” is a proud and virulent racist.

These are the moderate, centrist Democrats Conservative, Inc. fought to put in office.

You know, I’ve seen Conservative, Inc.

They’re very, very white. They’re almost embarrassingly white.

But they’ve joined with their #Woke friends on the left to declare that white people should be actively discriminated against.

I assume that’s with the assumption that people “in their class” will be excepted.

Which is the reason why phantom-white CNN is so gungho for anti-white measures. Those rich bitches know that there’s a secret wink-wink agreement guaranteeing that Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper will never have to give up their jobs to a candidate from a historically oppressed minority group.

Those sorts of punitive Jim Crow measures are reserved for the “bad whites.” You know, the whites who didn’t inherit $200 million from a Vanderbilt.

So: Even as Joe Biden says he’s going to “Unite America,” he announces that he will prioritize every racial group for aid… except the one.

“Our focus will be on small businesses on Main Street that aren’t wealthy and well-connected, that are facing real economic hardships through not fault of their own,” Biden said in a video posted by the transition team.

“Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild.”

Moderate, centrist. Unifying.

I love being made into a racial scapegoat to keep the Marxist-Corporatist Fusion Regime united against one officially hated, official inferior race.

Meanwhile, disgusting old whore Nancy Pelosi declares that “whiteness” is violence.

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Biden has been to the Mental Ward selects someone who has been snorting funny flour up their nose their Roomates was Baxter Stockman and someone who thinks he is Napeon

Given that Biden is not the President, none of these people are legally in those positions in the first place

This guy is proof that ignorance of history leads to repeating its VERY WORST mistakes.
After Charles Darwin posited his THEORY of evolution many people like this guy rose out of their racist, muck to “build” on Darwin.
We got rid of Free Will as agnostics and atheists took charge of leading society, just like Biden wants to do today.
Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) should be studied by this guy as someone NOT to follow.
Lombroso posited that criminals could be predicted by skull shape and features.
He thought some people (Biden’s man’s white people) were simply born criminals.
The logical conclusion of Lombroso’s work was the idea of practicing eugenics, wiping out all those affected by such characteristics.
So, Biden is sowing the seeds for a race war the likes of which we haven’t seen since WWII.

Yes Dems, give this man a position near the ear of the US president.
No amount of pretending history didn’t happen will prevent the disaster you will wrought doing this.
And Biden is STILL just a place holder for Kamala.

Racism is always interchangeable with stupidity. Well… hear ya go.

I wonder, will she make us whiteys were a yellow “W” when we are sent to the ghettos? Maybe one day, when the left gets over their glee at seeing the police state come to fruition, they will open their eyes and realize how stupid they have been and are.

What a maroon! I attended a program at Howard “University” some years ago. The speaker claimed that all Greek mathematics was due to blacks from Egypt. That is how Thales and Pythagoras did their work. There were no archaeological details available, nor was there information on how stuff was communicated. It is like the whole Shakespeare thing. Shakespeare did not write his plays. Pythagoras did not start his school. Thales made no discoveries. Euclid was secretly black. No buildings or public works were presented as proof. No advances in medicine were shown, except for Galen, another secret black. It is amazing how many melanin-deficient blacks are now being discovered. Bill Clinton was the first. Jo-Sup By-Den San is the second.
Just look at the Renaissance. All those secret blacks. Galileo, Newton, Leibniz, Kant, Rousseau, Pascal, Hilbert–blacks, all of them. And they never knew!

We have witnessed thetruth of this theory, look at the great African countries led by great Black leadership.
The huge advances in South Africa after they gained power.

I heard sickle-cell gives you xray vision!