The Week in Radical Leftism, 2/19/2021
Welcome back everybody to Day 31, and our first month under The Occupation! Let’s jump right in: 2/11 –The Duty of the Holocaust Museum Don’t read this while you’re …
Welcome back everybody to Day 31, and our first month under The Occupation! Let’s jump right in: 2/11 –The Duty of the Holocaust Museum Don’t read this while you’re …
Remember learning about Venn diagrams in elementary school? Venn diagrams are the diagrams with intersecting circles. The circles represent different sets of things and the area where they intersect with …
Democrats have for years accused conservatives of conducting a war on women. Seeped in hypocrisy and oozing with deception, this assertion has been conducted with help from a witless media, and with assistance from the influential socialist enclave of Hollywood. I use the term “hollywood” inclusively here — herding into this corral, both the players and the products of the entertainment industry.
It’s sometimes said that you can tell a lot about a person by the friends they keep. That makes sense. Friendships are generally based on complementary personalities, shared values, and …
Curt wrote “Boehner Plans Amnesty Sellout To Pelosi” on 1 Dec 14. Vince wrote “Surrender: Why does anyone ever vote for the Republican Party – at least one run by …
The raging, twenty-four-seven political debates that virtually consume social media, many news sites, and entire cable stations is mostly filled with cheap shots, one-liners, bumper sticker slogans, and the same …
Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes. Our favorite movies say a lot about us… although I’m not exactly sure what. My top five (in no particular order) are …
How did Barack Obama win reelection despite 8 million fewer people working and a doubling of gas prices since he took office? Despite a flatlining GDP, $6 trillion in new …
Neal Boortz will be calling it quits this week after 42 years in the radio business. He timed his exit to ensure that if Barack Obama was reelected he (Obama) …
Earlier this month a demographer in Texas cause something of a stir with a report headlined: “It’s basically over for Anglos“. Fundamentally what he was saying was that within a few decades Hispanics would be the majority in Texas. Two out of three children in the state are already non-Anglo, and the minority birthrate far outpaces whites.
That was followed up this week by a report in the Wall Street Journal discussing the fact that the overwhelming majority of the growth in the United States population is coming from – and will continue to come from – minorities, particularly Hispanics and blacks.