Farrakhan promises Islamic uprising in the US [Reader Post]


The linkages between Barack Obama, Lewis Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright and Muammar Gaddafi are plentiful. In 1984 Wright paid a visit to Gaddafi and Gaddafi then provided Wright an interest-fee $5,000,000 loan in 1985. Much later Gaddafi declared that Obama is of Muslim descent and is a “blessing to the Muslim world.”

Then there’s this:

Last year, right around the time Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi called Obama “our son,” Obama earmarked $400,000 for two Libyan charities.

(For more on these linkages, go here)

Your tax money went to Gaddafi “charities.”

As the uprisings grew in Libya, Barack Obama assumed his usual deer in the headlights pose:

By late Wednesday only one major Western leader had failed to speak up on Libya: Barack Obama. Before then, the president’s only comment during five days of mounting atrocities was a statement issued in his name by his press secretary late last Friday, which deplored violence that day in three countries: Yemen, Libya and Bahrain. For four subsequent days, the administration’s response to the rapidly escalating bloodshed in Libya consisted of measured and relatively mild statements by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Administration officials explained this weak stance by saying they were worried about U.S. citizens, hundreds of whom were being extracted by ferry Wednesday afternoon. There were fears that the desperate Mr. Gaddafi might attack the Americans or seek to take them hostage. But the presence of thousands of European citizens in Libya did not prevent their government’s leaders from forcefully speaking out and agreeing on sanctions.

Typically, Obama waits for the die to be cast before assuming the safe and “noble” quixotic role. This is gutless but it served him well in Chicago. On the world stage it makes him look impotent and puny. Obama is dominated by his narcissism and it is no substitute for a world plan.

But perhaps there is more to this latest Presidential impotence:

ROSEMONT, Ill. – Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan says Moammar Gadhafi has always been a friend and he won’t distance himself from the Libyan dictator.

Farrakhan spoke Sunday at the Chicago-based organization Saviours’ Day convention.

Farrakhan didn’t talk specifics about the deadly uprisings in Libya, but the 77-year-old said no leader has been loved by 100 percent of his people.

It seems that union leaders give Obama his walking orders and one cannot help but wonder if Wright and Farrakhan have strong input into his foreign policy.

Now Minister Farrakhan, who refers to Gaddafi as “our brother,” has informed us that Islamic uprisings are coming to a town near you:

Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan predicted on Sunday that America faces imminent uprisings that mirror those in the Middle East.

“What you are looking at in Tunisia, in Egypt … Libya, in Bahrain … what you see happening there … you’d better prepare because it will be coming to your door,” Farrakhan said in a booming voice, thousands of followers cheering in his wake.

Farrakhan added “God will send saviours.” Have a look at one of them.

Farrakhan’s association with Gaddafi is reported to have given Gaddafi a opening into the US:

According to reports in 1996 from Libya’s news agency, JANA, Farrakhan and Gadhafi agreed to work together to mobilize “oppressed blacks, Arabs, Muslims and Red Indians” to help reshape U.S. foreign policy.

Gadhafi said that until his alliance with the Nation of Islam, “our confrontation with America was like a fight against a fortress from outside.”

He asserted his alliance with Farrakhan provides him with “a breach to enter into this fortress and confront it.”

Farrakhan’s religious beliefs are interesting:

The keynote address, titled “God will send saviours,” capped a weekend of workshops focused on health, preparing for natural disasters and unidentified flying objects. The Nation of Islam believes in a UFO called “the wheel” or “the Mother Plane.”

Farrakhan has described a 1985 religious experience in which he ascended into a flying saucer and heard the voice of Elijah Muhammad predicting historical events that came to pass.

Early on in the Obama administration Farrakhan was quite enthusiastic about Gaddafi and Libya.

“We are hoping that under President Barack Obama, Libya can come more into the sunlight. The Obama administration can be a great help in this. “

Right now, all that sunlight is coagulating the blood running through the streets.

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Until Southern Sudan (the Christian BLACK Africans) broke away from Sudan run by Arab Muslims, the genocide was pretty much an everyday thing.
I met one escaped black African slave from Sudan.
His father was murdered for the color of his skin.
His mother was raped and impregnated by Arab Muslims who hopd to lighten the population via rapes.
His brothers and sisters he has never seen again after each was sold to Arab Muslims.
From what is known by the UN and NGOs active in Sudan, the Arab Muslims have murdered over 1 million BLACK Christian Africans in Sudan.
I really hope and pray for my Christian brothers and sisters in Sudan that they have strength and peace after forming their own country by a vote of over 97% of the adult population.
We will see if the Arab Muslims of north Sudan will allow peace.

World’s best go vote video!


other than that, thanks for the responses. we both view things differently, obviously, and there’s no point continuing a back & forth.

lgc65, thanks for the courtesy of your thoughtful reply. If we both are open to learning and seeing outside of our own perspective, even if at the end of the day we still don’t see eye to eye, then I don’t see any of this as time wasted. I know you are in the lion’s den here, responding to multiple “attackers”- one against many- and I commend you for doing so.

I’ll try and respond more to the substance of comment #200 later tonight when I get home.

@Randy #201: It’s comments like this that make me encourage you to submit reader posts, relaying your experiences and sharing your stories.

@Wordsmith: I have tried several times, but have trouble with the photos. Can you get me off line

Nan G ,hi, I find you a source of unlimit knowledge and resources that you bring at FA so intelligently for all to read and research, thank you also for being such a good sport,

randy, yes i have stopped responding & giving any weight to those (3) who have shown me they have some issues with reading comprehension. if others have had a different experience with them, good – they can go back & forth with them. as far as iraq, there’s no doubt things happened over there but the only question is – exactly what. have you ever read up on any of what critics have written (like jude wanniski) about discrepancies in the stories americans have been told about saddam hussein? if you haven’t, sounds like you’re guilty of the same thing you say i’m guilty of. i don’t blindly trust & believe something just because the mainstream media puts it out or (sadly) the u.s. gov’t/military. they (unfortunately) have a history of deceit and any person would be wise to remember that. well, i can only speak for myself.

more american history:


Life After the 13th Amendment

With the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in December 1865, slavery was officially abolished in all areas of the United States. The Reconstruction era was under way in the South, the period during which the 11 Confederate states would be gradually reintroduced to the Union. In the meantime, [Northern] armies continued to occupy the South and to enforce the decrees of Congress. Frederick Douglass was then 47 years old, an active man in the prime of his life. No longer enlisted in the war on slavery, he thought about buying a farm and settling down to a quiet life. But black Americans still desperately needed an advocate, and Douglass soon rejected any notion of an early retirement.

In many parts of the South, the newly freed slaves labored under conditions similar to those existing before the war. The Union army could offer only limited protection to the ex-slaves, and Lincoln’s successor, Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, clearly had no interest in ensuring the freedom of southern blacks. The new president’s appointments as governors of [southern] states formed conservative, proslavery governments. The new state legislatures passed laws designed to keep blacks in poverty and in positions of servitude. Under these so-called black codes, ex-slaves who had no steady employment could be arrested and ordered to pay stiff fines. Prisoners who could not pay the sum were hired out as virtual slaves. In some areas, black children could be forced to serve as apprentices in local industries. Blacks were also prevented from buying land and were denied fair wages for their work….

I haven’t thought about Jude W. in a LONG time!
Jude W. believed that Iraq’s Saddam H. never gassed the Kurds.
His assertion contradicts not only a mountain of evidence accumulated by the United Nations, journalists, and various human rights groups, but also the testimony of Stephen Pelletiere, former chief of the CIA’s Iraq desk and Wanniski’s main information source on the matter.

From the 1993 Human Rights Watch report,Genocide in Iraq:

Those outside in the streets could see clearly that these were Iraqi, not Iranian aircraft, since they flew low enough for their markings to be legible. In the afternoon, at about 3:00, those who remained in the shelters became aware of an unusual smell. Like the villagers in the Balisan Valley the previous spring, they compared it most often to sweet apples, or to perfume, or cucumbers, although one man says that it smelled “very bad, like snake poison.” No one needed to be told what the smell was. … Some tried to plug the cracks around the entrance with damp towels, or pressed wet cloths to their faces, or set fires. But in the end they had no alternative but to emerge into the streets. It was growing dark and there were no streetlights; the power had been knocked out the day before by artillery fire. In the dim light, the people of Halabja could see nightmarish scenes. Dead bodies—human and animal—littered the streets, huddled in doorways, slumped over the steering wheels of their cars. Survivors stumbled around, laughing hysterically, before collapsing.

And to quote Saddam’s own cousin Ali Hassan al-Majid discussing the Kurds in an address to members of Saddam’s Baath Party:
I will kill them all with chemical weapons! Who is going to say anything? The international community? F*** them! The international community and those who listen to them.

Jude Wanniski chose to ignore all the evidence.
He’s dead now, so it hardly matters.
But seriously?


Heh, don’t break the fragile glass house of hope there with reality Doctor. Least spill the beans that Democrats fought hard across the States to deny ratification of the 13th Amendment, in some States as late as 1995. And don’t hint at the facts that many Confederate Democrats fought hard to instill new State Laws since 1865 to bypass that darn 13th Amendment.

@lgc65 #200:

as far as the “racist” thing, no, i will never say those blacks who sold other blacks into slavery were “racist.”

Can you elaborate on why not? Are Nazis being racist when they exterminate Jews? Tutsi vs. Hutu? Is skin pigmentation difference the defining factor on racism? And if so, then aren’t those who perpetuate the “us” and “them” distinctions, like “white folk” and “black folk”, aren’t they “racists”? Not racist necessarily in an evil, negative sense, but in the sense that “race” matters- that color of one’s skin matters.

You keep talking about “white people” and their sins. Are you judging a whole group of people based upon skin complexion/ethnicity? Does that not qualify for a kind of “racism” when race seems to matter to you? Why is it that “blacks” are “your” people, and not mankind in general? Or your countrymen? Are you American? If so, are you not proud to be an American?

i’m surprised that’s not appreciated as so many white people get upset whenever black people protest over something they find to be racist;

I get irked when people cry “racism” when factors other than race are involved.

or think it’s absurd that people say it’s “racism” the way barack obama is being treated by some, like the tea party.

I agree that some opposition to Obama is racially motivated. But much of it has to do with opposition to his policies and politics. This is an example of “factors other than race” that I was talking about. It is easy to stir things up by pulling the race card when there is no evidence of racism, other than the fact that President Obama happens to be part black. So what? If anything, I believe most Americans were excited to see the glass ceiling of having the first black president elected get shattered. But the only way we will truly rise beyond race and racial division is when we cease and desist paying attention to such superficialities as skin color. Don’t celebrate it, don’t boo it. I don’t care if so-and-so was the first Hindu-American to land on Mars. What I’d care about is that the first human being and the first American landed there. That’s all. Skin color be damned.

i’ve tried to make points in other ways but that’s not appreciated or understood either. fine.

as far as the penis thing …. sorry, but i gotta do it …… LOL. there’s a larger point about white male slave owners in america chopping off the penises of black men who were enslaved but if you really want to know about it, read “the isis papers” by dr. francis cress welsing.

Well, I only wikipedia’ed it, but…holy crap! Does this not read like racism to you or what:

Cress Welsing states that a system is practiced by the global white minority, on both conscious and unconscious levels, to ensure their genetic survival by any means necessary. According to Cress Welsing, this system attacks people of color, particularly people of African descent, in the nine major areas of people’s activity: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war.[2] Cress Welsing believes that it is imperative that people of color, especially people of African descent, understand how the system of white supremacy works in order to dismantle it and bring true justice to planet Earth.[1]

In The Isis Papers she postulates the melanin theory, a pseudoscientific supremacist hypothesis that white people are the genetically defective descendants of albino mutants. She posits that because of this defective mutation, they may have been forcibly expelled from Africa, among other possibilities.[3] Welsing proposes that, because it is so easy for pure whiteness to be genetically lost during interracial breeding, light-skinned peoples developed an aggressive colonial urge and their societies dominated others militarily in order to preserve this light-skinned purity. Welsing ascribes certain inherent and behavioral differences between black and white people to a “melanin deficiency” in white people. Welsing proposes what she calls a “functional definition of racism”:

Functional Definition Of Racism = White Supremacy = Apartheid: As a black behavioral scientist and practicing psychiatrist, my own functional definition of racism (white supremacy) is as follows: “Racism (white supremacy) is the local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined; which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action, and emotional response, as conducted, simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet Earth – a planet upon which the vast and overwhelming majority of people are classified as nonwhite (black, brown, red and yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people.”[4]

According to Welsing various cultural practices express white people’s sense of their own inferiority:

On both St. Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day, the white male gives gifts of chocolate candy with nuts…. If his sweetheart ingests “chocolate with nuts,” the white male can fantasize that he is genetically equal to the Black male…. Is it not also curious that when white males are young and vigorous, they attempt to master the large brown balls, but as they become older and wiser, they psychologically resign themselves to their inability to master the large brown balls? Their focus then shifts masochistically to hitting the tiny white golf balls in disgust and resignation — in full final realization of white genetic recessiveness.[5]

Cress Welsing has been criticized for stating that black male homosexuality is consciously imposed on the black man by the white man to destroy the black family, that black homosexuality is a sign of weakness and that homosexual patterns of behavior are simply expressions of black male self-submission to other males in the area of sex, as well as in other areas such as economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, and war.

Are you serious?!?!

regarding the destruction of america, the real question is if you and other white people could do what it takes to save america, would you. asking that question to me and other people who are, whether good or bad, students of scripture is like asking us if we had been alive & in sodom & gomorrah, would we have tried to save it or rejoiced over its destruction.

I’m trying to save it…which is why I don’t want to see any more Democrats elected to public office. The answer to more sanity and a less permissive, anything goes, amoral society is to oppose so-called “progressives”, as well as nutjobs like Farrakhan (sorry, but that’s the kindest word I can use to describe him).

if “america” would turn from the ways that are the cause or reason that a divine power is set to destroy it, i would rejoice over that but that doesn’t appear to be happening. “america” has done good in the world but also has done some very terrible things as well.

I’m not religious; but if I were, I’d be more inclined to believe that God’s hand is on America, blessing it. For all our weaknesses and decadence, I’d say we’ve been blessed and have done more good in the world than evil.

morals are just about gone and i hope we all can reason & say that, if there is a god whose standard is laid out in the torah, bible & quran, america is #1 at sending (through TV, music, entertainment & hollywood) the very opposite of those standards all over the earth.

I agree that as a society, there’s a lot of decadence going around. They’re called liberal Democrats. 😛

Rap, hip-hop, gangsta culture, Hollywood movies, television…they are all creating a more permissive, promiscuous society that I think is harmful.

if there is a god, that god most certainly is not pleased with that and, according to how that god has operated in scripture, will at some point reduce such a power to rubble & nothingness, or destruction.

Well, as I said, I’m not religious.

so, i’m not happy at what’s going on all around me but i also see that the majority of the people (of all ethnicities & backgrounds) delight in living opposite of what the god of all the book’s of scripture has laid out as standards of conduct. so you see, it’s not up to just me and would “i” save america, if i could. the real question is do the masses of people in america want the country to be saved because the writing is on the wall that the country – as the world has known it – is done. following in the path of england who at one time ruled most of the world but today is barely even considered a “super” power, if they still are.

What, in your mind, would be the idyllic American society? One that is following God’s order? How do you even know with any kind of certitude that you even have an inkling of what God’s plan is and what he wants from us? Because the NOI says what God wants?

@lgc65: You blathered:

…i’m not going to be afraid, intimidated or think i’m exercising some intelligence by refusing to read

If you meant something other than that, then you need to brush up on your grammar and English sentence syntax.

‘Nuff said.

Notice how in comment number 183, lgc agrees that MSLSD dropped the ball and stretched the truth. Then lgc flip flops in 184 and sticks up for MSLSD.

Now who woulda guessed THAT?? lol

@lgc65: You said:

…that’s only because min. farrakhan’s name was mentioned and misrepresentations about his words were being posted.

Okay, fair enough. Please, PLEASE explain what he meant when he said –

“The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man.”

Exactly why does he think Hitler was a “very great man??”

How can you follow anyone who thinks that, unless you subscribe to the same ideology? If I am wrong, illuminate me.


and the 13th amendment speaks for itself, no matter what spin you want to put on it. slavery is sanctioned by the constitution, the language used in the amendment is very plain.

Wordsmith already clarified it for you, otherwise I would have done so. If you choose not to understand what is really written there, and instead read your own meanings into it, then there isn’t any hope for anyone here who is trying to correct your misunderstandings.

But black Americans still desperately needed an advocate, and Douglass soon rejected any notion of an early retirement.

Interesting that you choose a site that specifically addresses actions by Douglass. Did you know that he was the first black American to receive nomination votes for President of the United States? And he received them as a Republican? And he worked tirelessly for both Lincoln and Grant, both Republican presidents?


wordsmith, like i said before, you and i differ …… greatly so there’s really no need for an extensive back & forth. yes, i was serious about “the isis papers.” i don’t agree with every point or theory she wrote about but i found a lot of good information in the book. then again, i’m black and receive such information differently than a white person would.

no, we obviously don’t agree on the definition of “racist”, or who qualifies for that category. a better word for a lot of what exists in america – everywhere you turn – is “white supremacy.” the “thinking” of many a white person that the world just would stop revolving without them in it; that everyone on the earth needs white people to run things for them; that there was no civilization on the earth before white people, (even though the mexican, asian & black civilizations existed long before white people were even on the earth). so – that’s more the bottom line for me and hosts of other black people that, hosts of white people, disagree with, will never understand (and don’t have to); see as always complaining and are quick to tell us to “go back to africa”.

it seems some/many white people view “racism” as people using terms like “white folk” & “black folk.” talking about “race” or things like that whereas, some/many black people know the real reality of “racism” which has nothing to do – in our view or experience – with those kinds of things. some white people are overly sensitive in the same way some of them say black people are. “why are you saying ‘white folks’ – and almost crying about it like that’s some big sin. is it racist when we say “black folks”? that’s ridiculous to me. that’s how some/many of us talk and will continue to talk. that’s not racism, in our book and we’re never going to subscribe to that kind of definition of the word.

we KNOW racism to be acts of violence committed against us because of our skin color. we know the history of our people being lynched from trees. that’s racism. we know the history of being considered less than human because of our skin color. that’s racism. we know being denied entry into places solely because of the color of our skin, not because we had a history of being mischief makers. this is racism, in our book and we know and see that the meaning of that word has been diluted and minimized as more & more people try to make what used to be clearly understandable into something else.

there remains a great divide in the land between black & white and it’s not going to go away. i agree with the NOI teaching that separation is the ONLY solution, but that’s another topic. i’m just saying where my position is.

you said:

You keep talking about “white people” and their sins. Are you judging a whole group of people based upon skin complexion/ethnicity? Does that not qualify for a kind of “racism” when race seems to matter to you? Why is it that “blacks” are “your” people, and not mankind in general? Or your countrymen? Are you American? If so, are you not proud to be an American?

what i’ve said and said again, is “look at the history of white people on the planet.” that is not racism, that is not making a judgment. it’s asking people to look & then make their own determination based on what they see. i specifically said look at the history of white people (collectively). as far as asking me if blacks are my people, if you can say you’d ask a jewish person the same thing, maybe i’ll consider an answer. and like malcolm x said, just because a kitten is born in an oven, doesn’t make it a biscuit. that was his answer to whether or not he was an american. no, i’m not proud to be an “american.” i was born here and this is all i’ve known but am i proud of america, no. proud of what? the history my people have had here in this land? that thousands of boys and girls are raped or molested every minute, hour and day in america? that thousands every year try to (or do) kill themselves/suicide, are drug addicts, alcoholics, or have other addictions because they are not happy here in america?

you’re not religious and neither am i because i’d rather say i’m “spiritual” – but i do believe that there is a living god (not some spook) but an actual power that is supreme that is set to destroy america. so no, i’m not proud of the wickedness of this country and even though it is true that, in many ways, america is the best the world has to offer, that – to me – just shows what a sad & sorry state the rest of the world is in.


johngalt, do you think i’m a democrat or something? LOL. someone else posted something that indicate that some of you have ASSumed i’m a democrat. i’m not. and NO, i’m not a republican either. surprise, surprise, right?

i see your explanation on the 13th amendment but wouldn’t you say the wording of it does sanction slavery (albeit only under certain circumstances)? and thank you for reading the excerpt. a key point in that piece was this:

…The new state legislatures passed laws designed to keep blacks in poverty and in positions of servitude. Under these so-called black codes, ex-slaves who had no steady employment could be arrested and ordered to pay stiff fines. Prisoners who could not pay the sum were hired out as virtual slaves. In some areas, black children could be forced to serve as apprentices in local industries….

just as racism went from being overt, in yesteryear, to covert in modern times, the actual institution of slavery was abolished by law but a loophole was put in the law, (probably deliberately), that allowed the “virtual” slavery mentioned above to exist even after the black people had been “set free.” some/many black people believe this is still in effect today as evidenced in the fact of the high number of black people (and other non-whites) who are in prison for drug related convictions. i’m sure many of you are aware of the controversy started some years ago about the discrepancies in the law related to lighter sentences for powder cocaine offenses and heavier ones for crack cocaine. it is accepted that most of those convicted for powder were white and, (at one time), most of those convicted for crack-related offenses were black. this obviously, put more black people behind bars than whites for the same crime, a cocaine-related offense.

this is why it’s not such a farfetched thing for some/many blacks to view the criminal justice system as one of “modern day slavery.” i’m sure it’s far fetched for some/many of you, but it’s not to us. so this is just another example of how a divide exists but, i hope some white people can at least try to understand where we are coming from. your experiences are not ours, and ours are not yours. we don’t expect you all to see everything the way we do but we certainly hope that you are not arrogant enough to expect us to see the world through the rose colored lenses that may be your experience. that is arrogant and presumptuous.

Igc65, your not happy in AMERICA now, yes not many are and they come from many colors,
this present leadership has produce the divide, don’t look for years ago, you don’t need to, It’s all around you, they have produce some teachers of hate among AMERICANS of all colors,
and Idon’t see any difference between any sad people , but most of them know why, and you and who you follow go far in the past to only look at the blacks people, you are not looking at the blacks with so much talents that made them loved by every one, look at them, they are dynamic and rolled everyone who come to see them, they have unified AMERICANS, spreading their joy of living,
HOW COME, a smart person like you fail and decide to follow desperatly a person so full of hate,
there are so many that would have enlighted you and your thoughts, if you only get outside of your miserable you, and say ,I am an AMERICAN and I love FREEDOM, and I want no part of
the HATERS, SAY, I want to live in harmony with everyone good people not stick around someone
so miserable that he want to bring other people to damnation with him,


antirocks, based on what nan posted in response to your misinterpretation of my words, it seems that she got the point of what i was saying. why don’t you ask her for the help you need in understanding what was said. you still don’t get it and i’m not wasting anymore of my precious time with those of you who have comprehension problems.

so you & some others can keep posting your questions to me if you want to. you’re wasting your time.

Igc65, YOU have to remember, that you came here, so remember that we did not go after you, and our time is also very precious, so hopefully, we did not waste it on a person that we thought had a potential
of changing her views for getting a true perspective of life, instead of being so unhappy as to get stuck with the wrong leader to advise hate for a lifelong misery


no ilovebees, “this present leadership” – if you’re talking about obama – has not produced the divide. the divide was in place long before you & i (and obama) were born and it’s only growing wider.

you said:

HOW COME, a smart person like you fail and decide to follow desperatly a person so full of hate, there are so many that would have enlighted you and your thoughts, if you only get outside of your miserable you, and say ,I am an AMERICAN and I love FREEDOM, and I want no part of
the HATERS, SAY, I want to live in harmony with everyone good people not stick around someone
so miserable that he want to bring other people to damnation wit him,

i take it you’re talking about min. farrakhan. you say he’s so “full of hate” – that’s your opinion but obviously not one that is shared by thousands of black people and growing numbers of other people. there are even white people who respect min. farrakhan and have written the NOI wanting to find out about learning more or joining.

there’s even a white women who write a book called “Yakub & The Origins Of White Supremacy: Message To The White Man & Woman In America.” so, many of us who love min. farrakhan would say, if you don’t like him – leave him alone and keep his name out of your mouth. he’s not bothering you. and some/many black people think rush limbaugh is as despicable as some of you think min. farrakhan is but you dont’ see many of us trying to turn his “followers” and radio listening audience against him.

some people think limbaugh is full of hate and is bad for america so the same way some of you view min. farrakhan is the same way others view limbaugh. i think it’s ridiculous on both sides. some people say they can’t even listen to min. farrakhan, but i can listen to him & to limbaugh and find good points they both make. limbaugh goes over the line sometimes just as some people say min. farrakhan does but he’s white and so, i guess, that makes him more acceptable to white people.

i’m sure you don’t mean it, but your request is somewhat arrogant in that you use the word “smart” to describe me but then go on to indicate that you don’t think i’m smart enough to be determining my own thoughts and way in what i choose to believe & accept. yes, i view elijah muhammad and louis farrakhan as men of god who brought a teaching to the black people in america that was never before seen or heard of on planet earth. so i will always give honor to them for being that source of information that i did not originate myself. so – leave them alone. they are not filled with hate in our minds and, in our minds, the minister speaks truth that speaks directly to what we have experienced in this land and continue to experience today.

it’s not so simple as folks holding hands and saying they’re proud to be americans & are united. i know you think you have freedom, and the little bit we do have is at jeopardy. how long do you think before martial law is instituted? do you really think you have full freedom with the patriot act & homeland security in effect? c’mon now.


do you think i’m a democrat or something?

I don’t know if you are or not. That isn’t why I put those facts about Frederick Douglass in there. Farrakhan and other influential black leaders have leveled charges of racism at conservatives and TEA party members. They seem to forget the history of Republicans actually fighting for the rights of black Americans, and cling to the false belief that the Democrats are the political party that has been in their corner throughout much of the past century and a half.

i see your explanation on the 13th amendment but wouldn’t you say the wording of it does sanction slavery (albeit only under certain circumstances)?

No. I see it, as others do, including lawyers, that the modifier “except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted” applies to indentured servitude, and not to both slavery and indentured servitude. Section 1 of the 13th Amendment abolishes slavery completely, without any extra circumstances, thus this is why when you read text and discussion papers of the 13th Amendment you will see the phrase “abolished slavery”. Anyone who says otherwise either doesn’t understand the wording, or is willfully misconstruing the phrase.

As for your discussion of the criminal justice system, and the differences in numbers, demographics of prisoners, etc., I do see your point, however, you are looking at it from the wrong side. A whole article and topic could be delved into here about psychology of why blacks seem to number higher in prisons, but this isn’t the forum for that. Quick point though: The overwhelming numbers of young black kids growing up without a father in the household, and the failed government entitlement programs that did nothing more than attempt to keep the black population dependent on government, and the rise of illegal drug prices on the street, have all led to many young blacks who otherwise might be productive members of society, engaging in illegal drug activity.

we certainly hope that you are not arrogant enough to expect us to see the world through the rose colored lenses that may be your experience.

When one presents opinion, they typically do so through the use of a filter medium, much of it based on their own life experiences. When one presents facts, there is no filter, or “rose-colored glasses”, applied. Much of what has been discussed under this article, in these postings between yourself, and many of us conservatives, is pure opinion, nothing more. Some of it is fact, and typically when it is, the supporting and corraborating evidence is presented as well. Now, as for your last paragraph, I was with you, and in agreement, until you modified our views, and only our views, as being those that have filtered opinions. That, on your part, is arrogant and presumptuous.

BTW, I much prefer the civil tones of the last couple of days to outright attacks against us previously. Thank you for that.

@lgc65: You said:

so you & some others can keep posting your questions to me if you want to. you’re wasting your time.

It is very interesting that you are unable to explain why Farrakhan thinks so highly of a man who killed millions of Jews. That says a lot about you.

There is really no defense of his praise of Hitler, so I can’t blame you for not having the nerve to try and defend Farrakhan.

Funny thing, I am a huge fan of Ronald Reagan and I have no problem whatsoever of defending his policies, actions, words, etc…

I guess you just can’t defend a racist bigot like Farrakhan. It IS probably easier for you to just swallow what he feeds you without using critical thinking about his message.

Thanks for playing! 😀

@lgc65: lgc
would you mind answering 213? Thanks

Igc65, One thing you mentionned is ; HOW long do you think that MARTIAL LAW is instituted.
well is that what has been preache to you and the other followers, this is a fear that has been mentionned to keep you in line, and the people here would never allowed it to be instituted,you can be sure of it,
unless the prisons would be open by someone who believe the prisonners are being slaves if
they are ask to work a bit for the STATE, then no protection for the people would require a
search to get those dangerous criminals back in where they belong, that’s why there is a law, and for everyone, you also mentionned a divide would be better for the BLACKS, no way possible,
also, can you see how it would be in AMERICA? to have those blacks haters divide it?
AMERICA will come back from this sad dark age, and the promoter of these thoughts will be confounded
and will have to be silent or judged for incithing treason against THIS BEAUTIFULL AMERICA,


ilovebees, i primarily follow the trackings of white people, some of who get tossed into the category of “conspiracy theorists,” who track the things that happen in society that seem to be leading to loss of freedoms and the increasing probability that martial law will be instituted in america. sites like whatreallyhappened.com, rense.com, etc. for some reason you have a need to believe that everything that i use to form my conclusions and base my opinions and belief and knowledge on are from “what’s preached to me.” you are entitled to your own opinion but if that’s the base of your opinion, you’re way off base and you will only continue to come up with erroneous conclusions about me.

Igc65, you should know that I only answer from what you type on your comments!
I don’t fabricate anything


john, i prefer civil tones as well and, as even wordsmith pointed out, i withstood my share of attacks in here too from people acting uncivilly. you said you were with me until my last paragraph, where i modified the views of several here and accused you all of being the only ones with filtered opinions. really?! is that what you got from this:

this is why it’s not such a farfetched thing for some/many blacks to view the criminal justice system as one of “modern day slavery.” i’m sure it’s far fetched for some/many of you, but it’s not to us. so this is just another example of how a divide exists but, i hope some white people can at least try to understand where we are coming from. your experiences are not ours, and ours are not yours. we don’t expect you all to see everything the way we do but we certainly hope that you are not arrogant enough to expect us to see the world through the rose colored lenses that may be your experience. that is arrogant and presumptuous.

i thought i explained why i, and other blacks, have the [filtered] view that we do. our experiences are not yours and therefore, we cannot view the world through the lens that white people in america do. we view it through the lens of what has happened to black people historically and in modern time, in america. so yes – our views & opinions, (for most/many of us – not all), are shaped, formed and filtered based on that. that’s what i’m saying. we can respect and accept that many/most whites don’t view things the way we do and that may be “right” in their eyes but, by the same token, our view as black people is not necessarily “wrong” just because it differs from that of the majority of whites and what the majority of whites have been taught. that’s all i’m saying.

and as we/i say sometimes to each other upon departure ……….. PEACE!

hey wordsmith! before i head on out, i just had to pull this out from one of your previous posts:

…Rap, hip-hop, gangsta culture, Hollywood movies, television…they are all creating a more permissive, promiscuous society that I think is harmful.

only you can search within your own mind as to why you chose to specifically list rap, hip hop & gangsta culture in this and leave out britney spears, lady gaga, miley cyrus, all these pop stars, country western stars that glorify one night stands and promiscuous behavior, all the – i don’t know what they’re calling “heavy metal” rock bands today, but these drugged out white musicians and bands that also contribute to adding a certain negative tone to the society. it’s not all on the (primarily black) artists who perform r&b/hip hop.

i’ll leave out on this quote, :

“If you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism), what it is, and how it works, everything else that you understand, will only confuse you.”

— Neely Fuller Jr.

@lgc65: It is evident that you either cannot explain why your fearless leader Farrakhan so dearly loves Adolph Hitler or you choose not to. Since you offer no voice on this, one can only assume that you also find Hitler a very great man, as does Farrakhan.

I know you won’t answer to this issue, but it is a shame that when you choose to sling insults and accuse people of racism, you have much to say. When pressed on a certain point that is indefensible you cannot even find the words to answer. Therefore I can only assume you are as racist as Farrakhan and also hate the Jews as he does.

Have a nice day, lgc. I will pray for you and I also feel very sorry for your soul.

@lgc65: You’re not going to answer, honey, are you?

@lgc65 #231:

only you can search within your own mind as to why you chose to specifically list rap, hip hop & gangsta culture in this

My specific mentioning of those were intentional and I wondered if you’d seize on these (0ut of hypersensitivity? Of course not, you probably think).

and leave out britney spears, lady gaga, miley cyrus, all these pop stars, country western stars that glorify one night stands and promiscuous behavior, all the – i don’t know what they’re calling “heavy metal” rock bands today, but these drugged out white musicians and bands that also contribute to adding a certain negative tone to the society. it’s not all on the (primarily black) artists who perform r&b/hip hop.

I have much of those lumped under my category of “Hollywood entertainment”. Much of American pop culture is filled with decadence and advocate for a more permissive society.

@lgc65 #218:

wordsmith, like i said before, you and i differ …… greatly so there’s really no need for an extensive back & forth.

Probably not. Especially if you’re so entrenched in your beliefs that you are inflexible to the notion that so much of what you think might be warped.

However, if both sides keep an open mind and are willing to listen to the other side in earnest, then we both might come away with something valuable. New insights and knowledge. Perhaps a rethinking of our own positioning and thoughts. You never know…

yes, i was serious about “the isis papers.” i don’t agree with every point or theory she wrote about but i found a lot of good information in the book. then again, i’m black and receive such information differently than a white person would.

And how is “the isis papers” much different than, say, something like this?

no, we obviously don’t agree on the definition of “racist”, or who qualifies for that category. a better word for a lot of what exists in america – everywhere you turn – is “white supremacy.” the “thinking” of many a white person that the world just would stop revolving without them in it; that everyone on the earth needs white people to run things for them; that there was no civilization on the earth before white people, (even though the mexican, asian & black civilizations existed long before white people were even on the earth). so – that’s more the bottom line for me and hosts of other black people that, hosts of white people, disagree with, will never understand (and don’t have to); see as always complaining and are quick to tell us to “go back to africa”.

Seriously?! I don’t know a single white person who thinks and behaves like this. However, I have met blacks who carry a chip on their shoulder, hypersensitive to look for racism everywhere and to see the world in a non-colorblind way. Some of the conditioning comes from actual instances of racism; other aspects are conditioned by propaganda that drives perceived instances of racism when the reality could well be that race wasn’t even a factor.

it seems some/many white people view “racism” as people using terms like “white folk” & “black folk.” talking about “race” or things like that whereas, some/many black people know the real reality of “racism” which has nothing to do – in our view or experience – with those kinds of things.

I understand the difference. However, for myself, it is just as “racist” to celebrate a person in a positive light, based upon skin color. Take Tiger Woods, for example. Like Obama, he’s often celebrated for his “black side”. Little kids who happen to be black might look up to him not just because he is a human being who is a great athlete in his sport; but because he is a great black athlete who they feel they can identify with, based upon racial identity. To me, that is a form of racism. I don’t need heroes to look up to who share my ethnic heritage and melanin count. I admire who I admire, regardless of skin color.

some white people are overly sensitive in the same way some of them say black people are. “why are you saying ‘white folks’ – and almost crying about it like that’s some big sin. is it racist when we say “black folks”? that’s ridiculous to me. that’s how some/many of us talk and will continue to talk. that’s not racism, in our book and we’re never going to subscribe to that kind of definition of the word.

Of course “white folk” and “black folk” exist; but only because we give life and significance to such distinctions. We perpetuate the distinctions. We divide and separate and segregate ourselves from one another based upon differences in skin color, as well as attribute a general, stereotype of culture to those groups.

we KNOW racism to be acts of violence committed against us because of our skin color. we know the history of our people being lynched from trees. that’s racism. we know the history of being considered less than human because of our skin color. that’s racism. we know being denied entry into places solely because of the color of our skin, not because we had a history of being mischief makers. this is racism, in our book and we know and see that the meaning of that word has been diluted and minimized as more & more people try to make what used to be clearly understandable into something else.

I agree. You keep repeating stuff that no one here would disagree with you on, in regards to the above.

Question for you: Are blacks capable of racism?

there remains a great divide in the land between black & white and it’s not going to go away.

Because of those like you who have, even if you aren’t creating the divide, are perpetuating it.

Do you think it’s okay for a black couple to raise a white kid? Is it ok for a white couple to raise a black child?

i agree with the NOI teaching that separation is the ONLY solution, but that’s another topic. i’m just saying where my position is.

The only solution to what? Racial harmony?!

you said:

You keep talking about “white people” and their sins. Are you judging a whole group of people based upon skin complexion/ethnicity? Does that not qualify for a kind of “racism” when race seems to matter to you? Why is it that “blacks” are “your” people, and not mankind in general? Or your countrymen? Are you American? If so, are you not proud to be an American?

what i’ve said and said again, is “look at the history of white people on the planet.” that is not racism, that is not making a judgment.

It is racism. Lumping everyone under that banner and shining the magnifying glass as if somehow racism, imperialism, violence, and all the woes of the world can trace their source to “the white man” rather than seeing that all cultures throughout mankind’s existence have done tremendous violence to one another and to the world and it has nothing to do with “the white man’s genes”. The cruelties inflicted upon the world- it’s a mankind trait.

it’s asking people to look & then make their own determination based on what they see. i specifically said look at the history of white people (collectively). as far as asking me if blacks are my people, if you can say you’d ask a jewish person the same thing, maybe i’ll consider an answer.

I’d ask that of a Jewish person if he perceived that non-Jews were the problems of the world. What if he were to say, “All the problems of the world stem from those with blond hair and blue eyes”?

and like malcolm x said, just because a kitten is born in an oven, doesn’t make it a biscuit. that was his answer to whether or not he was an american. no, i’m not proud to be an “american.” i was born here and this is all i’ve known but am i proud of america, no. proud of what? the history my people have had here in this land? that thousands of boys and girls are raped or molested every minute, hour and day in america? that thousands every year try to (or do) kill themselves/suicide, are drug addicts, alcoholics, or have other addictions because they are not happy here in america?

Have you ever read Keith Richburg’s Out of America. Good book.

I’m sorry you feel this way. Why not leave the country if you’re so ashamed? Revoke your citizenship and immigrate to someplace that will make you happier?

you’re not religious and neither am i because i’d rather say i’m “spiritual” – but i do believe that there is a living god (not some spook) but an actual power that is supreme that is set to destroy america. so no, i’m not proud of the wickedness of this country and even though it is true that, in many ways, america is the best the world has to offer, that – to me – just shows what a sad & sorry state the rest of the world is in.

Ok, maybe I’m spiritual too and will say that if anything, God has blessed America with invisible hands and a divine purpose for good in the world. It’s the last best hope of mankind and the greatest country on God’s green earth.


we view it through the lens of what has happened to black people historically and in modern time, in america.
our view as black people is not necessarily “wrong” just because it differs from that of the majority of whites and what the majority of whites have been taught.

Myself, along with others, like Skookum, will admit readily that we do not know everything. Indeed, we would most likely admit to learning at least one thing new every day. Knowledge is constantly accumulated over one’s lifetime. Having said that, not everything we learn daily is correct, particularly when it is based mostly, or entirely, on another’s opinion.

What black people in America, particularly those views on slavery as it existed here, isn’t always what the truth was. Too many people, including some of the black “leaders” in America, have a vested interest in stirring the pot, so to speak, keeping people ignorant and against one another instead of speaking truth to the matter. There are others that try to speak the truth, but are set upon by the liberals because it doesn’t further their goals. We try to learn from those others, not because we believe slavery wasn’t a “big deal” to blacks, or because we don’t want to know truthfully about it, but because we believe that even as some whites in America were evil in the practice of slavery, others were battling with them to end the institution.

That is what we are trying to discuss with you concerning this. What some of us here have learned, even though it may be devoid of actual experience as a black man, or woman, in America today, is truth on the issue of slavery, and the civil rights battles afterwards. It doesn’t jive with what is accepted “truth” by the liberals, but it is true knowledge all the same.

One must continually strive for knowledge, but at the same time, continually question that which they have learned already, including whether or not it be truth or falsehood, in order to better themselves. And they must do so even with the knowledge they have gained from those they admire, or follow. What you have been taught throughout your life may very well be different than we have, but it doesn’t make it true just because some of us may be white and we do not have the experience of being black in America.

“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.” — Thomas Jefferson

What that means is that all you “know” must be questioned as being the truth of things, and reason and knowledge sought, for reason is what sets us apart from all other living things on earth, and reason and knowledge are the seat of all of individual power we acquire throughout our time here on earth.

@Wordsmith: Great comment, Word. I just wish lgc had the intestinal fortitude to answer as to why Farrakhan thinks Hitler was a “very great man,” and as to why she blindly follows anyone who could think that.

Edited to add:

, comment #236 Great comment as well!


i agree with the NOI teaching that separation is the ONLY solution, but that’s another topic. i’m just saying where my position is.

The only solution to what? Racial harmony?!

As a part of a very well blended family, I am astounded by this.
I have been to parts of Africa: Egypt, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa.
I also have met black American soldiers who have spent time in northern Africa.

They came away with the same conclusions I did:
AMERICA is the place to be!
They suffered racism in northern Africa for not being black enough or for being too black!
The Arab people living there hate the blacks, all of them, even the Muslim ones.
The blacks there despise the light-skinned 1/2 black,1/2 Arab Muslims because they are discriminated against by them.
They lump Afro-Americans into that group, wrongly, but that’s what they do.

It is funny (ironic) that every black American soldier I have met who was ever in Africa hated that place.
One would think there might be a longing for homeland, but the reality on the ground apparently kills that, after being there.

Malcolm X left the NOI over lgc65’s/Farrakhan’s very point: he disagreed with them.
He felt that all races should be more colorblind.
Had he been allowed to live we might have seen how that worked out.
Too bad he did not.

Wordsmith, wow, that should be compiled in your book among the other GEMS
you have given us, so many times, many words of wisdom, to reflect on,
we don’t need to try to find negatives from the past, because the past has change totaly,
to the PRESENT, and moreover TO the FUTURE, we are the one today
shaping the 2 of it, we can’t be bother with NEGATIVES thinking and NEGATIVES THINKERS,
there is no time as LIFE is in TIME just a minute speck of a second!!!
NO matter how I try, I wont match such a COMMENT by a gifted AUTHOR
OF our beloved F.A

I watched the trailer for it, Word and it looks like a very thought provoking, interesting movie. I would very much like to watch it.

Since slavery has been a hot topic here, how about this?

A former hospital director in Britain has been convicted of trafficking a woman from Tanzania and using her as a “slave”.

Saeeda Khan had brought Mwanahamisi Mruke, 47, to the UK with the promise of a domestic service visa, 120,000 Tanzanian shillings a month (50 pounds), and also 10 pounds a month pocket money.

But when she arrived in Britain in October 2006, Mruke was forced by Khan to work around the clock and sleep on the kitchen floor of her home in Harrow, London, for the next three years.

Mruke was fed just two slices of bread a day, ordered around by a bell, which her captor kept in her bedroom, and prohibited from leaving the house.

Her passport was also taken away, and Khan made threats about her relatives in Tanzania, and although the payment arrangements were initially honoured, Khan stopped paying Mruke after one year.

The jury at Southwark crown court found Khan guilty of trafficking a person into the UK for exploitation.

Speaking after she was convicted, Mruke said she would “never forgive” the person who had imprisoned her.

“I felt like a fool, I was treated like a slave. Even the money I was promised, I was never paid. I feel terrible about this,” she stated.

Who thinks what’s happening RIGHT NOW in all of the Islamic world is not ”slavery?”
Good thing the Muslim woman was not tried in one of the UK’s 75 Sharia courts, she would have gotten off scot free.

@Nan G #238:

I also have met black American soldiers who have spent time in northern Africa.

They came away with the same conclusions I did:
AMERICA is the place to be!

Have you read Out of America, by Keith Richburg? Richburg comes away from his experience in visiting Africa by being thankful that his slave ancestors survived the journey to America (not the same as saying he was thankful for slavery) so that he could grow up with the privilege of being an American. Before that, he didn’t realize just how good he had it, being an American citizen.

@lgc65 #200:

the real question is if you and other white people could do what it takes to save america, would you.

lgc65, before you completely leave this thread, you should go away from here with the additional knowledge that I’m not white.

I haven’t read it, Wordsmith.
But I will put it on my list.
I’m running behind in my reading.
Maybe by summer.
It sounds like it mirrors what I’ve personally heard though.

Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan are nothing to do with Islam. The Nation of Islam do not beilve that Muhammad was the final messenger sent by Allah in long line of Prophets: Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus and finally Muhammad – may Allah have peace on them all.
The Nation of Islam therefore do NOT fall into the pale if Islam at all. As for the Nation of Islam befreinding Gaddafi who wants to and is slaughtering his innoccent citizens…that say sit all for Lewis Farrakhan and Gaddafi!

The headline of this blog post is bogus. Farrakhan didn’t say “Islamic uprising” are coming to the USA.. he said homegrown uprisings of the White American variety who are pissed off at the crooks in government (Republicans AND Democrats) are coming to America.

Watch the video for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY-_JsNrxiM

here 2012 FEBRUARY ALREADY, and I’m reading a POST from MARCH , APRIL 2011,
SEEMS LIKE SO LONG AGO and yet the same POST and comments apply today,
except for what was predicted here but even more amplified as viciously ended ; that is the revolution
which is still, not done with murders of civilians, but the death of GADAFI AFTER OBAMA ORDER HIM TO LEAVE, FOLLOWED BY AIRSTRIKES TO PROTECT THE REVOLUTION by al qaeda infiltrators and their brotherhood, following a spree of gaining control of those COUNTRIES LIKE EGYPT STILL IN TURMOIL AFTER MUBARACK has been ousted also ask by OBAMA to leave, after 40 years of moderate GOVERNMING, and other HEADS HAS FALLED to the advance of the RADICALS promissing a better life for the people, but giving them only radicalism and enslavement aftreward , and their beat goes on still. as we are getting closer to ELECTING A NEW CONSERVATIVE PRESIDENT TO REVERSE THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA. which is imminent
as we see now and predicted by the smartest AMERICANS OF TODAY.
I like to return what is said in the past months and years, only to find those prediction to become truth of today. It does reenforce the belief of the truth for sure.

Gotta lock that farakkan nut up and serve his hypocritical butt bread and water for the rest of his days in an Algerian prison. Don’t like the USA farakkan then just get the hell out of the USA no one is going to miss you.

Johny abdullay
yes here the 16 teen of 2o12 AS YOU, IN SEPTEMBER,

1 3 4 5