Musk, MAGA & Me
Sometimes our memories play tricks on us. Mine, thinking it’s Houdini constantly makes things disappear and appear randomly. Such was the case with an interview I did with Elon Musk …
Sometimes our memories play tricks on us. Mine, thinking it’s Houdini constantly makes things disappear and appear randomly. Such was the case with an interview I did with Elon Musk …
Once, when we were free, we were the greatest nation on earth; now, we are a small nation with a big government. If he has the courage and vision, Trump …
American Presidents are supposed to be well-spoken, articulate, magnanimous and carry themselves with a grace that makes them look natural on the cover of TIME magazine or standing next …
Donald Trump has had a busy first week as POTUS. NBC called it “chaos.” Joe Klein, not unexpectedly, calls Trump’s Presidency “radical.” Politico called it “Yuge.” The media is still in …