Why I love Sarah Palin [Reader Post]


I love Sarah Palin. There, I’ve said it. While I’ve never met her, that is beside the point.

What is right on point however is why I love her. Sarah Palin bleeds American. She is not American simply because of an accident of birth. Rather, she understands what makes America different; she believes that America is exceptional and knows what makes it so; she is passionately pro-American without being jingoistic; she is willing to fight for what she believes regardless of who’s lined up against her; she is willing to put her credibility and reputation on the line to help others who share her views. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, she is a normal, average, regular person.

Sarah Palin did not grow up rich or attend an Ivy League school. She did not spend her life in a courtroom extorting money from corporations or small businesses. She did not spend her life in an ivory tower or in an editorial room pontificating about how the world works in some fantasy universe where government regulations make everyone pure and everything perfect in every circumstance. No, she has lived a fairly normal life, one you might call working class.

I remember back in ’88 or ’92 someone asked George H.W. Bush if he knew the price of milk, and he didn’t. He was of course pilloried for being “out of touch” with the common man. (Frankly it doesn’t bother me at all that the VP or President of the United States doesn’t know the price of milk… let someone else buy the milk, I’d rather him focus on knowing how much of our money government is wasting!) Sarah Palin probably knows the price of a gallon of milk. More importantly, she understands America from where the tire hits the road. She started out her political career at the PTA because she wanted to improve the education her children were getting. From there she spent four years on the Wasilla city council and six years as mayor. Next she was appointed to chair the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and later defeated the incumbent to become the Governor of Alaska. In every one of those endeavors Palin showed herself to be not only capable, but effective and successful as well. Indeed, the latter two positions found her fighting an Alaska version of Tammany Hall.

She has demonstrated a willingness to fight for what she believes in, even if it is within her own party. She defeated the Murkowski machine in Alaska and she stood side by side with tea party candidates across the country in 2010, often against the wishes of the entrenched GOP establishment. Christine O’Donnell may have been a flawed candidate, but at least the citizens of Delaware had a choice between two distinctly different paths rather than the choice between the liberal and more liberal paths they would have had with Chris Coons and Mike Castle. They may have chosen bigger government, but at least for a change they had a choice, and Sarah Palin helped give them one.

Sarah Palin is also average in another way. She is not polished – or at least she wasn’t when she burst upon the national stage. She is not slick. She does not have a sound bit sized answer at the ready in case she gets asked any questions. Just the opposite, actually, often you can see her crafting an answer on the spot. The interview with Katie Couric was indeed painful to watch. The truth however is that her less than stellar performance in that and other early interviews were not signs that she was a dolt as many suggested, but rather the consequence of being thrown onto the world’s biggest stage with the klieg lights on max. You might say she was… shell-shocked. Many people, including myself, wondered how she could not name a single newspaper she read regularly or give a coherent answer on the Middle East. Knowing the answers and delivering them in front of a world wide audience are two different things. (Example: say the alphabet using nouns to represent each letter: Apple, Barrel, Continent etc. Now imagine having to do it in 20 seconds in front of 1,000 people and your job rests on your success…) Her poor performance communicated more about her interview preparation than her qualification to be President. Indeed a week later she outperformed Joe Biden in their debate, and few lefties would argue he was unqualified to be President. Her early performances were those of someone whose persona was not forged in front of camera. I’ll take someone who is right on the issues but flubs an interview 10 times out of 10…

And the issues are where Sarah Palin shines. Like Ronald Reagan, she understands that government is the problem more often than the solution. She understands that low taxes and fiscal discipline are an absolute necessity as government has no money other than that which it takes from taxpayers. She understands that Barack Obama was right when he suggested the Constitution “Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf…” The difference is that to Obama and the left, that’s the problem whereas Sarah Palin understands that that is why the Constitution exists in the first place. She understands that an unconstrained government will continue to grow and usurp powers until eventually it strangles the life out of its citizens and our republic.

In addition to the issues, Sarah Palin seems to be made of steel. She has undergone a seemingly unending barrage of mocking and criticism to a degree that perhaps no other American politician has had to endure in modern times. Through it all however she has carried herself with grace, good humor and most importantly, she has understood that the issue is not her, it’s the country. The fact that she is willing to stand up and respond to the left – particularly the media – should not be seen as a symptom of being thin-skinned or even petty, but rather a desire to keep the focus where it should be, on policy and Constitutional government.

So the reasons I love Sarah Palin are thus: She knows what it will take to put the country back on solid economic footing. She’s a rabid Constitutionalist who will reign in the federal government. She will let American interests and the interests of the American people dictate American foreign policy rather than looking to international bodies for direction. She understands the importance of free markets, free trade and energy independence. She believes in American exceptionalism, and perhaps most of all, she understands that individual responsibility is the cornerstone of upon which character, community and country are built. Without that everything else collapses.

2012 is going to be the most important election in more than a century. Our nation has been shaken to its very foundations by an onslaught of government encroachment and unprecedented fiscal irresponsibility. In times like these, when those basic fundamental things that made America great in the first place are the very things being undermined, we would be lucky to have a ticket headed by someone who truly understands what it’s like to live and thrive as an average American, someone who didn’t spend most of her adult life in the insulated and unrealistic universe of liberalism consisting of courtrooms, college classrooms and the corridors of power that make up Washington D.C.

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hey y’all, nobody congratulate me on my 100 on comments, and I just notice now, and MATA was almost there to have it as usual unnotice, well MATA this one is all mine, and by luck, and
I never thought about it, well lets have it, I’m waiting

You’re right, Bees… I never notice. But a big congrats for hitting the big 100 to you. Confetti, champagne and all that jazz. :0)

Randy ,yes thank you, I don’t pretend to know everything, and you know a lot more than I,

Mata The race tightens.Thanks for the input.Guarantee you Sarah not welcome in Cal by Fiorini or Whitman That being said they both lost.
What do you think of Dean,Dr.J and Kucinich being in agreement.Anything is possible in politics.That’s why I love it.

In your neck of the woods, rich wheeler, no one conservative is welcome. Least of all Palin. That’s a surprise? I ought to know… California has always looked better in my rear view mirror.

I’m sorry, but 8 wins/6 losses = 14 endorsements is a “tightening” race? You keep those cyber toosties a walking, dude. LOL

@ilovebeeswarzone: LOL, thanks beezy! 😀

And grats on yer 100!!!

A Rose for you…


Re: Sarah Palin in Israel: I guess I’m like Rush in that I don’t believe in coincidences when it comes to politics. The Palestinians would have been dancing in the streets, passing out candy, and shooting their AK-47s into the air had they managed to kill/wound/scare the hell out of Sarah Palin. She’s the candidate who loves Israel more than all the others combined, and the Palestinians must hate her almost as much as the American left does.

I read where there hasn’t been a bombing in Israel for seven years. That’s because they built a wall and search all the Palis who pass through the checkpoints on their way to work on the Israeli side. It must be almost impossible to get a bomb through those gates, but when they somehow managed to do it, you have to believe they saved it for a real good occasion.

It’s just a damn good thing that Sarah and Todd kept their itinerary over there secret and made a lot of last minute changes.

Randy Actually “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” Damn if we don’t keep trying.
I’ve enjoyed your writings.Congrats. on your stellar career Col.

@Ivan: I hope she would have done exactly what Reagan did with Qaddafi. Bomb him strategically, and wait for him to make the next move. Notice, Col. Q. retreated quickly once he knew that we meant business. I do NOT agree to war by committee, ever. That is what is happening now.

Bob, hi, YOU touch on something very important there, you dont beleive in comites, and that is the problems of why the last 2 wars where so long, the USA allowed more power on the UN on decisions, and It doesn’t turn right, because It is not the affair of the UN to decide our war and use their power to even influence the RULES OF ENGAGMENT, AND this trend continiue to down spiral, more
as more conflict arise. they even decide for leader how they must take refugies in their countrys,
and will humiliate them publicly if they dont meet their own criteria,
TO HAVE HIS OWN GOVERNMENT SERVING THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE of this USA, because they have a say on who will get elected the LEADER

Ed at Hotair.com has this to say.

Otherwise, Palin does a good job here providing the conservative viewpoint on military intervention and victory. She offers much more coherence in ten minutes than the Obama administration has offered in six days of fighting in Libya.

See the article here. http://hotair.com/archives/2011/03/24/palin-were-either-in-it-to-win-it-or/

This is just what most of here at FA had said all week. The decision point was weeks ago. Now, the mission is very unclear since big O has stated that removing GDAFFY is not an issue.

Mata– Dead thread, but this morning I stumbled across this comment at The Volokh Conspiracy which was a way better answer to your question then my humble scribblings. (The context was the collective-bargaining law recently passed in MN):

Michael says:

This is one of the dangers of letting partisanship and electoral gamesmanship blind you. There should never be a situation where the law ceases to have legitimacy with the People. There will always be people who think it doesn’t apply to them. There will always be crackpots who think it is their right to get military and police protection and evade taxes. What there should never be is a situation where the law itself holds no legitimacy in the minds of a great many of the electorate. And the only reason that is the case here is because the law itself was passed in an underhanded way.

There seems to be an attitude that the most controversial bills should be passed outside of the sight of the People and with as much opacity as possible. This kind of rationale is what drives nations to civil wars, ours included. Would a 2/3rds majority in the legislature after months of open debate passing an amendment to the Constitution have driven off half the nation with regards to slavery as a Presidential order, made by a unitary executive despite the will of Congress did? Would the Civil Rights Act have been harder to implement if the Senate had not endured the filibuster of Strom Thurmond and ultimately defeated it through normal rules and open debate? If it had passed through some legislative trickery carried out by a single Party with enough mis-steps to call into question its very legitimacy, would southern National Guardsmen felt more or less inclined to acquiesce to Federal troops? Or would they have gained enough justification, enough confusion, enough uncertainty to have opened fire instead?

It isn’t about winning, it is about serving the People. When you start showing that you have no respect for the People, their representatives that aren’t in your Party, or the rules and order of the legislative process, you call into question the validity not just of the backhanded law to the extent that suits are filed, but the validity of the government itself to rule over the People in the first place. You give casus belli to those who would resist, both non-violently and violently. It doesn’t matter if you agree or not, or if you have some clever sophistry prepared and false logic to show them they are wrong. Once you cross the threshold where a reasonable person can not, with perfect certainty, say whether a law has even been passed or not, you have given every citizen just concern that the law as a whole no longer belongs to them, and no longer pertains to them. Without law there is only the authority of force. And there is much more force in the numbers of the People than in the meager arms and resources of the King. Michael. March 26, 2011, 1:28 am

@John Cooper: While thiss post makes some good points, one of the pivital points is when Lincoln freed the slaves. That happened after the South had seceeded and the war was well on. It was agreed upon by the congress which only represented the Northern States at that time.

The WI collective bargining law was not a hidden law. It was apparent that the dominant party was going to pass what the Governor wanted passed. It was necessary for the financial health of WI. Now, passing the Ocare bill so we would know what was in it is applicable to your post, but not the WI law.

Randy– You make good and practical points, but I was more focused on the overall theme of “Michael”s post as it addressed the question Mata posted earlier. I should have highlighted these ideas:

“There should never be a situation where the law ceases to have legitimacy with the People.”

“Without law there is only the authority of force.”

Mata asks:

So we go to Yemen next, John Cooper? Then Somalia? Tunesia? Rwanda’s way overdue, don’t you think? Or should we head into Iran first? Wait… maybe we should go to Saudia Arabia first… After all we do have a base there. That ought to be a snap, right?

Sorry for the extremely late reply, but us Southerners like to think about things for a while before we answer. I’ll let Herman Cain answer the question for me:


Thanks for the nine minute video link, John Cooper. Dang… so sorry but I’m on country DSL, and videos tend to take a long time to load fully, or do the start stop thing. And nope… I don’t want the goverment to provide me with alternatives… LOL

So, tho I do like Herman Cain very much, and will keep this link to view when I have the time to fight the load/start/stop time, would you mind summarizing your response, as Herman Cain says?

Sarah Palin is so DUMB I want to cry.
If she is elected president (which she won’t, because the majority of Americans are sensible), I will move to Canada.
She couldn’t name any Supreme Court cases except for Roe vs. Wade in an interview.
She supports offshore drilling. The BP oil spill is polluting the ocean and wildlife in the South and will take YEARS to clean up.
She suppports GUNS GUNS GUNS…guns almost killed the politician in Arizona. They do more harm than good, and she supports this.
Putin rearing his head in Alaska does not give her any foreign policy experience.
She can’t even name a newspaper that she “reads”.
The Katie Couric interview proves how dumb she is. Don’t start blaming it on NBC. It’s just that she’s dumb, and you crazy Tea Party members out there can’t accept that.
You guys are freaking out because there’s a black man in office, even though he’s actually creating good change for middle class America.
He can’t appeal to everyone, of course, because we’re all from different backgrounds. He’s doing a pretty good job getting us out of the shit Bush left behind. It’s going to take a while and compromises will have to be made.
Sarah Palin cannot be president. She cannot. She is too DUMB.

Oh Lord… hey, why wait? You can move to Canada now. None of us will miss you. Suggest you learn a second language, and avoid New Brunswick or Nova Scotia areas.

ta ta… don’t let the American founding principles kick your butt on the way out of the border doors. And thanks for that demonstration of “the party of the people, and tolerance”. You do your ilk justice so well…. LOL

Oh Lord, do you have a link to sustain your accusations,
I should have said many links, because you can’t just attack a person’s caracter so eazy
without proofs,

@Oh Lord…: I think your tinfoil hat is on a tad bit too tight, there Oh. Either that or you are really as stupid as you seem.

What is all the fuss about Sarah? I mean really! You would think that the liberals would be overjoyed at Sarah and for what she has accomplished with her life. She is the perfect role model for what liberal women always talk about. College educated, both her and hubby work, and share responsibilities with the kids and family. She set out from High school and got into a mans profession. politics, and beat them at their own game. Sure she made mistakes along the way, who has not. I think the liberals fear her, I really do. Just Like Ann Coulter. They are both attractive women, and smart. Yet they are despised by the left. I only wish she would have been at the top of the ticket, and most of our friends did too. Maybe this time she will!!!

@Oh Lord…:

You guys are freaking out because there’s a black man in office, even though he’s actually creating good change for middle class America.
He can’t appeal to everyone, of course, because we’re all from different backgrounds. He’s doing a pretty good job getting us out of the shit Bush left behind. It’s going to take a while and compromises will have to be made.
Sarah Palin cannot be president. She cannot. She is too DUMB.

Oh the irony, this one calling Sarah Palin dumb. This one must be part of that tiny percentage of people that haven’t yet realized the shambles the little man has made of this country. Get out much?

Mata, let’s not encourage it to go to Canada, Beezy doesn’t need it either, Cuba would be more fitting spot for it to land.

MISSY, hi, on your 78, I see MILLER realy bited the hand that help him, to his own lost,


You have such a good memory, I had to scroll all the way back up there. I saw Miller on a program recently talking about tea party stuff. Didn’t get to give it all my attention, my son has been here painting, I have to find him stuff and cook, he keeps me hopping.

Miller is still in the news, he would not be newsworthy if not for the Palins, to bad he didn’t appreciate that when it was important, the Alaskan Palin supporters didn’t forget and didn’t vote.

#136: Propaganda, the manipulation of the naive and cerebrally challenged through a program of altering the news to achieve a political objective or affect a contrived opinion can only be effective with those most open to suggestion and the incredibly stupid. Oh Lord, your message shows no inclination towards brilliance; actually, you appear to be barely literate. You leave us no option, but to assume you are incredibly stupid: the only opinion of you that is in doubt, is whether you are willfully open to delusion are just vulnerable to suggestion.

Without people like yourself, Marxists, American hating Progressive Socialists, and the freeloaders or parasites, the Myth of Obama, indeed Obama himself would not exist in this role of sublime absurdity while he pretends to lead the United States and handicap college basketball. Consequently, we have the pathetic little minds like yours to thank for America sinking into the sludge of Third World status while we share our former wealth and standard of living with the poor and destitute of the world. Yes thank you, for now we must endure this undocumented fraud of a man who has been thrust upon America by the strategic use of propaganda to deceive the willfully ignorant like yourself.

SKOOKUM, hi, those are getting paid to spread the ignorance around, and play the card of their leader wich teach them to follow him into disaster, supported by MEDIA that has sold their souls to the DEVIL
from the beginning of this downward slide.

@Oh Lord…:

Your comments were just too good to pass up.

Sarah Palin is so DUMB I want to cry.

Well, no one here is going to stop you from crying, but before you do, you might want to go back and check the stupidity of Obama while your at it. 57 States, anyone?

She couldn’t name any Supreme Court cases except for Roe vs. Wade in an interview.

Can you name one that is older than a decade? Certainly Obama should be able to, since he was a constitutional scholar, yet he doesn’t care. He just steps on those parts of the Constitution that get in his way. Last I saw though, the ability to recall past Constitutional cases isn’t a requirement for President. Only the part where one swears an oath to “protect and defend” it. How’s Obama doing on that score?

She supports offshore drilling. The BP oil spill is polluting the ocean and wildlife in the South and will take YEARS to clean up.

Apparently you have little knowledge of the spill itself, the business of oil drilling offshore, and Sarah Palin’s stance on it. But have your little liberal talking point about the “years to clean up”. No doubt you believe the other liberal lies and half-truths about the spill as well.

She suppports GUNS GUNS GUNS…guns almost killed the politician in Arizona. They do more harm than good, and she supports this.

I’m sorry, but I have never witnessed a gun acting on it’s own. I’ve even scoured YouTube for videos, but all I’ve ever seen is people shooting them. Just like the guy in Arizona. By the way, why don’t you check gun crime statistics in those states that allow for concealed carry and compare that to those cities where handguns are outlawed. Also, our 2nd amendment of the Constitution, which you felt so important to know, including previous cases involving it with the SC, gives us the right to not only own guns, but to bear them as well.

Putin rearing his head in Alaska does not give her any foreign policy experience.

She never claimed it did. But I guess being a shill for Chicago politicians gave Obama all kinds of foreign policy experience with those gangsters in the ME. Or was that his boyhood education in the south Pacific?

She can’t even name a newspaper that she “reads”.

I can’t either. Of course, that’s because I don’t read them. Too many liberal talking points repeated over and over. That she couldn’t name one doesn’t make her dumb. She should have looked Couric in the eyes and told her flat out that she doesn’t follow liberal rags.

The Katie Couric interview proves how dumb she is. Don’t start blaming it on NBC. It’s just that she’s dumb, and you crazy Tea Party members out there can’t accept that.

Her mistake was in granting an interview with Couric. Of course, it was with CBS, not NBC. Does this mean you are dumb since you couldn’t even get the network correct?

You guys are freaking out because there’s a black man in office, even though he’s actually creating good change for middle class America.

No. There are many other black americans I’d rather see as President, and the conservatives here would agree with me. Good change? Like what? Being taxed for tanning indoors? Adding as much to the debt in 2.5 years as Bush did in 8? Has he turned the economy around yet? How many jobs have been lost since he’s been elected? I’m middle class and my healthcare has gotten worse just based off of future Obamacare implementations. Am I better off now? He has been at least partially responsible for higher fuel prices, and subsequently, higher food prices. Am I better off now? Is this the “good change” you are speaking of?

He can’t appeal to everyone, of course, because we’re all from different backgrounds. He’s doing a pretty good job getting us out of the shit Bush left behind. It’s going to take a while and compromises will have to be made.

Name for us one, just one, compromise that has been made. Do you mean like not allowing GOP input into Obamacare? How about the releasing of thousand and thousand page bills in the middle of the night, not allowing debate, but voting on it before they can even be read? Is this the compromise you speak of?

And your right, he cannot appeal to everyone. Nor can Sarah Palin. That doesn’t make her dumb. That just makes here ideologically different than liberals.

The s*** Bush left behind? Like what? A housing market crash caused by liberal protection of Fannie and Freddie? Only $400 billion deficits that Obama quickly turned into $1Trillion-plus deficits? What s***?

Sarah Palin cannot be president. She cannot. She is too DUMB.

Well, I don’t believe she is dumb at all. I believe she was naive to the national media when introduced, hence the mistakes in granting interviews to liberal shills. But why can’t she, even if she was dumb? I mean, we have an idiot in the WH right now, with another, even dumber, guy waiting in the wings. She certainly couldn’t do worse than Obama has.

Johngalt, wow, I forgot to breed while reading all of it,
super shot, why don’t you take a chance on the PRESIDENTIAL nominy,
you are well known in the cyber space taking a lot more interest from the people,
than the media’s covering the blunders of who bring a stinging in their legs.

HI just did a piece highlighting Trump and O’BasketCase without mentioning Sarah because I did not want to mix beauty and brilliance with pomposity and idiocy. Campaigning is all about Image and the image war started and will continue on attacking her so called intellectual creed; i.e., no Grande Ole Ivie or knowing which way to Russia.. She made deep serious enemies with Big Oil, they hate her for the resource sharing program she won and passed through as Alaska governor. Expect cynical attacks on her maternal qualities which will be guised caroms attacking her faith, stance on abortion, and Trig. The leftovers fear her because they know she can smash O’Bonzo.

@Oh Lord…: I’m not “freaking out” because he’s a black man, I’m “freaking out” because he hates America.

MISSY on 142, he could also to CHAVEZ country

o lorad, you know why she couldn’t name those questions? because she found the one who question
stupid enough to ask stupid question. anyone can see it, unless they are STUPID

@James: You said:

She made deep serious enemies with Big Oil, they hate her for the resource sharing program she won and passed through as Alaska governor.

I hear you, but she didn’t get that passed. Resource sharing is in Alaska’s State Constitution:

Article VIII, Section 2. General Authority
The legislature shall provide for the utilization, development, and conservation of all natural resources belonging to the State, including land and waters, for the maximum benefit of its people.

Section 3. Common Use
Wherever occurring in their natural state, fish, wildlife, and waters are reserved to the people for common use.

Doesn’t mean big oil is anymore in love with her. What she did was make them fish or cut bait on the leases they were holding, but not developing.


Actually, “Big Oil” should be in love with her, regardless of any actions in Alaska while she was Governor there. Her “Drill Baby Drill” platform on energy should be a rallying point for the oil companies to get behind.

James says: 149

HI just did a piece highlighting Trump and O’BasketCase without mentioning Sarah because I did not want to mix beauty and brilliance with pomposity and idiocy

Ha! Brilliance? Go and watch the Couric interview and see the real, un-scripted “brilliant” half-governor Palin.

You call that brilliant????

Yvan, dude, SARAH PALIN, IS not waisting her brilliance with COURIC STUPID QUESTION,

Excuse me for being snobbish and pedantic but if that “Katie” woman would ever walk into my favorite Greek diner on First Avenue I would not recognize her because my time is never spent watching television. I read and write while listening to my favorite classical music station out of London. Now what I know, from the NY Post, is that she has been fired for poor ratings; yet, nevertheless, Les Moonves and the “brains” at CBS treated her to an expensive lunch while discussing her future where she noshed on minestrone soup. The photos I’ve seen of her are bland, her visage’ is entirely make believe. She is the type of super rich woman, seen while people watching at Four Seasons or Plaza Hotel, with the latest in-style coif over a blank porcrlain face with sculpted brows, painted lips, and blue eyes highlighted by tinted contacts. Sarah Palin has moved away and along pledging to her advocates never to waste precious time with innocuous nothings like Curic or Tina “where is Russia anyway” Faye. Stupid people are suckered in by false canards foisted by media wonks like Katie “look at cutie Virginia grad me” Curic. Sarah Palin is one savey classy lady that will crush the pantywaist girlie guy spouse of Bamzilla.

JohnGalt, found you, srx, but Big Oil Exxon/Mobil sat on an viable tract of leased drilling for over 2o years until Sarah opened the tract to competitive bidding, including EXM, awarding the drilling rights to another corporation. What really P-Oed the oil executives was that she signed the legislation, with the kids running around, on her kitchen table in Wassila. If more women were like Sarah Palin there would be happier marriages with fewer divorces. She will turn O’BasketCase into the mole in the game of Whack-A-Mole. By the way Tina, Sarah was very courteous to Tina Faye and her daughter while at SNL, what separates Alaska with Russia and what is the distance separating?ANSWER: Bering Sea at a 20 mile point , open water that was crossed by a female long distance swimmer about 10/15 years ago. Both points are very remote with, as of this date, no economic value to set up a trade link.

@Ivan: Your insipid comments prove only that you eat up whatever the MSM spoon feeds you.

I think you would benefit greatly from taking a course on critical thinking.

@MataHarley: I’m sorry you don’t care about my opinion, but I do care about yours.

@MataHarley: pray tell me Mata, how would you know I rated your comment? And since you know, then why rate any comments. I promise I will never challenge or rate you again. Happy now?

Mata wrote ( a while back): “I’m on country DSL, and videos tend to take a long time to load fully, or do the start stop thing.”

Another late reply, but it piqued my interest because I live w-a-a-a-a-y out in the woods in NC and yet have never experienced stop-and-go YouTube videos where I live. OTOH, I visited my daughter in metropolitan Florida last week and her connection was as you described. She has a cable modem. I have straight ADSL. I wonder what the difference is.

Our country telephone company has spent a lot of money installing local switches connected by fiber, and I have one of those about a mile from my house, with copper wire for the last mile. Costs me $47 per month, but you get what you pay for, right?

Mizz Bees: I just wanted to let you know that my local honey and bumble bees have not only pollinated my peach trees, but they’ve favored my apple trees as well. I expect a good crop this year!

John Cooper, wow that is good news, and for others too, that mean also that the BEES are healthy,
thank you for telling me, I’m still shoveling snow in here, but 12 feets take a long time to melt, but we’r
getting in the 40 some farenheit , soon they will come, when they are finish with you,