Ukraine’s Promised Counter Offensive Destined for Abject Failure


by Larry Johnson

With each passing day, the Ukrainian Army is being carved up and decimated in Bakhmut. To use a cinematic metaphor, this is a preview of the coming attraction, with Ukraine facing intense pressure to launch a counter offensive that will push the Russians out of Ukraine. Ain’t going to happen.

Take a look at the following video. Yes, it is but one isolated anecdotal account of the slaughter in Bakhmut, but it rings true and provides a chilling picture of the desperate state of Ukrainian forces in that battle.

Even If Ukraine is able to scrounge up troops and vehicles that surpass anything the Russians have in place on the front-lines in the Donbass (a dubious assumption), it still lacks the artillery, air support, logistics and ammunition to sustain such an attack.

How do I know? Very simple. Just look at how Ukraine currently is performing in Bakhmut, Ugledar, and Avdevka. In every case, Ukrainian forces are retreating, albeit slowly, rather than blunting the Russian offensive. The following image (taken from, a pro-Ukrainian site) shows the harrowing situation the Ukrainian troops confront.

Ukraine, which in theory should have an advantage by fighting from defensive positions, has failed to stop the slow but steady advance of Russian troops all along the line of contact. Instead of attacking and destroying Russian lines of communications that supply the Russian forces, Ukraine is launching artillery and HIMARS missile strikes on civilian targets. Those attacks do nothing to weaken Russia’s tactical and strategic situation.

The seven blue circles visible on the map signify locations where air raid warnings are sounding on April 25. This means the Russians hitting these sites with fixed wing aircraft to deliver 500 kg glide bombs and explosive laden drones. The effect is devastating for the Ukrainians on the receiving end.

These strikes also confirm the assessment contained in one of the leaked pieces of U.S. intelligence that Ukraine’s air defense system (ADS) has been destroyed and Ukraine lacks a layered ADS to fend off Russian attacks. Russian military sources claim they are inflicting an average of 500 fatalities on the Ukrainian troops. In other words, in the last 60 days the Ukrainians have suffered at least 30,000 KIA across the 950 km front. Ukraine does not have a limitless supply of manpower.

No amount of happy talk in Washington or the capitals of other NATO countries alters the dire tactical situation confronting Ukraine. If you look at the changes on the liveuamap during the last six months, it is Russia, not Ukraine, that is relentlessly attacking all along the line of contact. Russia is conducting a brutal war of attrition and Ukraine is willingly sending irreplaceable forces into the maw of destruction. How is Ukraine going to mount a credible counter offensive without adequate air support, an exhausted air defense system, a weakened tank force, shortages of artillery and missiles that cannot be readily replaced and a chaotic logistics system that is failing to keep front-line troops fully supplied with ammunition, fuel and food?

Ukraine’s prospects are made more grim by the realization that Russia, during the last six months, has built layered defense systems along likely avenues of attack, stepped up its use of fixed wing aerial attacks on Ukrainian mobilization positions and kept massive trained reserves off the front lines.

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Ukraine has been defeated. There will be no spring offensive to retake crimea They are dining on champagne and oysters in downtown Kiev.

04/29/23 – Russia-Ukraine war live: fire rages at Crimea oil depot after suspected drone attack

A fuel tank was ablaze in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol in what appeared to be a drone strike, the governor said on Saturday.

Reuters reports that the Moscow-installed governor, Mikhail Razvozhaev, wrote on the Telegram messaging app: “According to preliminary information, the fire was caused by a drone hit.”

“The situation is under the control of our firefighters and all operative services. Since the volume of fuel is large, it will take time to localise the fire.”

Not as long as it will take the Russian invaders to replace their lost fuel supplies. Putin is about to get is worthless butt kicked out of the occupied territories.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Failure is exactly what they plan, murder the men then set 3rd world loose on the defenseless women and children.
comment image

How do we get our money back? I will bet joe has enough cash he got from the CCP to cover it. Perhaps we can seize his assets since he has committed treason.

Tracking it all down through the endless shell companys and deposits in other countries might take a minute.

All civilian targets:
04/28/23 – Ukraine war: 25 dead as Russian missiles hit cities

A wave of Russian air strikes on cities across Ukraine, including Kyiv, has left at least 25 people dead.

23 people – including four children – were killed in an attack that hit a block of flats in the central city of Uman, officials said.

And a woman and her three-year-old daughter were killed in the city of Dnipro, according to the local mayor.

The Russian defence ministry said its military had targeted Ukrainian army reserve units with the strikes.

State-owned RIA news agency said Russia was aiming for the reserve units and used high-precision weapons on Friday.

In Uman, a town that has been largely spared Russian attack, a nine-storey apartment building partially collapsed after it was hit by a missile.

Oleksander, a 35-year-old resident of the block, said he had been woken up after he heard a powerful explosion.

“I couldn’t understand what was happening. I went to the balcony and saw glass everywhere. It was horrible,” he told the BBC.

“Russia is a terrorist state. You can see, there’s no military object here. And it happened at four o’clock in the morning, as people were sleeping”.

Another resident, 60-year-old Vanda, said she heard an explosion and “everything shook”.

“We tried to find ways to leave the building. I heard a voice of a child who was screaming in the flat next to ours. We wanted to help other people. There was smoke and fire everywhere,” she said.

“Peaceful people were just sleeping.”

More than 10 hours after the attack, rescuers were still working at the site while residents tried to retrieve some of their belongings. In nearby buildings, some residents were already fixing broken windows…

Forget deposed. Putin must hang.

The blood of dead Ukrainians is on bidens hands

Biden is supporting Ukraine’s resistance to invasion by a homicidal maniac.

Thankfully he is losing. biden at this point should do what he does best, surrender.

Bending over for Putin is part of Trump’s platform, not Biden’s.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

If you say so buckwheat

For biden the cause is anything but just, it is totally political. Sad that so many Ukrainians have died because of bidens nihilism.

What is wrong with bidens economy?

What will biden do about the invasion our southern border?

Didn’t biden take an oath to protect and defend?

So did your cult leader, who tried to pressure his own VP into overturning an election.

No he did not. But he did secure the southern border where biden has failed

Your entire problem with Zelenskyy is that he wouldn’t cave to Trump’s extortion efforts. Everybody with a brain knows this.

The was no extortion. Now biden on the other hand demanded a prosecutor be fired in exchange for a billion dollar loan.

Right. It was only one more of Trump’s “perfect telephone calls.” Like the one with Georgia election officials—honest Republicans, who wouldn’t assist him with this attempted election theft.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

The Georgia call was more perfect than Ukraine.

Trump is going to get hit with a federal indictment this summer. Pence spent all of Thursday testifying before a Washington DC grand jury about events leading up to January 6. Pence didn’t take the Fifth, because Pence did nothing wrong.

No evidence, another bogus attempt that will fail bigly.

Is there a democrat leader with enough moral courage to invoke the 25th amendment?

Personally I do not believe so. One must be a patriot and love America.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

More winning….

Jim Jordan Subpoenas CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, Other Top Agencies for Documents Related to Social Media Censorship

Why does biden repeatedly shun hunters out of wedlock grandchild? Is he embarrassed that hunter hooked up with a stripper?

biden should use some of his ill gotten millions from the CCP to make families of the dead whole again. Reparations if you will.

04/28/23 – Russian TV Alarmed by Ukraine’s Pending Counteroffensive

Russian state TV hosts and guests in a recent segment seemed worried about Ukraine’s pending counteroffensive, stressing that Russian troops should continue to prepare for Kyiv’s attacks amid Russia’s ongoing war with the Eastern European country.

Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to Ukraine’s Minister of Internal Affairs, posted to Twitter on Friday the clip of the Russian state TV segment with English subtitles, and wrote that Russia “worrying about Ukrainian counteroffensive now seems to be a regular installment on Russian propaganda shows.”

The battle between Russian and Ukrainian forces has extended to major cities since the war began last February, including in Kyiv, Odessa, Kherson, and Bakhmut, the latter of which has seen months-long of intense fighting. Meanwhile, Western nations continue to send military aid to Ukraine, including tanks, artillery, and advanced military equipment to help the war-torn country prepare for its spring counteroffensive…

They should be worried. They’ve been unsuccessful in taking full control of Bakhmut since last summer. They should pull the hell out of Ukraine before Ukraine brings the war home to Russia. Putin keeps on killing Ukrainian civilians, while Belgorod is easily within range of Ukrainian missiles and artillery.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Spring offensive, we are 6 weeks into spring. Iran is stealing oil tankers whee discount on the black market.

04/29/23 – Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence advises residents of Crimea to stay away from military objectsBecause the “military objects” are all about to become military targets.

The depot set afire had 10 fuel tanks with a total 40 thousand ton capacity.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Black Radio Host Charlamagne Tha God on Joe Biden 2024: “America is in Shambles. I Don’t Give a F*ck What He Says” (VIDEO)

REVEALED: Joe Biden Has Little-Known Personal Stake in Ukraine That Predates Burisma

Dr. Jill Welcomes Military Families to White House Lawn for a Workout While Feeble Joe Hides… Event Starts Off Awkward (VIDEO)

First Biden beat Trump; next, Biden is going to beat Putin.

Is it difficult to type with the straight jacket on?

Biden is losing to Putin.

Trump beat Putin by keeping him in Russia.

WE lost the country when the election was rigged and Biden installed.

He’s not our president, and never will be.

First Biden beat Trump; next, Biden is going to beat Putin.

Ha. How is he going to use election fraud against Putin? That’s the only way he “beat” Trump, which directly resulted in the Ukraine war. Idiot Biden can’t accomplish anything honestly. Lying, cheating, fraud and corruption is his vehicle.

Putin is wiping the floor with biden

Idiot Biden is making the US a weak joke before the entire world.

ANOTHER result of idiot Biden’s stupid energy policies. But, at least it makes AOC happy.

Firstly, residents were ALREADY doing that, and secondly, Crimea isn’t part of Ukraine, it’s part of Russia.

Who cares what Ukraine tells Russian citizens to do?

The governments of the United States, Canada, the nations of Western and Eastern Europe, Japan, and South Korea?

Who cares what Ukraine tells Russian citizens to do?

Both the UK and France a getting cozy with China, they see the writing on the wall with this disastrous proxy war. The US petro dollar no longer being considered the only game in town. Biden refusing to negotiate with congress, the entire executive branch run by the incompetent circus freaks. Our military learning pronouns while theirs train for war.
Zelensky is not a leader he is a beggar comedian, installed crook.
South Korean President sings Bye Bye miss American pie at the reception are you so dense?

Just take the L, greg.

Again, RESIDENTS WERE ALREADY DOING THAT, and Crimea isn’t part of Ukraine.

So who cares what Ukraine tells Russian citizens to do???

You really don’t understand the concept of national sovereignty and conquest, do you. Russia is conquering part or even all of Ukraine for their own interests.

America does the same, all over the globe.

Biden can’t stop Putin.

04/29/23 – Putin Faces Threat of ‘Military Mutiny,’ Former Russian Commander Warns

Former Russian commander Igor Girkin warned on Saturday that Russian President Vladimir Putin might face “military mutiny” from the Wagner Group, a private military unit whose leader Yevgeny Prigozhin reportedly threatened to withdraw his troops from Bakhmut.

On Saturday, Girkin wrote in a Telegram post that calling for the withdrawal of units from “the front without the consent of the high command is a military rebellion and nothing else.”

The Wagner Group has played a key role in helping Russian forces in their attempt to take control of Bakhmut in Ukraine. Still, Prigozhin has often publicly criticized the Russian defense ministry for not providing his fighters with more ammunition and support.

In another Telegram post on Saturday, Girkin wrote that Prigozhin “openly” blackmailed Russia’s military leadership by warning that the Wagner Group would leave its position in Bakhmut if the issue of supplying his forces with ammunition wasn’t resolved by Friday…

Putin is winning this war, and even the WH and U.S. generals are admitting it now.

You’re behind.

This never needed to happen, all those dead Ukrainians could have lived if you jerks could have just accepted the results of democratic elections in our nation and not had to rig, lie, cheat, and undermine our Republic.

Their blood is on your hands.

Just an aside: Newsweek and every other source you sight also presented a act of TREASON, the fake “51 intelligence officials” lying that the Hunter Laptop was Russian disinformation.

Why they, and the entire Biden admin, aren’t in shackles is beyond me.

Who cares what articles you post? Who would believe them?

No one.

This includes FOX, so don’t go there, you loser. ALL OF IT is garbage, and Americans reject it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Nathan Blue

Here’s you unelected dictator puppet, openly celebrating his regime’s “firing” of a journalist who questioned his rule.

You really support totalitarianism? I don’t think you understand the day will come where you have to actually get your hands dirty, beyond just posting lies on the internet, greg.

Are you sure your SS check is worth it?

With a regime like this, why wouldn’t Putin do whatever he wants?

It’s not like Biden will…or even can…stop him.

It was while idiot Biden was VP that Hillary was allowed to sell 20% of our uranium to Russia in exchange for $100 million. Putin LAUGHS at us when these idiots are in charge. No wonder he wanted Hillary instead of Trump.

greg is a complete idiot…

“We need to stop deceiving the population and telling them that everything is fine. I must honestly say: Russia is on the brink of a disaster.” Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of Russia’s Wagner Group.

You are a moron

I’m not the one telling people America is going to hell, but everything is just fine in Putin’s Russia.

You are a moron.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg


Biden CIA chief met with Epstein several times after financier convicted of child sex crime

Central Intelligence Agency Director William Burns had three meetings with Jeffrey Epstein in 2014, when the top spy official was deputy secretary of state and after Epstein was convicted of child sex exploitation, documents indicate.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

05/01/23 – Russian president Vladimir Putin’s regular command changes have undermined Moscow’s ability to conduct a cohesive campaign in Ukraine, the Institute for the Study of War has written in its latest assessment of the conflict.

His initial reluctance to appoint an overall commander may have been linked to Moscow’s expectation at the start of the invasion that it would capture Kyiv within days, it said: “Putin had likely wanted to declare this speedy invasion a personal geopolitical victory.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

05/01/23 – Russian president Vladimir Putin’s regular command changes have undermined Moscow’s ability to conduct a cohesive campaign in Ukraine,

Over 200,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed, and the over half the country has no infrastructure to support life. Putin is clearly winning, and an American general just admitted our efforts have had almost no effect on Moscow’s success.

Perhaps a partisan non-profit think tank started and run by a non-combatant woman who takes credit for “the surge” in Iraq isn’t a viable source for information?

Putin’s propaganda puppets have been saying Bakhmut will fall any day now since May 17, 2022.

If Putin can’t take full control of one city on the edge of Russian occupied territory, how can they subdue an entire country?

At White House Dinner Joe Biden Tells Regime Media It’s Over for Tucker Carlson to Vocal Gasps

Joe Biden Takes a Call at Small Business Summit, Announces to the Crowd: “My Wife is Waiting For Me!” (VIDEO)

05/01/23 – Hang Together on Ukraine, or China Will Hang Us Separately

“Two major fallacies continuously infect Western analyses about China’s perspective on Russia’s war in Ukraine:   
that China supports Russia, and that the West cannot afford to waste resources on helping Ukraine when the real long-term threat is China.   “The first fallacy leads to a standoffish approach to China concerning Ukraine when we should instead be seeking to enlist China in support of Ukraine’s sovereignty and economic development, while disincentivizing any temptations to take Russia’s view on the conflict.
“The second fallacy implies we should diminish Western support for Ukraine — something that would only serve to encourage China in its ambitions to take Taiwan, and thus increase the costs to the West in any future conflict there…” 

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Pull your head out of your ass, the CCP is by far a more long term threat than Russia will ever be. Ukraine is a CCP diversion. You are to stupid to realize that slugo

That’s exactly what the article says, pinhead. That’s one reason why Putin can’t be allowed to win.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Hunter Biden Appears Before Judge For Hearing to Lower Child Support Payments – Opening the Door for Examination of His Financials

05/01/23 – Explosion in Russian border region derails freight train

Local governor Alexander Bogomaz said an explosive device went off along the Bryansk-Unecha line, 60km from Ukraine.

The incident, which occurred at 10:17 Moscow time (07:17 GMT), saw the locomotive catch fire and seven freight wagons derailed, Russian Railways said.

The region – which borders Ukraine and Belarus – has seen acts of sabotage since Russia invaded Ukraine…

Finally, something we agree on: 05/01/23 – US Speaker McCarthy: Russia must pull out of Ukraine

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Monday said Russia must pull out of Ukraine, blistering Russia’s “killing of the children” and distancing himself from some in his Republican party who oppose additional major U.S. aid to Ukraine to stave off the Russian invasion.

In Israel on his first trip abroad as speaker, McCarthy emphatically stressed his support for Ukraine and rejected a suggestion that he does not support sending military and financial aid to Kyiv. At a news conference, he also amplified his positions on other issues back home, including his demand for debt limit negotiations with President Joe Biden.

“I vote for aid for Ukraine. I support aid for Ukraine,” McCarthy said, responding to a question from a Russian reporter.

“I do not support what your country has done to Ukraine, I do not support your killing of the children either,” McCarthy told the Russian reporter, adding. “You should pull out.”