Say What? April 6th, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]
Harry Reid: “I am extremely disappointed that after weeks of productive negotiations with Speaker Boehner, Tea Party Republicans are scrapping all the progress we have made and threatening to shut down the government if they do not get all of their extreme demands…The division between the Tea Party and mainstream Republicans is preventing us from reaching a responsible solution on a long-term budget.”
Howard Dean: “If I was head of DNC, I would be quietly rooting for [a government shutdown].”
White, 63 year-old Howard Dean: “The TEA party is all over 55 and white; this is a shrinking minority. The shrinkier they get, the madder they get. This is why they have gotten so far off the deep end.” You make the call, whether or not he has gotten so far off the deep end. EEEEEYAH!!