The Great Seducers


Dominique Strauss-Kahn, AKA The Great Seducer

The secret is not so well kept, there are women who are attracted to men in power. The drive is probably biological, so we need not be too hard on these pathetic weaklings who feed the egos of hedonists by compromising their bodies and their self-respect. At least, there is a measure of consent at some point. In the end, a woman feels empowered and a man feels the hubris of Caesar as he spread his seed over ancient Europe. Eventually, there is the realization that they have betrayed the trust of those who believed in them, but more importantly, they have betrayed themselves to trade integrity and dignity for a few moments of lust.

If you know a man who has served in Washington, well enough for him to trust you, he will tell you about the young women who are political groupies and throw themselves at men of power, who would otherwise be all alone in a two dollar brothel with a twenty dollar bill in their hand. Their indiscretions cause pain and misery that is self-inflicted among both groupies and politicians without bias and we do well to pity them rather than scorn them.

Unfortunately, as sexual fantasies and egos among men of power are allowed to grow and be enriched with the fawning of young females, the male psyche, particularly that of the Socialist Elite, becomes malignant with feelings of power and entitlement.

A few months ago, we endured the self-assured image of Al Gore assaulting a massage therapist for sexual gratification. The story of the international humanitarian, who is overly concerned with the welfare of people and of the earth, but is unconcerned with the health of one woman when he feels the need to have his ashes hauled is not considered newsworthy by the Socialist Media. Still the picture of the entitled leader who has dominance over women is one that Socialists have a hard time explaining; after all, the woman toiled among those for whom the Elites dedicate their lives and they should be willing to recognize the needs of Elites and be willing to sacrifice for the good of the cause.

The stories of Hillary’s husband are too numerous to mention, but his sense of entitlement includes the feminine charms on display around him and they are obviously there to be enjoyed. He is an Elite who is more than willing to share his noble seed with women, whether they are willing or not, such is his sense of dedication and generosity to those less fortunate who are or will be beneath him.

Now, we are once again exposed to the selfless generosity of the Socialist head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who was thoughtful enough to give the maid, at a $3,000 night hotel, the chance to partake in his glory and to know the seed of modern day royalty. Unfortunately, the maid was unaware of the Socialist Entitlement benefits that extended to her and she considered his bequeathing nothing more than rape, sodomy, and sexual assault. Now, he is in jail, without bond, over a simple misunderstanding. He was totally unaware of wrong doing, since he was on the runway in first class section of a jet headed to France, when he was arrested. Apparently, similar indiscretions in the past, where women were confused as to his generosity, have been excused by the IMF.

Strauss-Kahn is scheduled to run for President of France under the Socialist banner and the French Press is already excusing his behavior and making the assertion that his abilities far outweigh the hysterical pleadings of a common maid. From Claude Askolovitch, editor of Le Journal du Dimanche:

The affair may well be ridiculous compared with the destiny of the world, but it touches the heart of the culture of the American government and the IMF, It is less about sexual puritanism . . . than a deep horror of lies and conflict of interest.

Now there are even more extenuating circumstances that contribute to the hypocrisy. The IMF has been lecturing Greece and other states dedicated to profligacy, about the need to cut back and live according to their means. Some Europeans might find it a little odd that members of the IMF stay in $3,000 night hotels and fly first class on trans Atlantic flights are lecturing the lower classes on how to live within their means; the egalitarian mask of central planning is becoming transparent and the ugliness beneath is rooted in corruption and entitlement. Self-indulgent Greeks who were considering austerity, will now be considering default as a logical option; especially, when they consider the hypocritical behavior of those who lecture restraint.

From a high ranking French government official:

Strauss-Kahn is viewed as accomplished, smart and very capable. Because of that, the prevailing view seems to be, ‘Let’s hope this turns out to be nothing, because the IMF and the world really needs this guy to come through.

This sickness among leaders of the left is shared by the media and those who want to ignore the corruption; much like the family, who hides and protects the pedophile who preys on his own relatives. At this point, it becomes an all encompassing sickness of the Left.

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Power corrupts, and that corruption effects both the ego of the person, and corrodes their integrity. This sort of thing has wormed it’s ways from primitive tribal leaders, to the advanced leaders of today. Predatory sexuality knows no party, sex, political affiliation nor any particular level of leader. Some willingly feed the lusting hunger of those above them, while others are selected by the so-called “alpha” personality as conquests. In all cases the leader deludes even their own selves into believing that this is their right, and these narcissists fully expect their victims to submit.

Skookum, you are a man of many talents. You not only spin fascinating stories about horses and wild animals, but about human animals, too. You are absolutely right about the “hubris and sense of entitlement” in men of power. I think in the case of socialists, their urge for domination extends not only to their immediate female prey, but to all of mankind.

It is rumored that both Strauss-Kahn and Obama buy their $10,000 suits at the same “by appointment only” boutique in Beverly Hills billed as “the costliest men’s wear in the world” – Bijan on Rodeo Drive. Coincidence? I think not. Strauss-Kahn tried to rape a woman, and Obama is trying to rape America. They’re birds of a feather in my book.

Well said Skook. Over the years in military essays and during course work, I have addressed issues like this. I have labored over the motivations. One of the most difficult for me to understand was the Mỹ Lai massacre in 1968. While this is not an exact parallel to your writing Skook, I think there are many that are the same. I believe that people in power such as Lt Calley lose their reference to reality.
I work with instruments that I use to measure the concentrations of gases and airborne particulates in the atmosphere of a work place. These instruments must be calibrated at least annually with a national standard. On a daily basis, the instruments are calibrated with a local source. If there was never a requirement to revert to the national standard annually, each day my instruments could move just a fraction of an increment away from the accepted standard until my results could be very extreme. I think this happens with people. They fail to “recalibrate” on a regular basis with acceptable standards.
I actually met LT Calley while I was stationed in FT Benning. He married a local lady and worked in the family jewelry store. He was just an ordinary man. I think what happened was the continuous operations in Vietnam didn’t allow soldiers to recalibrate their behavior with acceptable standards on a regular basis. Instead of the acceptable source, they used the last operation on which to base their behavior.
I am required by ethical standards to calibrate my instruments with national standards or my work is meaningless and I do not get paid. We as a society allow the elites to continue to exhibit their behavior by allowing them special status. Our government officials are allowed special services like the Pelosi beverage bill on her flights to Denmark . We need to make them understand they must periodically “recalibrate” their behavior to standards acceptable to we the people.

Ahnold the “Inseminator” ! Hey, At least he did us a huge favor and relieved Californians of the pompous self centered Uber Lib Grey Davis!

There is a creepy connection between the desire for political power and the desire to exercise one’s sexual need on an unwilling “partner.” Somehow the power over others becomes personal power.
This is observable in the histories of many prominent political leaders.
The big question needs to be addressed: what happens in those who do NOT exercise this personal power? What is it about President Reagan that kept his pants zipped?
I think Randy has it right. One needs to be regularly re-normed or one loses sight of one’s common humanity.
This need for re-norming may account for much of our Washington follies; legislators lose touch with their constitutents to the extent that they tell them (as did Barney Frank) to go to someplace hot.
Alas for those who lose touch with reality. Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad.
I didn’t make that up.

Skooks Your timing impeccable with Arnold’s liason on this morning’s news. Picasso said “women f— power” and this is proven true not just in D.C. but in the Boardrooms,the playing fields and even the churchs of our country.
My point Skooks is this is not a left ,right socialist,conservative issue. Power corrupts.For men to use this power in ammoral ways is absolutely unacceptable regardless of party or religion and you know it occurs across the board.
John Cooper.To link Obama to Strauss-Kahn because it is “Rumored they May” buy the same suits is ASSININE.
Randy and Mathman Concur with your well written comments.

Rich– I thought you libs were supposed to be “nuanced”. Well, since apprently you’re not, I guess I’ll have to spell it out for you: Strauss-Kahn and Obama are both narcissists. Why else would they (and Ahnold, too, as it turns out) buy clothes at a boutique that advertises they sell “the costliest men’s wear in the world”?

John Cooper Nuanced I’m not.Rumors and maybes are nuanced.
BTW If a man buys expensive suits do we really care?

It’s rumored that maybe Frank Sinatra or Cary Grant might have on occasion taken their good friend Ronald Reagan to buy a suit at etc etc

Nan G. says ‘leaders of progressive left love Islam because they share in their abusive attitudes towards women” REALLY

Skooks Thanks
Strauss-Kahn sounds German??

I had often wondered why the leaders of the ”Progressive” Left loves backward Islam so very much.
This essay of yours, Skookum, helps explain one deep psychological reason: at their top levels of power, they both share in their abusive attitude toward females.
Sure the Left claims women are to be considered ”equal.”
Islam says Muslim females equal 1/4 of a male (non-Muslim females equal far less).
But both claims are just cover for what comes next: the use and abuse of females sexually.

“Strauss-Kahn,” anybody know the background of that name?

Here’s another cute little Leftist abuse of women in the name of ”the Peace Corps.”

The Peace Corps at 50: What’s a Little Rape, Murder, and Brutalization of Women Between Friends?

1000 women have been sexually assaulted while in the Peace Corps in the past decade alone.

And 23 Peace Corps volunteers have been murdered since its creation.

Deborah Gardner was murdered by fellow Peace Corps worker Dennis Priven, who turned himself in. After stabbing her – 22 times – to death. The Peace Corps reaction? Try to cover it up:

“Even after everyone knew it was Dennis, already that effort by the Peace Corps to put the blame somewhere else. And to make things go away,” says Weiss. “That impulse has seized the Peace Corps within moments of Deb’s death.”

As revolting as that is, they went one further. The Peace Corps hired, and paid for, the best defense attorney available in Tonga. Priven was found not guilty and the Peace Corps quietly shuffled him back to the United States. Where he lived freely, for decades. Working for the government. No, really:

Weiss says Priven has led a small, anonymous life since then. He’s divorced, and he recently retired after working for decades for the U.S. government.

“Twelve years after Deb’s death, he was working for Social Security,” says Weiss. “And ultimately was their top computer guy in the Brooklyn office.

Kate Puzey was 24 years old when she was brutally murdered, her throat slit, while working for the Peace Corps in 2009. Her concerns about a fellow employee were ignored, and then the subject of an attempted cover-up after her death.

Jessica Smochek was gang-raped in Bangladesh in 2004. This is how the Peace Corps gave her aid afterward; not only medical malpractice, but they blamed her. For being gang-raped (emphasis mine):

Peace Corps medical officer refused to give her a proper physical examination. Instead, the medic confiscated the former English teacher’s cellphone so that she could not alert her fellow volunteers and instructed her to tell anyone who asked about her sudden departure from the program that she was returning to the U.S. to get her wisdom teeth out.When Smochek arrived in Washington, D.C., a Peace Corps official asked her to write down everything she had done to provoke the attack.

“Shortly after I left, the country director — who never attempted to contact me after I was raped — called a meeting of several women in my former volunteer group and told them, without my permission, what had happened to me,” she said. “Then, he told them that rape was a woman’s fault and that I had caused what happened to me by being out alone after 5:00 PM. As for the other women in the group, who had been very vocal about being constantly stalked and afraid, he threatened them with administrative separation.”

Jessica was one of the courageous women who testified before Congress on Wednesday. You know, that same Congress that contains members more concerned with loss of funding than the actual women, and the violent crimes committed against them, themselves.

Commentary Magazine asks “where are the feminists?” While the hypocrisy is, as always, staggering, that’s not a question I’d bother asking. Who cares where they are? It’s clear that “feminists”, and Democrats, are not For The Women ™ and they have never been. From their embracing of Obamacare, which harms women, to their frantic scurrying to cover up the exploitation of young girls by Planned Parenthood, it is painfully apparent that the end justifies the means to them. Agendas and liberal programs mean all; actual women mean nothing. And, as always, feminist groups do not speak for women, nor should we expect nor want them to. Ever.


Psychology is a manifastation of philosophy which is a case of justification. The Socialist-Marxist-Monarchy axis is repleat with cases just like RSK; he just knows he is entitled to drop trou and demand sexual favors whenever he gets the urge. His lawyers are claiming, at his arraignment, that the maid, who is a wife and mother of a teenage girl, “she asked for it.”
Socialists-Leftist-Marxists-“Progressives”-Democrats have nothing but distain for work and workers.

“They Seek Him Here
“They Seek Him There
“They Seek Him Everywhere

“Could He Be In Heaven
“Oooh Could He Be In Hell
“Ooh La La That Ever Elusive Scarlett Pimpernal

Le blook, il’s en Rikers Island
Il mangerant boucoup les peanut butter et confecture

Merci les taxpayers de Nouvelle York

Looking at the pix with DSK’s shoes, in Rikers SumDude can get a pack of Marlboros for those shoes.

Rush spent a lot of time today discussing those super rich spoiled socialists like DMK while we at FA have already been leading the charge linking Socialists-Marxists with royalist attitude aristocrats so lets roll out the guillotines and sharpen up the blades. If Madame DeFarge liked to knit get me some knitting needles with big skeins of wool cause we got some heavy revolving to do.

Leslie Howard did a wonderful Scarlet Pimpernil in the 940’s.
Wonderful story.
This Thurs he is on TV in The Petrified Forest with Bette Davis and Humphrey Bogart!
I asked if Mr. Strauss-Kahn is 1/2 from a Muslim parent.
News to me about the maid being Muslim.
If true her victimhood could be her death warrant!

Found the news about the maid.
Bio about Strauss-Kahn says he was born and spent his childhood in Morocco.

In 1997, he won election as Mayor to the “melting pot” city of Sarcelles, just north of Paris. The suburb is known as one of the main areas of Muslim Youth riots starting in 2005. It’s also been the site of numerous attacks by Muslim Youth on local French citizens. (Sarcelles’ suburbs are on the list of ”no go zones” for actual French people, btw.)

Strauss-Kahn has long been viewed as an Arabist, and has pushed for more taxpayer-funded bail-outs by northern European nations for Middle Eastern nations.

High calibre stuff as I’ve always come to expect of you, Skook. I’m somewhat in agreement that powerful men, without regular reality checks of humility, are prone to abuse of women sexually. After all, what is rape but an exercise of perceived power. It sure isn’t about sexual gratification, save for those that are gratified by terrorizing another human (regardless of gender). But there are also powerful men that do not behave so lowly.

I don’t think I hold abusive power of men in a category of political preferences or leanings either. I believe you can find such men on either sides of political debate. And while women are incapable of rape in the standard sense, there are also women who are abusive towards others as a display of their self perceived power.

In the long run, it comes down many who cannot handle long term or unchecked power well. Thus the Lord Acton quote, “”Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” holds true as a challenge of one’s humanity and self resolve. Politics – of any slant – tends to breed power, but it’s not the only way to achieve power. Even politicians can be led around by the nose by well monied private citizens. ’tis a problem we see not only in our nation/state global governments, but even in the international bodies that hold sway over many of these nations… and would include movements such as the enviromentalists, financial institutions, and even the power of OPEC nations.

BTW, even the smaller players can feign an inflated sense of power, as has been evidenced by the rash of UN “peacekeepers” and the charges of everything from rape to murder in the course of their “peacekeeping”. We’ve also had the history of some military who’ve gone off the deep end when involved in especially traumatic warfare, as we’ve had to engage in since the guerilla strategy of Vietnam, and now urban warfare in cities.

Perhaps we pay attention more when the positions held are higher up. But it really does come down to more of a personal resolve… how well can anyone manage power. I don’t think it’s limited to politics. But it sure is a good “gateway” drug to getting power for many.

INRE his origins, Nan G. His father was French. Mother was a Russian/Tunisian journalist. Paternal grandmother was Belgium Catholic but DSK is also of Jewish Sephardic and Ashkenazic descent. To put it simply, he’s a French Jew… as was his father.

Besides he being a Socialist-Royalist Snob the rest of this ug’s background is just typical aristo crap. As a New York resident I want him in the mingle with all the other low lives at Rikers so give me the link that he is getting lace curtain treatment on the taxpayers’ dime. The visage’ of that guy is so ugly homely that there is no chance any female would ever “she wanted it”. He should have done a Charlie Sheen and paid cash for a bevy of bimbos. Instead of being pointed out in a line-up at the East Harlem Precinct he could have had his own line-up of classy looking hookers in the Sofitel lobby.


What stunned me about this entire episode is that the director of the IMF is an avowed socialist. Why the hell is the U.S. taxpayer supporting this institution?

Add one more to the list: Jeffery Epstein was another one of these “do-gooders” and a hedge fund billionaire, he got caught raping young girls, he has since spent a lot of money on damage control.

In the case of any one of these freak’os, a good long time spent as a punching bag in or out of prison would do wonders for their artificially inflated egos.

Up on the platform in front of Madame DeFarge and her gaggle of knitting N.O.W. Nags are two solar panels connected to batteries that will power the blade up to the desired height; then, with a push of a button, the blade drops. No more need for humans to turn the heavy crank lifting the blade.

As strange and unexplainable as this whole situation seems, we are presented with an avowed communist and a communist activist, a socialist party member, sitting atop the world’s international cash redistribution machine.

Another narcissist? Very probably.
Does he really care about the “comrades” in the hinterlands? Impossible.
Is he a self serving egocentric idiot enjoying and abusing his power, as he dispenses someone else’s billions? As much as he feels NO guilt about raping a hotel maid. It is his right and expectation, because after all, he is omnipotent.

In a world where the leader of its most powerful and advanced country is a community organizer surrounded by socialists and communist sympathizers, . . . it rather fits. Makes no sense, but at least it’s consistent.

. . . . Enjoyed the read Skook. Well done.

A bunch of mentaly disturbed, unfit to be in power should be relegate to servant for life in the prison,
where they commit their perversion, and disposessed so to see those who protect them get no more cash
for hiding the criminal, then the speech would change radicaly from saying !!! what a talented person to be in top jobs in FRANCE, to what a creep, how can he get a job in GOVERNMENT, IF HE CANNOT

Little Miss Atilla wrote a short article Power and it’s Priveleges which contains some hilarious (if extremely crude) metaphors. Caution: Language warning.

Anyone remember the scene from the movie Braveheart where the British Lord asserts the right of Prima Noctis to take a young bride’s virginity on her wedding night? Of that midieval practice, Little Miss Attilla wrote:

“It is an open secret that [DSK’s] conduct when dealing with women is far beyond the pale, even by European standards. But as a lion of the Left, he was able to get away with it until now.

“Droit de Seigneur” or “Right of the Lord” is a medieval term connoting the right of the Lord to take the virginity of his serfs daughters when they married. Lost in the fog of time, the practice as described may or may not have existed. What clearly did and does exist, even today, is a double standard for the rulers and the ruled.”

Well, where is the white woman “the pres.. ” is sleeping with????? Let us cut to the chase in America’s own back yard.

mos 8541 You’re a disgrace to the Corps.

It is the hypocrisy of the ultra-Liberal who wears his compassion for the downtrodden on his sleeve, that is the most pathetic among the womanizers. I tend to doubt the sincerity of those who plead their case for the disadvantaged the loudest, for they seem to be the flagrant abusers.

Talking of abuse and hypocrisy – why is it that so many Republicans, from a party that bangs on about ‘family values’ has so many child abusers?