Nicholas Frankovich:
Last week America was introduced to Anthony Senecal, that curious octogenarian who lives in Trump’s house in Florida and writes bilious Facebook posts about his view that the president should be lynched. Senecal is flesh and blood. “John Miller” and “John Barron,” who are not, are made of faith, trust, and pixie dust. Former associates of the Republican party’s presumptive nominee for president in 2016, the pair was presented to a bemused nation on Friday.
This most recent distraction — the revelation that Trump impersonated his own, imaginary publicists on the phone for several years in the 1980s and ’90s, confessed to it then, and denies it now — freshly illustrates his well-established flair for drama and deception. It also ratchets up a little the Fremdscham that he stirs in those who, as Rachel Lu put it the other day, “remain un-hypnotized” by his antics: They feel his embarrassment, and all the more so because he does not, or pretends he doesn’t. Instead of correcting course, he doubles down and rubs the public’s nose in it.
We should be talking instead about ISIS and Hillary Clinton’s e-mails, his supporters say on Twitter and elsewhere, disingenuously. His campaign is nearly bereft of ideas and policy arguments except the flavor of the moment. He contradicts himself routinely, with insouciance. It matters to most voters and to many donors, though clearly not to his base. Has a presidential campaign ever been built on such a small ratio of substance to mood music? Obama 2008. There you go.
A vocal and passionate bloc of voters on the right want their own Obama, a president who for a change —change! — will cut out all that “principled conservative” jabber about “the Constitution” and exercise an imperial presidency in their interest, as they perceive it. They resent conservatives for standing between them and the Left. The new populists, or nationalists, demand to have at it: “Out of the way, you had your chance, our turn, we’ll show you how it’s done.” What they mean is that they aim to install a Clinton donor in the Oval Office, to keep Clinton herself out of it. Got that? Meet the new boss, same as the old one. Or worse than the old one? That’s a question for another post.
We the people are the boss, of course, and Mr. or Mme. President our public servant, at least on paper. That notion is now fairly quaint, a parchment piety. Too many Americans would rather have a king, like the Israelites who ended up with Saul. It turns out that the demand for an American monarch far exceeds the supply of willing candidates. Voters in the market for such a thing will take what’s on offer. That is how the Republican party has come to this, preparing to nominate for president a person whose primary qualification for the office is that he can rage with senior-style ferocity, like Lear on the heath.
To deflect attention from a swelling drumbeat of questions about what might be in his tax returns, Trump released to the Washington Post a tape of a phone interview that “John Miller” gave to a reporter for a celebrity-gossip magazine in 1991. So speculates the reporter, Sue Carswell, who says that she lost the tape long ago and that the only other person who would have had a copy is Trump. But if he was the one who released it, why did he appear caught off guard when asked about it on TV on Friday, and why did he hang up when asked about it again a few hours later, 44 minutes into an interview with the Post?
Whatever the bottom of that peculiar story is, it’s backward-looking and sad, a picture — it’s ironic — of what Americans who rally to Trump fear their country has become. Remember Shelley Levene, the paunchy, andropausal real-estate con man played by Jack Lemmon in Glengarry Glen Ross? On the phone with potential marks who probably won’t buy the sketchy and possibly nonexistent real estate he’s so desperately pitching, he shouts directions to and answers questions from his nonexistent secretary. The guy is sunk.
Carswell suggests that we keep our eye on Trump’s failure to release his returns. Others, including Paul Krugman, suspect that the reason he’s stonewalling is that the returns show him to be poorer than he lets on. In his book TrumpNation (2005), Timothy L. O’Brien wrote that “three people with direct knowledge” of Trump’s finances estimated that his net worth was between $150 and $250 million. Trump sued O’Brien for defamation, insisting that he was a billionaire, and lost in court.
@Redteam: Military experience, keeping his word with contractors and paying them, no crying about being treated unfairly, stop the victim shit, a consistent platform, an iota of knowledge on the Constitution, quit intentionally making enemies with those that could assist in getting things done and for goodness sakes a billionaire should be able to get a better spray tan, get rid of the green overhead lighting he looks like a jack-o-lantern at times.
7pm kickoff against the Raiders tonight
@Richard Wheeler:
If women ARE 52% of the electorate, then I’m just gonna make a stab in the dark that 48% will be Male.
Seems as if you custom tailor your poll to get the result you desire. But I’m sure the national polls wouldn’t do anything like that. I’m sure they make them all 50-50 with an even percentage of Hispanics/black’s, etc.
@Redteam: I didn’t custom tailor the percentages Everyone knows a higher % of the vote is cast by females—more of them -they are still outliving us National polls will show Hispanics at about 17% and African Americans at about 14%. As you know Repubs struggle mightily with those two groups. Trump can’t change that. Women will decide this election. If Trump can get close to 45% he’ll win—What’s the flood situation where you are?
Talk about polls LSU#5 and ND#12 PRE-SEASON
Ah, but you did indeed ‘custom tailor’ them
Here are your numbers:
52 WOMEN 65% C 35% T
If there are 100 voters and 52 are women, then that means there are 48 males. Do you agree with that?
65% of the women vote for Shrillary that means 35 Votes for Trump
but your problem is, that means there are 48 men, who vote 75% for Trump.
48 x .75 = 36
52 x .35 = 15
36 + 15 = 51 for Trump and that leaves what for Shrillary.
What you want to ignore is that men favor Trump at a higher % than women favor Hillary.
You should have taken more math classes.
better luck next time.
Preseason polls are only for ‘feel good’ for some fans. They seldom work out that way. Good think LSU’s opener is at Lambeau Field, if it were in Baton Rouge they might need their scuba gear.
@Redteam: You missed it 100 voters
White Male 32 x 75%–24%
Non White Males 16 x 33%-5.33% You think African American and Hispanic men vote DT? 33% is Generous
Female 52 x 35%-18.2%
Adjusted to accuracy
24+5.3+18.2= 47.5% Trump
52.5% Clinton
As mentioned Libertarian and Green VOTE of about 14% will reduce both by about 7%
Women will decide it Trump needs 45% to win.Good start bringing in sharp gal, who had supported Cruz, to be his campaign manager.
Re preseason polls–mean little—- ND 2 GREAT QB’S LSU One great running back Fournette Heisman favorite with Clemson QB
@Richard Wheeler:
As I said, you’re not entitled to your own set of facts. You can’t say females some specific % but then say if you adjust the color make up of females it is then either higher or lower, depending on which makes you feel better.
If men vote 75 % for T and women vote 35% for T and the mix is 50 50 then that means Trump 55 Shrillary 45.
I have not seen one single woman that I know that says they are voting for Hillary. In fact, I haven’t seen a man either that is voting for Hillary. But I’m not in Gayfornia.
What? you’re not including your guy in that? What did he do, kill a cow or something?
@Redteam: Men are not voting 75% for T—Closer to 60%–Women 35% T
E.C ONLY THING THAT MATTERS–stacked against Trump.
@Richard Wheeler: You are the one that supplied the 75% number. Now that it doesn’t prove WHAT ‘YOU’ want it to show, you want to change it. EC, I guess now you’re going to want to change the way it works also.
As I said, you don’t get to have it your way, you can only stack your numbers so many ways. Now that you don’t like 75% you say it doesn’t matter anyhow. Go vote for that vegetarian and forget about Trump.
@Redteam: You need to sl—-ow down. I said Trump’s base– guys like you and Bill white men vote at 75%–you don’t get me and George,
Minority males at about 33% so overall male vote about 60% for Trump–You got it?
Give me a prediction on final voter percentages and FINAL E.C–I’ve given mine –also Senate and House if you like.
l Like E.C JUST THE WAY IT IS–don’t you?
@Richard Wheeler:
I think George has a right to be offended if you don’t call him a white man. Though, actually I don’t know what color he is. (and don’t care). But I’m going to say that when I saw you wearing your assless chaps on your Facebook page, you ‘appeared’ to be a white male. (But after all, today we are ‘what we want to be’) right? How do you know what color I am?
voter % 55T 45 Dim fill in for Clinton
EC 300T 235 Dim fill in for Clinton
I think after Hillary’s mental condition is revealed, she’ll have to be replaced.
Lot of rain here, but no flooding, we’re west of where all the flooding occurred.
In case you missed it:
@Redteam: Do you even know the number of E.C votes there are? HINT -IT’S NOT 535.You’re not much on politics RT.
You’re the guy always talking about your collection of assless chaps. Kitt told you to stop trolling and come out from under the bridge Do you wear them in the floods?.
Again, your reading comprehension is very poor RT. I SAID George and I are two white guys that won’t be in 75% voting for The Donald
RE Letterman Loved his show. He used to ridicule Trump’s spray on tan, wild hair, and over the top self promotion. Trump refused to come on the show. Great comedy
@Richard Wheeler:
Actually I do, I don’t count the 3 for DC. I don’t consider them to be legitimate since they don’t get a vote in Congress.
Actually you said:
I think the proper interpretation of that sentence would be that Bill and I are white men and you and George are not included.
Lift that quote and post it. I can’t find it.
never cared for it. Libtard humor.
@Redteam: If you don’t like Letterman why would you post his “top 10 reasons”
You’ve got your own rules for the electoral college?? That’s funny
Do you have ANY doubts that George and I are white?
I have no doubts that you and Bill are white.
I’ve posted my numbers for final percentages including major 3RD parties ( defined as receiving over 1% of popular vote) Wanna post yours?
@Richard Wheeler:
Because his reasoning on that top 10 was good. That doesn’t mean I have to like or watch him.
Actually I don’t, but you seem to not be so sure. I notice you didn’t lift and post your ‘quote’ stating such.
I did.
Saturday, August 20th: Trump now says he plans to legalize some undocumented immigrants:
“If true” being the operative part of the sentence. He has either lied before to his supporters during the primaries, or he is now lying to Hispanic American voters and other demographics he needs to win the election.
Donald Trump: “I will never lie to you.” That would be the first article of the faith. Accept that, and all of the contradictions can be rationalized away.
From the start, Trump has said whatever he has needed to say at the moment, with zero concern for any contradiction. All you need to do is remember the parts you like and disregard the contradictions.
Rest assured, he’s always telling you the truth. He’s just spinning things for others because that’s what must be done to win an election.
When Trump takes office he can immediately begin strict enforcement at the border.
He can end the favoritism toward ”sanctuary cities.”
He can deport all illegals who are felons and in custody.
He can also begin cutting off all welfare to those who do not qualify, such as illegals.
He can also begin strictly enforcing labor/employment laws that prevent business owners from hiring illegals.
Do all that and, guess what?, many, if not most illegals will deport themselves.
There won’t need to be a huge enforcement team rounding up illegals.
All there will be needed is a mop-up team to get the holdovers out.
@Greg: Maybe he’s just pandering? We haven’t seen any pandering from a Republican, but perhaps he is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook and is pandering like a mofo?
Wouldn’t that be funny?
@Greg: Trump’s gonna place nice to the African American and Hispanic voters to gain favor at the polls.
Message to DT–too late THEY WON’T BUY IT and they will vote to assure you won’t become POTUS.
@Richard Wheeler:
Polls show Trump’s largest increases in Black population. I guess now that almost all polls are showing Trump leading by 1-2 points, it’s ‘sweating’ time.
I still don’t believe Hillary is going to make it to the election date. Either wikileaks or her lack of brain control is going to get to her.
If, and that’s a huge ‘if’ she gets on a debate stage, that’ll be the end for her. She won’t get through it unscathed.
I see ND had a tough weekend. Just like all the criminals in the SEC, they need to learn to obey laws.
@Richard Wheeler: @Redteam: like Nan you fantasize–he leads in La times Can you name another? I can name 7 in which he trails–More importantly he trails badly in the E.C.
African Americans don’t buy his “pandering”–thanks Bill– His approval around 4-5%– Hispanics under 15%—Those numbers spell Trump’s defeat and he knows ir.
If you wanna post your predictions including 3rd party numbers, I’ll repost mine again and we’ll see who gets the closest in Nov.
@Richard Wheeler:
I already posted them. 3rd party 0.
Yes, that’s a definite maybe. (Or, to paraphrase Nancy Pelosi , You’ll have to elect him to find out what he means to do.)
@Greg: Greg, what do you think about Hill’s attempt to blame the email thing on Powell? He doesn’t seem to like it very much.
Trump won’t release his tax returns because he’s hiding something. How smart does a person have to figure out the obvious? His new campaign manager doesn’t want them released.
The IRS audit excuse is total bullshit. That prevents nothing from being released. If he’s audited every year, as he claims, it certainly doesn’t prevent past years from being released.
His supporters don’t know a con man when they see one.
Not true, I had no problem recognizing Obama when he first came on the scene.
but of course, Obama not releasing his birth certificate is NOT hiding anything. And not releasing his Occidental and Columbia and Harvard school records is NOT hiding anything. And using someone’s else’s social security number is NOT hiding anything.
Where is Obama’s children’s birth certificates? Who is their mama?
Where is Clinton’s ‘full tax returns’? Where is Obama’s full tax returns?
Why do you have double standards?
Where is Hillary’s medical records?
Trump is hiding something, and the only people his supporters are fooling are themselves.
@Greg: Shrillary
Trumpis hiding something, and the only people herhissupporters are fooling are themselves.Yep, you said it.
Hmm… so, why do you reckon Hillary set up a secret, private, unsecured server, deleted tens of thousands of State dept emails before anyone could look at the, lies and stonewalls about any questions pursuant to answers and never does press conferences? You seem of a suspicious nature… what was Hillary up to?
One thing is for certain; we DON’T have to elect Hillary to know what she’s about. We’ve seen decades of her lies, deceit, corruption and incompetence to know better.
When the hillary-protecting-press are dredging up stories about how Donald Trump, AS A CHILD, pulled pig tails and threw rocks, I have to wonder if the man is the closest thing to a saint running for office in recent years.
The fact is, in most businesses, such as Trump runs, his returns, more likely than not, contain some portions of other people’s tax information. People who did business with his businesses. Those people’s tax confidentiality is as protected as Trump’s. Trump would be liable were their information to be released BY HIM.
While he is under audit his returns are in the hands of the IRS. Obama’s IRS which didn’t have the least compunction about screwing with 501.3C organizations if they might hurt Obama’s re-election chances. What are the odds that Trump has scary or illegal things in his taxes and Obama’s IRS hasn’t found some lowly agent willing to fall on his/her sword to leak that information? It could turn the election around. So, if they could, they would have by now.
The only logical conclusion is that there’s nothing there.
@Bill, #78:
If Clinton’s email server was so damn “unsecured,” why has it taken a republican front organization filing multiple Freedom of Information Act requests in federal court to pry loose and expose her State Department emails, rather than Russian intelligence service hackers working in conjunction with Wikileaks?
They’ve successfully hacked everything from the DNC and Trump campaign servers to the State department itself, haven’t they? Oddly, investigators couldn’t find a trace of anything indicating that they’d successfully accessed Clinton’s server.
As to why some material was deleted, refer to the above. It successfully kept it from being made public by republican idiots. See how “unsecured” it was? They can take a hike. Or maybe they can file a FIOA action against Russian intelligence or Wikileaks, since they’re so damn sure they hacked her server but are holding back release out of courtesy to Hillary Clinton.
@Greg: It wasn’t the Russians that hacked the DNC it was an inside job. There is more to come on that too, Hillary is not the legitimate candidate, She quickly hired the ring leader inside that cesspool, and the leaker got a bullet near his home in DC, the assassin too stupid to take his wallet or phone, her people are starting to slip.
Oh, Greggie, Greggie, Greggie. First, it was a hacker that first revealed the existence of the server. Second, as soon as the rat was out of the bag, Hillary went into delete mode. Third, EVERY bit of information squeezed out of Hillary and the State Department has come at great effort and cost because, well, they are so open, transparent and anxious to get the truth out, don’t ya know.
And last, unlike Obama, Hillary and Wikileaks, the Republicans have to abide by rules and laws.
Glad you think Hillary was performing a public service by illegally deleting official documents. She should receive the Medal of Freedom for creating the classified information buffet she made with her secret, private, unsecured server.
What a gal.
@Bill, #82:
Right. As a result of hacking the computers of people other than Clinton, who had her email address on email to or from her, or in their own address books. Guccifer, for example, only knew Clinton’s server existed because he had hacked Sidney Blumenthal’s email account and seen her email address domain name.
Computer security experts who analyzed Clinton’s server have found no evidence whatsoever that it was ever compromised. They’re just saying, Oh, yes, it must have been. You know, because it was “unsecure.” Bullshit. Either it was or it wasn’t. There was no data signature discovered showing an intrusion, and there hasn’t been a single email item released by illicit sources that could have been obtained only by having hacked Clinton’s server. Everything released has been a result of Freedom of Information Act decisions. Who needs hackers, when you’ve got the GOP and their flunkies out on a witch hunt, putting everything they can get their hands on up on public display?
With other recent hacking events, digital traces of the electronic compromise methodology could be found on server hard drives. It’s not so easy to break into a computer and leave absolutely nothing behind showing that an intrusion occurred. Even hackers associated with the Russian intelligence service have left traces of their presence on hacked systems.
She says what she deleted was private correspondence. If nobody can prove otherwise, either she’s telling the truth, or she’s smarter than a short-bus load of republican Congressmen and all of the investigative experts they can muster. In either case, she’s a safer bet for the White House than the total bozo the GOP is promoting.
She was hacked. And her cronies led the hacker to her unsecured server. Is there a point you are making other than she placed her own secrecy above her security responsibilities to the nation?
And how would they know until the information from the server was used? In fact, all the information on her server should be CONSIDERED compromised. We can’t be sure. Already, lives have been lost.
If this is so, why is it, except among those who find it convenient to link the Russians to the hacking, that there is considerable doubt as to WHO did the hacking?
It’s already BEEN proved otherwise. Comey said some of the emails recovered that were NOT turned over to the State Department contained classified information. Boom.
Hillary has never… not ONCE… told the truth about any aspect of this scandal.
@Bill, #85:
People on the right keep saying a lot of things, with absolutely no evidence that any of them are true. It’s a political propaganda tactic.
Because hacking generally leaves traces of the intrusion on a hacked system. You’ve got to get through a firewall which routinely logs external access attempts, successful or otherwise. If you’ve installed a backdoor using clandestine installation software, there will be traces of the related code present. Such installations generally leave digital patterns that constitute an identifiable signature.
On top of that, there’s the circumstantial argument that emails taken from Clinton’s own server have not been published, except those obtained via FOIA court decisions—even though the time of their optimal usefulness is rapidly passing.
And by what means did such emails come to Comey’s investigative teams? They weren’t turned over by Guciffer, or by helpful Russian hackers. I also reject the significance of what they’re referring to when they use the term “classified,” since the vast majority were classified by the State Department retroactively.
This is mostly a contrived media scandal blown up for political purposes, based on the fact that there was inadequate attention paid to cyber-threats in the past in general. Republicans were just as lax as democrats. The government is only now getting fully up to speed in recognizing digital threats and figuring out how to appropriately respond to them.
None of which changes the fact that Trump is a snake oil salesman, and his sales pitch is one of the most vacuous and logically inconsistent in modern history. Worse still, there may be poison in the bottle rather than some harmless and totally ineffective concoction. How would the buyers know? They never see the same list of ingredients two sales pitches in a row. He changes his story on demand. Consider his immigration policy, for example, which was a big selling point on the right. If you remove everything he has said that he has at some other point contradicted with a completely different statement, what—in practical, real world terms—is left?
In actuality, everything I have ever said on this matter has been firmly backed up with evidence. It appears it is YOU, Greg, that deny the facts and cling to a fantastic world where Hillary has not been lying about all her scandals and evidence is beginning to swamp her little boat.
Generally. Tell me, why do you not know with certainty who hacked the DNC? Is it possible to intrude into a system and leave little or no trace?
Tell me, Greg… if the information never went through the State Department system to classify information, how would any of the information Hillary, Huma, Blumenthal and the gang were passing back and forth? But, there WERE emails that were MARKED classified, up to Secret and Top Secret. Now, how’d THOSE get there? The damned Russians again? (no, wait… it was impossible to hack Hillary’s email. Too secure)
Hillary put national security at risk and she lied about it She did it so she could protect herself and her corrupt Clinton Foundation dealings from FOIA requests. That’s the sum of it.
Issues that Trump recently changed his tune on:
Minimum wage. check
Muslim ban. check
Immigration policy. check
Tax plan. check
Approach to ISIS. check
2011 Libyan intervention. check
Global warming. Who knows? It all depends.
National debt. More changes than you can shake a stick at.
Criminalizing abortion. check
Why should I go on, when there’s a full list available with specific details? Note, however, that this is as of August 23, 2016, so no current position should be assumed to be the same in a week.
A Full List of Donald Trump’s Rapidly Changing Policy Positions
Forget building a wall. The real plan is that Trump will build a fantasy, and America will pay for it.
@Greg: You know I dislike Trump but his Muslim immigration stance has not changed since he stole it from Cruz, Always put a halt on it until those from the middle east can be properly screened. Now did Madcow and her ilk keep repeating he was going to ban all muslims over and over lie after lie yuppers yes they did.
All this time I have been saying we need to look at his policies, that were non existent he hasnt changed Greggie ol boy he is just now developing a platform, testing the waters as he goes.
No it isn’t what Ms. Butch hair Madcow imagined in her worst nightmares and spewed on MSLSD, part of the truth can so easily be twisted into a lie, she is where she is cause she excels at progressive liberal propaganda.
What you should worry about is the Hillary Beast. She is losing voters a 3rd party woman that wants to disarm the cops.
@Greg: How about doing yourself a service and listing all the things Shrillary has changed her position on. Also give us a list of all those that have opposed her that she has had killed. Excuse me, the ones that ‘died mysteriously”. Like Vince Foster shooting himself with a gun that was not there with his body when found.
Her medical secrets are getting closer to the surface. Her dementia is getting more obvious. She’ll never get through the first debate without a ‘medical crises’. She’s trying to stay hidden out of sight, but will have to actually show up on the stage for the debate.
Wiki leaks is dumping a little more each day. The big dump is coming between the first two debates. She won’t know whether to spin clockwise or in reverse.
Kitt, how do you like Megan’s new ‘butch’ do?
@Redteam, #90:
Maybe you should make a list of things Donald Trump hasn’t changed his position on.
I realize Donald Trump’s opinion that Donald Trump is A Giant Among Lesser Men hasn’t changed, but a real list requires more than one item.
@Redteam: Megan who? If she chopped off all her hair and rants like a liberal lunatic there is already 1 too many of those.
Okay, here it is: List of things Trump has not changed his position on:
1. Hillary is a crook
2. Bill is a rapist
3 Hillary loves a rapist
4. Hillary lies
5. Hillary would be Obama third term.
6. Much more of the same.
As predicted Trump is beginning the “modification” process.
He sees the polls and doesn’t like em. He knows he’s got his white supremacist base locked in—“I could shoot someone in the middle of 5th AVE———” crowd–Trumpists here at FA are examples. Hannity example.They got him the nom but not enough to win G.E
What to do?? Show compassion. Not to win African American–4-5% or Hispanic 15-17%–He’s battered them to bad. They won’t buy it.
His goal—enough white woman who don’t like his racist rantings but aren’t crazy about HRC. Many of their husbands are voting Trumo 75% of WM vote
Remember I said he needs 45% of Female vote to win–he’ll get less than 15% of non white females so he needs about 60% of white female vote to win.
Tough order-he’s at about 47% now– but he believes his compassionate “we won’t send families back” is a starter. Look for more “compassionate adjustments” as he reads the tea leaves, polls, and his new best friend–the teleprompter.
It’s gonna be a wild ride—looks like Pennsylvania will decide the E.C. outcome.–Biden will visit often.
BTW I GOT IT HRC 45 DT 40 LIB 11 Green 4
E.C HRC 305–DT 233
All are welcome
@Richard Wheeler:
Still waiting for the first evidence to support your lie… and it IS an intentional lie.
Compassion is help; not cultivating votes while you keep people enslaves in poverty, as liberals do. We’ve seen the DNC emails and Hillary joking about “colored people time”… there’s where your racism resides, just as it has since the Democrats were founded.
No, Trump won’t win the majority of the minority vote; he can’t out-pander the Master Panderers.
@Redteam, #94:
That pretty much demonstrates what I’m saying. You haven’t got a clue what you’re voting for. Trump hasn’t held firm a firm position on anything and has laid out detailed policies on nothing. He’s just an anger monkey that stands in front of a microphone punching his audience’s hot buttons. He’s the GOP’s Frankenstein monster.
@Richard Wheeler:
You’re normally pretty far off on your predictions, I guess you just don’t want to get better.
Would you want a person as president that couldn’t be persuaded to change his mind under any circumstances?
Actually I like his immigrant policy just fine. He’s still building the wall, similar to the one that Hillary has around her house. (Don’t know why she has a fence since she clearly doesn’t think they serve a purpose. )
Yes, and you’ll notice they’re not polling the out of work miners and steelworkers there. Wonder why?
@Richard Wheeler:
Would you define “white supremacist base’? Are you a part of it? Why is your guy not on the Minnesota ballot? Who is representing the ‘Green Party’?
and this from someone that can’t tell anyone what Hillary’s position is on anything because she hasn’t even spoken to the press for over 9 months. That’s why you’ll never see her on a ‘debate’ stage. Her dementia would sink her there. Angry monkey? So you’re a racist also.
While you talking about Trump changing positions, at least he has a position.