The face of unions [Reader Post]


“I f**k you in ass, you faggot”

(h/t Michelle Makin)

“You are a bad Jew!”

(h/t The Blaze)

Union thug assaults Tabitha Hale

(h/t Jim Hoft)

SEIU thugs assault gay black Tea Party member

(h/t redwhitebluenews)

Tea Party activist knocked to the ground in Massachusetts.

The loss of collective bargaining does not bust unions. It does not remove their ability to bargain for wages, contrary to the stupidity we’re all seeing.

At one time unions served some kind of purpose, but they are irrelevant today other than serving as a means of guaranteeing mediocrity. Unions brought the auto industry to its knees and Obama has pinned the bill for their legacy costs on our futures.

Their are safety rules, there are wage rules and there are age rules.

Unions are dinosaurs and clearly, if you make them cross they will eat you alive.

In fact, they eat you alive anyway.

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Could not agree more! Many call Obama Stupid – Yes, Socialist – Yes, Left-Wing radical – Yes, an Idiot – NO. This is where we must all see the writing on the wall, he is no idiot, just like all the nut cases in history, they know exactly what they are doing. Sure he wants to accept lesbian and homosexual marriages, sure he wants to support the unions, sure he wants free health care for all, sure he wants to protect and expand entitlements, sure he wants to share and distribute the wealth, Absolutely, let us become the hand out state where the only place we can turn to is the government. Now bring this all to his home, to his family, then the buck stops there. The nest B=Day for the Obama girls they shoudl invite over al ltheir lesbian and homosexual couples and let’s see how the Obama’s can explain to their two girls that this is the new accepted American family – the best explanation is how they reproduce offsprings, lolol….This is prototypical of all socialist – elitists. Bring the population down to their needs, grow the government, regulate free enterprise until they are strangled and must give in to government control…then it is all ready for a socialist society, socialist market and socialist control of every aspect of our lives. As the economy goes into the second deep, dip, we must all be prepared to stand up for our values, protect our freedoms and DO NOT ALLOW the fringe elements to take over. Let the our voices be the loudest and be ready to protect ourselves, our families and our American way of life at all costs. Remember, the same people who are demonstrating today and the same fools that will be coming to us from protection.

In one school district alone the end of non-wages collective bargaining means they can get away from the Teachers’ Union’s own medical insurer….the WEA Trust.
The savings will be $600,000 the first year!
I don’t know how many school districts in Wisconsin are stuck with that medical coverage sham, but it is savings like that in every part of Wisconsin that will save budgets from city to county to state.

Many examples here.

Again, this still allows teachers to use collective bargaining for wages.

How many of those protesting AFSCME, a large part of the teachers in Wisconsin, know that the international president of their union is knocking down a tony $479,328 a year plus benefits and expenses?

Labor laws prevent companies from abusing their employees. There is no reason for unions, unless a member is under the assumption that if they go on strike, they will receive strike benefits from their union. Ooooops, a quick check of union strike benefits show that most unions have NO money in those funds. Seems they spent so much money getting a Marxist elected, they drained their stike benefit funds.

No one thing has caused jobs to go off shore than the unions have. It’s called “pricing yourself out of a job”, you dummies.

All of this is so disturbing. I will admit that for over 20 years I was a member of a union. I faithfully paid my dues and what I received in return was pretty much nothing. I also will admit that for years I tried to cease my membership but was always given some excuse why I couldn’t (e.g., I had to stop my membership on the day that I enrolled). I actually felt at times that the only way to get out of the union was to die. Finally I was able to wrangle free.

I learned a lot about the unions. If you are a union member even if they know you are guilty of doing something wrong in the workplace they will defend you to the nth degree. I have to believe that unions have outlasted their usefulness and the only reason they are fighting is that they will 1. lose control of the people, and 2. will lose millions of dollars they use to support their personal agendas.

The Marty Lamb link has been blocked or removed.

You can see it here:

They are cornered and dangerous.

For Nan G: Wisconsin’s largest teachers’ union is an extremely profitable insurance business that happens to provide services to children on the side

This fight is about more than just benefits: it’s about a rigged insurance operation that no one in their right mind would choose if given a real choice in the matter.

WEA Trust stands to lose millions through Governor Walker’s heroic actions on behalf of the taxpayer – which is why the union bosses have reacted with violence, angry rhetoric and near-riots in the state capitol.

It has nothing to do with the kids. The union bosses want to steal more of your money with a crooked, rigged insurance scam.

This is the Face of the Unions…

Trumka and Obama will cast Big Labor as an unassailable force for good in American history. But when it comes to terrorizing workers, Trumka knows whereof he speaks.

Meet Eddie York. He was a workingman whose story will never scroll across Obama’s teleprompter. A nonunion contractor who operated heavy equipment, York was shot to death during a strike called by the United Mine Workers 17 years ago. Workmates who tried to come to his rescue were beaten in an ensuing melee. The head of the UMW spearheading the wave of strikes at that time? Richard Trumka. Responding to concerns about violence, he shrugged to the Virginian-Pilot in September 1993: “I’m saying if you strike a match and you put your finger in it, you’re likely to get burned.” Incendiary rhetoric, anyone?

A federal jury convicted one of Trumka’s UMW captains on conspiracy and weapons charges in York’s death. According to the Washington, D.C.-based National Legal and Policy Center, which tracks Big Labor abuse, Trumka’s legal team quickly settled a $27 million wrongful death suit filed by York’s widow just days after a judge admitted evidence in the criminal trial. An investigative report by Reader’s Digest disclosed that Trumka “did not publicly discipline or reprimand a single striker present when York was killed. In fact, all eight were helped out financially by the local.”

In Illinois, Trumka told UMW members to “kick the s**t out of every last” worker who crossed his picket lines, according to the Nashville (Ill.) News. And as the National Right to Work Foundation (pdf), the leading anti-forced unionism organization in the country, pointed out, other UMW coalfield strikes resulted in what one judge determined were “violent activities … organized, orchestrated and encouraged by the leadership of this union.”

Trumka washed off the figurative bloodstains and moved up the ranks. As AFL-CIO secretary, he notoriously refused to testify in a sordid 1999 embezzlement trial involving his labor boss brethren at the Teamsters Union. No surprise. Thugs of a feather: Trumka’s violence-promoting record echoes the riotous Teamsters strikes dating back to the 1950s, when the union organized taxicab companies to target workers with gas bombs, bottles and fists.

And now, Trumka is spearheading a Democratic Party get-out-the-vote campaign by far-left groups — publicized in the revolutionary Marxist People’s World — to “energize an army of tens of thousands who will return to their neighborhoods, churches, schools and voting booths to prevent a Republican takeover of Congress in November and begin building a new permanent coalition to fight for a progressive agenda.”

Take those as literal fighting words. The bloody consequences of compulsory unionism cannot be ignored.

Trumka — The Eddie York Slaying

United Mine Workers President, 25 Years Ago Now AFL-CIO Head and meets with Obama once a week?
Yup. That’s the Guy that has Obama’s ear.

Old Trooper, thanks for posting that. I do not understand why anyone would be surprised about Trumka’s backround and association with Obama; he fits right in with Obama’s other terrorist associates like Ayers etc.

An excellent day? Obama leaving the White House…. in handcuffs.

@ Scott in Oklahoma, Some Folks get VETTED before they get a Job…Some Folks don’t…

Let’s be honest about what this whole thing is about:

the public sector unions have been feeding off the public taxpayer teat for generation. They would spend their money to get Democrats elected and those Democrats would agree to cities and states paying outragous salaries and benefits. So the ones who were really getting screwed were the taxpayers that are expected to pick up the tab. And the left talks about greed. All they have to do is look at the greed of the public sector unions.

Last November the Democrats got their asses kicked in elections all across the nation. States that have always been under Democratic control now have not only the governor’s office Republican, but both Houses. The power, and the control, is gone. And so is the gravy train for public sector unions as the former Democrats let those unions run their states in the financial ground. And the Democrats and their union minions know it.

But the unions can take this just so far. And the Wisconsin Democrats are playing with fire as the unions represent only a small portion of the populace of that state. Someone needs to remind them how that whole “flee bagger” thing worked out for the Texas Democrats. In 2003, the Dems held 88 of 151 Texas seats. Now they hold 49 and the Republicans have a filibuster proof majority. Things like voter I.D. was just recently approved by the Texas Senate, and with so many R’s in the Texas Congress, it is sure to pass. Also, the R’s of Texas just passed a sonigram requirement for all abortions in the state of Texas. So all the things the Texas D’s have been fighting, they are losing. All because they skipped out on their jobs in 2003 and fled to New Mexico.

There are approximately 17% of Americans who are un/underemployed and I doubt they have very much sympathy for these Wisconsin union thugs. If I were Governor Walker, I would fire the lot of them and if I could not do that, I would damn sure tell every city and county that there will be not one damn dime spent on those locals until the Democrats man up and return home.

@retire05, #11:

There are approximately 17% of Americans who are un/underemployed and I doubt they have very much sympathy for these Wisconsin union thugs.

A recent Gallup poll found that 61% oppose a law in their own state similar Scott Walker’s proposal. Only 33% responded that they would favor such a law.

Walker made a serious political miscalculation. He’s provided working and middle class Americans with an issue that has become a rallying point, and is going to have serious national repercussions for republicans in 2012. Union protests are spreading across the states like wildfire. The danger is so obvious that his approach has alreadly lost the support of 4 other republican governors.

Any similar miscalculation in the Republican majority House of Representatives will likely prove to be disasterous.

Ah, let’s hear it for the regurgitation of the union and media talking points INRE workers rights and collective bargaining by Greg, above.  Thanks for that USA/Gallup poll.  Notice how simply the question is worded, assuming the poll responder has a clue?  Dangerous assumption, it seems.

Of course, the problem is that so many citizens have now been the unwitting beneficiaries of a union controlled public school system, they are clueless to collective bargaining rights, and it’s effect on controlling hiring/firing of teachers using quality over tenure.   But then it’s hard to battle union thug mouthpieces and their puppets, screaming “workers rights”… forgetting to note that at best it’s 7-8% of all US earners that are the “workers” involved in these so called “rights”.  And that all they are demanding is at the price of the other 93% of working people.

So far, only Dick Morris has done a poll in Wisconsin with a before and after comparison of collective bargaining, explaining the devil in the bargaining details  in simple language the WI folks responding seemed to require…

On the issue of limiting collective bargaining to wage and benefit issues, however, they break with the Governor, opposing the proposal by 41-54.

If the issues to be taken off the bargaining table are related to giving schools flexibility to modify tenure, pay teachers based on merit, discharge bad teachers and promote good ones, however, they support such limits on collective bargaining by 58-38.

Amazing what a little education can do to poll results, eh?  Not such a pretty picture anymore when the truth comes out in Wisconsin.

But then truth and education is  not what the unions want.  This is their last stand… the private unions have virtually been obliterated, and the public sector and their control over all levels of government is now at risk.  That’s why, Organizing for America, the SEIU etal are dragging every hair brained dodo bird out of the woodwork to sing their praises, never knowing how utterly stupid they really are on it’s effect on budgets and quality of school education.

The more capitalism passes over from free competition to monopoly, the greater the number of its industrial branches that have become unable to develop adequately, the more the influence of state and community on the character and extent of production increases, the more necessary it will be for every class to gain influence on state and community, the more fatal will be the isolation of trade unions that prevents the proletariat from depending and promoting its interests effectively, the more indispensable it will be that the trades unionists are inspired with socialist discernment and socialist enthusiasm the more necessary, on the other hand, that the Social Democracy should be able to rely upon a numerous army of organized trades unionists, on which rest the deepest and firmest roots of its power.

The trades unions will not disappear along with the capitalist mode of production like the journeymen’s organizations vanished with the guilds. On the contrary, they will constitute the most energetic factors in surmounting the present mode of production and they will be the pillars on which the edifice of the socialist commonwealth will be erected. – Karl Krautsky

Any wonder why the unions have the support of Obama, and he of them?

@ johngalt, Organized Labor is a Money Cow for Obama and His Crowd.
Follow the Money.

@Old Trooper2:

True, but the money is more a means to an end for that crowd.

“Change comes from power, and power comes from organization.”

The change of America from a proud republic to a whimpering socialist state is their goal, and the money being thrown around between organized labor, the federal government, and people like Soros, is intended only to gain the power, necessary to affect that change. Whether that power, gained through money, is taken from the willing or unwilling is of little consequence to them.

New York City could be forced to fire nearly all of the 15,000 teachers hired over the last five years unless the state’s teacher seniority rules are scrapped, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sunday. That’s on top of plans to cut more than 6,000 teachers in the fiscal year beginning July 1.

Publicly, Gov. Cuomo said he would not consider changing the seniority rules as part of the state budget.
But the New York Post reported today that Cuomo is privately considering a compromise that would allow Bloomberg to lay off between 2,000 and 4,000 “nonteaching teachers,” regardless of their seniority.
Targeted teachers would include those who, until recently, filled New York’s infamous “rubber rooms” and nonworking teachers from schools that have been closed due to poor performance.

Can you imagine?
Good-to-excellent teaching teachers being laid off so the ”jobs” of 2,000 to 4,000 NON-TEACHING teachers can stay on the payroll!

It is NOT ”for the children” at all!

@Nan G:

It is NOT ”for the children” at all!

It never was, Nan. Decades upon decades of teachers rallying around the cry “It’s for the children!”, have been nothing more than lies.


Trumka, unsurprisingly, is for higher taxes upon the working populace to…….get this……………create jobs! Of course, it involves soaking those who work out of more of their hard-earned money so that the government can then give it to union workers for “infrastructure”.

What’s the best way to get Americans back to work?

Raise taxes, according to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Specifically, he wants to raise the federal gas tax as a means to fund infrastructure spending. “We need a dedicated source of revenue to create infrastructure in this country,” he tells Aaron Task

The economically illiterate should not have the President’s ear on fiscal matters. What this guy doesn’t explain, because he is too ignorant to do so, is that higher fuel prices result in higher costs for every product you buy, anywhere. People will cut back even more, if possible, depressing many industries even further as less product is purchased by consumers. You go on, round and round with the economic impact of higher taxation and yet still have the Idiocracy claiming it’s “the right thing to do”.

I kind of like the delay these Democrats are causing until the vote on Wisconsin’s school reform.
Here’s why:
The longer the debate goes on, the more stuff comes out for people to learn about.

Like this:

NY Ciyt….[Y]ou get only one teacher for the price of two.

The Department of Education pays about 1,500 teachers for time they spend on union activities

and pays other teachers to replace them in the classroom. (!!!!!)

It’s a sweetheart deal that costs taxpayers an extra $9 million a year to pay fill-ins for instructors who are sprung — at full pay — to carry out responsibilities for the United Federation of Teachers.

With Mayor Bloomberg calling for thousands of teacher layoffs to balance the 2012 budget, critics say it’s time to halt [this] extravagant benefit.

Read more:

Just another facet of the issue we would not have learned, had Wisconsin Democrats in the Senate simply quietly voted.

@Nan G:

I’ll add this to the list of unsurprising actions by the teacher’s unions:

NEA to Double Member Dues Contribution to Political War Chest

Amid substantial membership losses and a $14 million shortfall in its general operating budget, the National Education Association plans to double each active member’s annual contribution to the national union’s political and media funds.
NEA is already the top political campaign spender in the nation. This increase will give the national union an additional $40 million per election cycle. The increase alone is larger than all but two other groups spent during the entire 2007-08 cycle.

And who is it that rails against political spending by corporations?


Thanks, JohnGalt.

I have encouraged union members to avail themselves of arrangements to keep all the money that unions spend on anything (politics, included) other than their own representation.

Under the 1988 Supreme Court decision Communications Workers of America v. Beck every member of a union is entitled to a full refund of their dues that are not directly used for representing them. Until now though, it’s been almost impossible for any member to find out exactly how much their refund should be.

The process is simple. Choose your labor state from the list at this link. Fill out some basic information and UnionRefund will automatically generate a letter that you can print and mail to your union representative to claim your individual refund. UnionRefund will also send a courtesy notification letter to your union to ensure a quick resolution for your request. It’s that easy!

@johngalt, #16:

Why do I suspect that concentrated wealth and power in America might also have organized to protect and further their own collective interests?

They’ve made a remarkably effective job of it, if the astonishing upward concentration of the nation’s total wealth and income is any indication. They’re also doing a remarkably effective job of demonizing anyone or anything presuming to organize a challenge that trend.

@ Greg, OK Pardner, Show Me in the US Constitution where “Redistribution of Wealth” was the desire of the Founding Fathers.

Your ability to Para Phrase Marx, Mao, Lenin and Stalin quite frankly make Me curious about where Your Loyalties are parked. I employ Full Time directly over 40 hard working and well paid people in a Business that they have run in My Absence due to Deployments and makes both a Profit and a Good Living for them. Go talk Union or Organizing to them and You will see some Folks that will at best laugh in your Face and worse case ask You how much You want to steal from Them!

I don’t know What You do for a living or Who You work/worked for but I doubt if You ever met a payroll, were held in compliance by the State and Federal Agencies that I comply with or produce much in the line of anything useful.

Everywhere Socialism has been tried on the Planet has resulted in Poverty and Failure for the Working Folks. There is no Free Ice Cream. Someone pays for it. I reckon that You are closer to the receiving end of the chain than the Paying End. The concentration of Wealth CREATES Jobs. The confiscation of Wealth through Over Reach, Meddling, Over Taxation, Intrusion into the Private Sector destroys Them.

You set Yourself up for criticism here every time you get onto that Redistribution of Wealth Jag. Read “The Wealth of Nations” if You are able to grasp something more than the Socialist Crap that seems to constitute 99.99% of Your Talking Points here. Adam Smith could give You a basic notion of how Economics works. You are quite frankly Not Getting It!

@Old Trooper2, #23:

@ Greg, OK Pardner, Show Me in the US Constitution where “Redistribution of Wealth” was the desire of the Founding Fathers.

Is there anything in the Constitution suggesting that Americans aren’t allowed to organize to obtain a larger share of the wealth that’s produced from the work they do and the services they render?

Wanting an ever-increasing share of that to be distributed upward seems to be perfectly OK; wanting an increased share to be distributed downward is apparently fundamentally un-American.

@ Greg, You Dodged the Question as I expected. This is obviously the limits of Your tactical arsenal.
No Answers forthcoming as per usual, just drivel and propaganda. Why am I not surprised?


Wanting an ever-increasing share of that to be distributed upward seems to be perfectly OK; wanting an increased share to be distributed downward is apparently fundamentally un-American.

How do you respond to someone who willfully ignores historical evidence and experience? Do you not understand that business owners and corporations reinvest the profits made back into their company or business, either through expansion of services/products or area covered? They create jobs when they do so, unlike the government taking wealth, which only redistributes it. As for people wishing a higher wage for the service they render to an employer, who is to say that they are not paid fairly for the work they do? You? Obama? Some fatcat union manager pulling in multiple times the average union member? How about the employer? That would be my answer, and if they do not, then they lose workers to the competition, or to other industries. There is nothing preventing those people from seeking gainful employment elsewhere, as I and many others have done from time to time.

Why do I suspect that concentrated wealth and power in America might also have organized to protect and further their own collective interests?

Even if that were true, they would be hard pressed to equal the concentration of wealth and power the unions have amassed towards political expenditures:

Is there anything in the Constitution suggesting that Americans aren’t allowed to organize to obtain a larger share of the wealth that’s produced from the work they do and the services they render?

No, not that I know of. And there is nothing in the Constitution stating that the people have to give in to their demands either. The case in WI is really best described as the people of WI vs. public employee unions. The people elected Walker Governor. The people placed majority control in the Republicans hands. The people of WI decided enough was enough and voted for “change”. The problem you, and other liberals have, is that it doesn’t fit your ideal world, the narrative on life you all have built up with falsehoods and outright lies.

The trades unions will not disappear along with the capitalist mode of production like the journeymen’s organizations vanished with the guilds. On the contrary, they will constitute the most energetic factors in surmounting the present mode of production and they will be the pillars on which the edifice of the socialist commonwealth will be erected. – Karl Krautsky

I invite you again to explain to the conservative readers here how we are wrong in linking unions to the goals of the socialist doctrines.

@Nan G:

Here’s another for the list of unsurprising actions taken by unions in their quest to thieve more wealth from the taxpayer:

The New York Post reports that the Department of Education is spending $9 million per year to provide additional teachers to cover lost classroom time for 1,500 public school teachers who are conducting business for the United Federation of Teachers.

English teacher Tom Dromgoole, for instance, collects top teacher pay, $100,049 a year, from the DOE for his slot at Leadership and Public Service HS in downtown Manhattan. But he is relieved for most of the day to serve as a UFT high school rep. The UFT supplements his salary by $50,461, records show.

The United Federation of Teachers collects $126 million in dues from its members and yet reimburses the DOE only $900,000 of the nearly $10 million dollars spent annually to provide additional teachers to instruct students which have been abandoned in the name of union business. One principal wondered why the UFT isn’t picking up the tab, “They have a lot of money to run TV ads. Should DOE be paying for this?” Meanwhile the union and their membership assure us as that any cutbacks will affect the quality of education (as if it could sink and lower), because as we know “it’s all about the children.”

Fleece, fleece, and then fleece some more because it ain’t their money. Truly, anyone who can defend such practices needs their heads examined, stat.

I agree with Rush Limbaugh when he called “union dues” money laundering.

@johngalt, #26:

The people elected Walker Governor. The people placed majority control in the Republicans hands. The people of WI decided enough was enough and voted for “change”. The problem you, and other liberals have, is that it doesn’t fit your ideal world, the narrative on life you all have built up with falsehoods and outright lies.

A recent poll suggest that Wisconsin voters aren’t particularly happy with Walker’s attack on public employee unions, or with the job he’s doing.

Walker didn’t say word one about summarily eliminating Wisconsin public employees’ collective bargain rights during his governor’s campaign. If he thinks he had some sort of mandate from Wisconsin voters to do so, he’s imagining it.

Must’ve missed this, heh?

Scott Walker channels JFK… except for that 10988 deal [Reader Post]

Let’s see you find the problems in their methodology, greg.
I did.
It wasn’t even difficult.

1st hint:
The ”poll” was sponsored by the AFL-CIO, Change to Win and the NEA.

@ Greg, OK. Will they file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy then and just shut down the State or close down half of the Schools like Detroit?

You can’t have that Cake and eat it too. When the borrowed from China Federal Stimulus money runs out the Free Ice Cream is gone too.

Dammit! I hate when that happens!


A recent poll suggest that Wisconsin voters aren’t particularly happy with Walker’s attack on public employee unions, or with the job he’s doing.

So…………we are expected to believe a poll, conducted at the behest of the AFL-CIO, by a democratic polling firm, on issues relating to teachers unions, of which some are affiliated with the AFL-CIO (, and take it as gospel that the taxpayers in WI are against Gov. Walker’s legislation?

Walker didn’t say word one about summarily eliminating Wisconsin public employees’ collective bargain rights during his governor’s campaign. If he thinks he had some sort of mandate from Wisconsin voters to do so, he’s imagining it.

Let’s take this in pieces, shall we?

-Gov. Walker is NOT “summarily eliminating Wisconsin public employees’ collective bargain rights”. You continue to spin the truth about the legislation and what it actually will accomplish, all for the sake of continuing the liberal’s narrative on the topic.

The bill would also prohibit most government workers from collectively bargaining for anything other than their salaries, or from demanding pay increases above the Consumer Price Index measure of inflation. To bypass the salary cap would require voter approval. Additionally, the bill would stop unions from forcing public employees to pay dues. It would also cut some spending in an effort to rein in the state’s massive budget deficit.

-As for him not saying “word one” about this particular issue, you are correct, however, upon one actually reading his issue stances on his campaign website, the general idea of this legislation is right there for people to see once they take off the blinders.

Much of Wisconsin’s economic woes have resulted from years of delaying prudent financial decisions while making little effort to implement a pro-growth agenda for the state.
-Just because a government program has a vocal constituency and a high-priced lobbyist does not mean it should continue,
-The budget process should be about funding essential government services based on the taxpayers’ ability to pay.
-It should not be about horse trading for special interest groups or establishing talking points for the next campaign.

If he thinks he had some sort of mandate from Wisconsin voters to do so, he’s imagining it.

-Walker won election 52% to 42%.
-WI state assembly, 60-R, 38-D, Ind-1
-WI state senate, 19-R, 14-D
All races turned to Republican control in the 2010 elections, in significant changes to the overall makeup of the Wisconsin legislature. I’d contend that the voters in WI decided enough was enough when it came to D’s leading the state. Whether or not you want to call it a mandate, or in your case, deny it, the state of WI decided conservatively in Nov. 2010.

As for the actual bill itself, it is not right, and it is never right, to expect the taxpayers to foot the bill for excessive pension and benefits liabilities, particularly when they themselves are hurting economically. When the taxpayers realize the truth about the legislation, and not the spin you and your liberal buddies are spreading around, my belief is that they will side with the Gov.

According to a 21 February Rasmussen poll, likely 2012 voters favor Walker’s stance over the unions’, by a 48 to 38 percent margin. Another Rasmussen survey shows that 67 percent of voters believe Wisconsin Democrats were wrong in fleeing the state rather than voting on Walker’s budget proposals. The MSM probably won’t be citing those results any time soon.