Stop the Gaslighting: Biden’s Dementia Was Obvious Long Before the Debate


Xitter by David Limbaugh

I am sorry but I am appalled at everyone acting like Biden’s dementia has been collectively realized by the American people based on a mass epiphany due to his debate performance. Like many other normal people, I’ve known it since the 2020 campaign. Why do you think he didn’t campaign? Stayed in the basement? Hasn’t made himself available to the press his entire term? Constantly says he’ll be in trouble if he answers another question?

This is ridiculous. Please quit insulting my intelligence and playing into this horrendous gaslighting. Even people on our side are going along with this ludicrous narrative. Can we just take a moment to extricate ourselves from this unreality imposed on us the last four years? And while we’re at it could we quit giving the press a pass by going along with this fiction that they’ve been duped by Biden’s handlers. I give them more credit than to be that stupid, but not that corrupt. They weren’t fooled. They were popularizing the lie.

Why do we let Orwellian illusions dominate us? We should use this as a learning moment— as an illustration of how society can live in an alternate reality— and come to our senses.

Let’s use this Biden dementia concealment hoax as a learning moment. A good start would be for all of to get off our pathetic, cowardly rear ends and put a decisive stop to this devious conspiracy that we are in the clutches of some catastrophic climate crisis. It is foolish and stupid and incalculably reckless. We are trying to commit national economic suicide pretending to combat this non-existent problem that wouldn’t be alleviated by our assault on energy production even if the theory were true because all of our global adversaries are ignoring the stupidity and using our stupidity to get ahead of us, as they are unrestrained by this stupidity. (I’m rather proud of that run-on sentence FWIW).

Could we please quit playing games? If we are behaving this way as adults and stewards of the only nation, with God’s help, that has a chance to lead this world out of its satanic clutches, what will become of our kids? Our liberty?

This is a wake-up call. Let’s not squander the opportunity. I don’t want to close this on a negative note. There are signs we are awakening and willing to recapture our unique constitutional heritage, not least of which is the long overdue smack down of Chevron and the unelectable, unaccountable administrative state. Wow that’s big, but just a start. The left is relentless, tireless and committed. May we be as well!

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