Jason Howerton @ The Blaze:
It is now clear that the IRS knowingly targeted conservative groups, turning the tax agency into a political weapon. Multiple investigations into the government wrongdoing are expected to begin by the time lawmakers return to session next week.
While most people, both on the left and right, are understandably outraged by the abuse of power, others are not. In fact, some people — hopefully the small minority — are actually thankful.
Conservative pundit Caleb Bonham traveled to Colorado University in Boulder and asked several people to sign a “thank you” card to thank the IRS for unfairly targeting conservative groups. The giant poster board read: “Thank You IRS! Tea Party Deserves It!”
One guy said the whole thing was just a “fake scandal” and it makes sense that the IRS would specifically target conservative tax-exempt organizations.
“I think it’s pretty rad,” another guy says in the video.
A woman agreed to sign the thank you card because the IRS did the “right thing and the wrong thing at the same time.”
Judging from the video footage, Bonham was able to get a surprising amount of people to sign the thank you card. Watch the video below:
WAR – Brietbart
I wonder how many who signed the card were illegals.
I guess it won’t be long for a lib posts here that they see nothing wrong with this either.
Fairness in the lib world view.
Excerpt for “the Gulag Archipelago”. Chapter 10 “The Law Matures”
Bukharin did not like Kamenev and Zinoviev, and way back when they had first been tried, after the murder of Kirov, he had said to people close to him: “Well, so what? That’s the kind of people they were; maybe there was something to it…”(That was the classic formula of the philistine in those years: “There was probably something to it…In our country they don’t arrest people for nothing.” And that was said in 1935 by the leading theoretictian of the party!)
People saying thank you to the IRS should remember that someday they might be in the crosshairs.
Bukharin would later stand trail himself and be shot as an enemy of the people
shut down the corruption IRS
and wait till they are in prison with the criminals,
because it is a criminal action to pursue the good people law abiding citizens who just ask for their rights,
the IRS don’t own the AGENCY, they forgot that they are just working there and the PEOPLE PAY THEM,
and ROYALLY , they did not have the power to do it, but they took the power of the PRESIDENT,
and did for him those crimes on humanity which are the CONSERVATIVES,
clear them out and
start a new dependable IRS, one that the ALL AMERICANS will trust,
they lost their credibility, and how is it only DEMOCRATS work there , it’s a well paid job given
as a gift for special work from the PRESIDENT VIA his UNIONS THUGS,
there should not be UNIONS there, it has corrupt the people because they are too sure of their jobs,
and we see it with LOIS LERNER arrogance and she get paid for nothing
by the SAME PEOPLE SHE HAD ATTACK unscrupulusly.
she has done nothing she said, she had a leadership job, she must take the guilt,
the fools are rushing in,
what song has that quote,
a rat on MARS? it look like it,
check it up.