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Whoopi: How dare you interfere my ability to kill babies!

Whoopi Goldberg has implied men have no right to comment on abortions as she slammed Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Thursday for a remark he made while debating Roe v Wade.

‘The fetus has an interest in having a life,’ Alito said Wednesday during oral arguments in the case of Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health – where Mississippi is attempting to strike down a lower court’s blocking of its 15-week abortion ban.

‘And that doesn’t change, does it, from the point before viability to the point after viability? There are those who say that the rights of personhood should be considered to have taken hold at a point when the fetus acquires certain independent characteristics. But viability is dependent on medical technology and medical practice. It has changed. It may continue to change.’

Goldberg, speaking on The View, reamed Alito, arguing that as a male he has no idea what a fetus wants.

‘Do any of you men have any eggs or the possibility of carrying a fetus? How dare you talk about what a fetus wants? You have no idea,’ she said.

The talk-show host argued that Alito shouldn’t have a say in when an unborn child can or cannot live outside of the uterus.

‘I’m fine if you disagree with abortion, I have no problem with that. My problem comes when you tell me what I need to do with my doctor and my family. How dare you. How dare you!’ Goldberg raged.

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Ask anyone if they would prefer to have been killed in an abortion.



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