Say What? June 28, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

Attorney General Eric Holder:  “[the courts are the nation’s] most effective terror-fighting weapon.”

Van Jones (to Glenn Beck and FoxNews): “We see the effects of your cynicism and your disrespect and your hate-mongering and it’s not just immoral, it’s un-American to abuse the airwaves and to abuse the ears of our children with your lies and your filth and we’re tired of it….You’re not America.”

Say What? May 9th, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

Mike Huckabee: “It is a good thing that the last thing to go through Osama bin Laden’s mind was an American bullet.”


NY Times editorial: “The killing of Osama bin Laden provoked a host of reactions from Americans: celebration, triumph, relief, closure and renewed grief. One reaction, however, was both cynical and disturbing: crowing by the apologists and practitioners of torture that Bin Laden’s death vindicated their immoral and illegal behavior after the Sept. 11 attacks. ”

Singer Sheryl Crow: “It’s just fascinating that we have a black man, who has Muslim ties with his father, even though he’s a Christian, it’s amazing how far our country has come, that that’s the man who took down Osama bin Laden. It makes you feel very patriotic. I do think that if it were any other president, I might feel different about it. But, he’s one of the most conscious [conscientious?] people I’ve ever met, and I’ve met four presidents now. He walks the walk.”