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‘Tea Party Deserves It!’: People Actually Sign Card Thanking IRS for Targeting Conservative Groups

Jason Howerton @ The Blaze:


It is now clear that the IRS knowingly targeted conservative groups, turning the tax agency into a political weapon. Multiple investigations into the government wrongdoing are expected to begin by the time lawmakers return to session next week.

While most people, both on the left and right, are understandably outraged by the abuse of power, others are not. In fact, some people — hopefully the small minority — are actually thankful.

Conservative pundit Caleb Bonham traveled to Colorado University in Boulder and asked several people to sign a “thank you” card to thank the IRS for unfairly targeting conservative groups. The giant poster board read: “Thank You IRS! Tea Party Deserves It!”

One guy said the whole thing was just a “fake scandal” and it makes sense that the IRS would specifically target conservative tax-exempt organizations.

“I think it’s pretty rad,” another guy says in the video.

A woman agreed to sign the thank you card because the IRS did the “right thing and the wrong thing at the same time.”

Judging from the video footage, Bonham was able to get a surprising amount of people to sign the thank you card. Watch the video below:

Video here

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