Prediction: Jan 21, 2013, Obama will be out of the WH & Limbaugh will be on the radio.


As readers know,  I have no pecuniary interest in the Rush Limbaugh show, which I seldom have the chance to listen to, although I do read his transcripts from time to time. About 20 million Americans do listen at least once a month and good for him. He earned it. This slut controversy is costing him some big bucks in the short term, but in the long term he will prevail.

My prediction: On January 21, 2013, Barack Obama will be out of the White House and Rush Limbaugh will be on the radio.

And if you own a business, you should advertise on his show (in addition to taking out an ad on political newspaper blogs run by people whose last names rhyme with Urber). Rush’s ratings are up — both in number and in dander.

Companies that bailed on Rush have lost the patronage of millions of conservatives.

Companies that sign up now, will be rewarded.

Now, there are two kinds of Limbaugh ads, the national ones that he peddles and the local ones that radio stations like WCHS (580 AM) that carry Rush peddle to local and national advertisers.

Glenn Reynolds told the story of a businessman in his home town of Knoxville, Tennessee, who took out an ad on Rush’s show. The ad was not to promote his product, a window cleaning service, but to support free speech.

In his ad, Steve Eimers of Window Wiz in Knoxville, Tennessee, said: “They are harassing advertisers with questionably legal secondary boycotts and threats. We support free speech… For those who will choose to use this ad as an excuse to attack our constitutional right to free speech, I have one thing to say: We will not be intimidated. Bring it on.”

Steve Eimers of Window Wiz was rewarded commercially. Glenn Reynolds reported this message from Mister Eimers:

Massive response from my Rush Limbaugh ad. It is already paid for! Even got my first new civility call.

‘Feel the pain a—–’ ‘You all will get what’s coming to you.’

Guess I better put the hollow points in the Glock!

Americans love their freedom first, foremost and always. Those liberals who say the people in Kansas vote against their interests when they refuse socialism just do not get it. Freedom matters more than money in America. You are darned straight that people cling to their guns and to their religion. They also cling to their families, their free speech and their choice of NASCAR drivers.

Conservatives indeed are rallying around Rush Limbaugh, whom liberals want to destroy. Not only do the foaming-mouth liberals want to take out his advertisers and kick him off the air, but they want him prosecuted and imprisoned for calling a fully grown woman a”slut,” which he later apologized for. I won’t go into how David Letterman implied that Willow Palin, then 14, is a slut and no liberals called for him to apologize (which he did).

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There is a waiting list of advertisers who want to advertise on Rush’s show. The ones who left, just left spaces for the new advertisers. I’m guessing that Rush’s listener numbers went up again, just like they do whenever the left tells us not to listen to him. Some of the companies that canceled Rush have found their stocks dropping.

This is one way to protest a company leaving a conservative talk show unjustly, inappropriate advertising, donating heavily to liberals, etc. I have let my financial planner know of some companies not to buy stock from. If you do your own stock trading, keep a “Do Not Buy” list.

With more and more states passing laws that a person running for president will have to prove that they are qualified to be president, Obama won’t be allowed to run in those states, since he can’t even prove he is a legal citizen of the USA. He doesn’t even have a Social Security card. He is using someone else’s. The democrats and the propaganda media have never denied this.

I’m going to take a wild guess that if this happens, the propaganda media will avoid that story like they have every other story that would hurt His Majisty. It will be interesting to see how many states won’t require a person to be vetted this time. I know Illinois will be one of them. Should FA start a raffle for the number?


“With more and more states passing laws that a person running for president will have to prove that they are qualified to be president, Obama won’t be allowed to run in those states, since he can’t even prove he is a legal citizen of the USA. He doesn’t even have a Social Security card. He is using someone else’s. The democrats and the propaganda media have never denied this.”

Yes…you are correct.

With 32 states in Republican control, preventing Obama from getting on their ballot guarantees his defeat. Mathematically he cannot get the required Electoral College votes needed to win.

Hope for America. 0-bama needs to go. He has demonstrated that he is a complete failure and was never qualified the first place. He was never even vetted thanks for our lame MSM. His accomplishments are disasters.

I personally, won’t buy from ANYONE who bolted… Carbonite lost a customer. Trying Mozy now…. Liberals vote TO GET money… We vote WITH OUR MONEY…..

By the way… check Carbonites STOCK PERFORMANCE numbers.. WITH Rush.. vs WITHOUT for an eye opener…

Technically, Hankster, Carbonite’s stock performance had already been trending down prior to the Rush bruhaha…. mostly due to increased competition for the same online back up product. But it sure didn’t help. You might say that the loss of the Rush show was pretty much the kick off the cliff into the chasm.

Below, Carbonite’s stock performance from Aug 2011 (when it first went public) to Mar 16, 2012

Point taken, but looks like it NOSEDIVED towards the end there….

Smorg and Keyser How the Dem. National Committee loves you Birthers. You’re the gift that keeps on giving.

@Richard Wheeler: They have to love someone with Dumb Debbie as chair!

@Richard Wheeler:

Yeah…maybe, but if Arizona decides to keep Obama off the ballot based on Joe’s investigation, the other 31 may jump on board.

The idiosyncrasies of the typing on the document Obama released told the story. For anyone who has ever used a manual typewriter, the fraudulent nature of the document was evident in the first minute of observation. Now that it has been examined with electronic and microscopic diligence, all that remains is a matter of time before this fraudulent presentation bites Obama in the ass. Sooner or later, people more powerful than he, will grow weary of his BS and expose him to the world, or some low level paranoid operative will drop a dime on him.

@Richard Wheeler: The fact is there is quite a good percentage of Americans who question his birth certificate. Keep in mind I am undecided either way on the birther issue. What we should rely on are facts, not opinions, which as we all know everyone has. Here is an argument, with evidence, as to why the document is a fraud. What evidence do you have to dispute this individual’s claims? Now is your chance to make your case. Keep in mind that stating something is not true because you said so without any supporting evidence is an opinion that would not hold up in a court of law. That is how Oliver Stone and company have been able to make lots of money off the bogus claim that Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy or had help. Start with an opinion that is usually based on politcal ideology, alter the facts, and then claim you are right even though all of the evidence says otherwise. This is your chance to prove your case! I would welcome opposing evidence to help me decide how I feel about the issue.

Expert: Obama doc is ‘proof’ – of fraud

@Keyser Söze: #2

With 32 states in Republican control, preventing Obama from getting on their ballot guarantees his defeat.

Obama was accepted by all 50 states for 2008. How did that happen, and why didn’t any republican politician pursue the issue after the election? Could it be that we only have one party with two branches?

After Sheriff Joe Arpaio declared Obama’s birth certificate a fake, I wrote all three of my republican Federal representatives and asked them two simple questions:

(1) Do you believe Obama’s birth certificate is a fake?
(2) If so, are you going to do anything about it?

I suggest to all that they contact their reps about it and ask their friends and relatives around the country to do the same.

I usually get a reply back in a short time, but I haven’t gotten one from any of them yet.

I also asked them to not give me the usual long political answer they usually do. If you have gotten replies back from politicians, you know how they can take up a lot of space to say they know there is a problem and it needs to be fixed, but they never say how they intend to fix it.

@Hankster58: #4
Thanks for reminding me. I was going to tell my financial planner not to buy Carbonite, but forgot to. I just sent him an email.

Money is a good way to vote in a case like this, but I don’t have much to vote with. I’m really happy with my Apple votes. I bought it when it was around $375-380 per share. It’s at $585 now..

@Richard Wheeler: #8

Smorg and Keyser How the Dem. National Committee loves you Birthers. You’re the gift that keeps on giving.

Using that logic, the Democratic National Committee must have a love affair going on with Sheriff Joe Arpaio.


The answer to your question is simple…they are afraid of a race war. Back in 08 many Blacks were intimating this is what would happen if Obama wasn’t elected. The politicians and judges no doubt had visions of the riots in the 60’s, and the Rodney King episode, and decided it was too dangerous a topic to entertain…silly boys.

Now that America has had Obama, and see’s what he has done, and is going to continue to do, they are starting to pay attention. The most singular important item to undo all that Obama has done, is the fraudulent BC…his entire time in office can be rendered null & void while he joins Rod Blagojevich in a Federal Penitentiary.

The MSM won’t touch Obama’s early life. Nor will they look into his long rumored radical associations.

What we do know about him is that lots of information that is normally supplied and easily available is missing: pass port records; ss # authorization failure; school records; selective service card seems to be a fake; birth hospital records…etc. There’s even a guy who worked for Hawaii state government records department now living in Ky. who says his bosses tried and tried to find the original birth certificate…there just wasn’t one.

The current Governor of Hawaii publically said over a year ago that there was only a partially handwritten birth record. So…something apparently WAS found at some point. It must have pointed to a Kenyan birth and was probably made to dissappear.

Obama was at one point a likely Indonesian citizen since he went to school there…the rule at that time was only citizens could attend public-religious schools.

Doesn’t the media understand that as long as they continue to hide this stuff…they will continue to fall into the public’s utter contempt? Maybe a better question is…why don’t they care?

Dear Another Vet: Don’t want to start a fight here…but the JFK assassination is a kind of hobby of mine…I know, that is a little strange….still, I have read over a hundred books on the subject….and am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that while Oswald was part of the hit squad….he likely did not fire a shot that day.

Kennedy was hit by a professional team…part of the folks his brother and the CIA hired to kill Castro. Howard Hunt admitted shortly before his death that he was part of a backup team in Dallas that day in case anything went wrong.

Posner’s book (Case Closed) pinning it all on Oswald and Rudy (one long nut killer, killed by another lone nut killer) is only credible to folks who don’t have access to all the facts. Posner ignores facts that don’t fit his narrative, and white washes others .

Again…I don’t was a fight….am merely suggesting that you look at everything available. I have friends who have fallen for the MSM line…..JFK killed by a lone nut, who in turn was killed by a lone nut……honestly…..I believe with all my heart that is pure fantasy…..not that Stone’s movie is right… isn’t… has many problems. See especially Douglass’s JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE. Yeah, I hate Douglass’s politics too….but facts are stubborn things.

@VoteOutIncumbents: I used to believe that there was more than one gunman mainly because of the ‘magic bullet theory’. After watching a special entitled, “Beyond the Magic Bullet Theory”, my mind changed. The evidence seemed pretty overwhelming that the “magic bullet” wasn’t so magic after all when you look at how Connelly was really seated in the vehicle as opposed to the way he allegedly seated in the vehicle. Any good leads to web sites that would dispute that claim would be appreciated. It is a topic that interests me. On the special itself they offered time to the three original proponents of the theory to dispute the evidence and none of them came forward.

Your JFK hobby is not strange. I am sort of a UFO enthusiast myself. The topic fascinates me and is actually one of the few conspiracy theories I believe in although not to the extent that some do like a big city on Mars and aliens walking amongst us etc.

@another vet: I knew there was something strange about you. You always liked to sit out on the veranda and watch those unidentified objects fly over the fence after dark!

Smorg #44 They do love Shsriff Joe and out here in Cal our favorite birther Ms Orly Taitz.
The courts have thrown out every crazy challenge to date.Get back when this changes.

@Keyser Söze: #15
The republican party could destroy the democratic party if they would just investigate the birth certificate and Social Security card issue. The democratic party gave us a known illegal alien to run for president. Why doesn’t the republican party do this?

This is why I say there is no republican and democrat party any more. They are one tree with two branches.

@another vet: #18
There is an Apple App called “UFO World” that is supposed to give the latest sightings of UFOs around the world. I don’t have it. I just put “UFO” in and it came up.

@another vet: #20
Aren’t you concerned about how he knows you sit on your veranda after dark?

@Richard Wheeler: #21
I’m curious. Have you even looked at the copy of Obama’s birth certificate to see for yourself if it is real of fake? Here’s a copy of it from “The White House Blog.” You have to zoom in on it to get a clear image of it.

World Net Daily at has been covering this issue from the start and you can check the other stuff at

From A to Z: What’s wrong with Obama’s birth certificate?

Even with your closed mind, how do you explain away these things that you can check for yourself?

(1) Window 6c. The lines for the window curve down and to the left, but the lettering in it is perfectly straight. Put a ruler under them and check for yourself.

(2) The smiley face. Look at the bottom at the signature of Alvin T. Onaka. The first letter “A” has a lower case “c” put on the left of it to make a side view smiley face.

(3) Look at the lettering above Alvin’s signature. Look at the part that says, “…OF TXE RECORD….” The word “THE” is misspelled. This is an OFFICIAL STAMP. Not something written in. The official puts the stamp on an ink pad, then pushes the stamp onto the paper. The birth certificates ahead of and after Obama’s are spelled correctly.

(4) All birth certificates have an official seal on them. Obama’s doesn’t. Check yours, if you have one.

(5) Look at the information that was typed in. This was supposed to be done with a TYPEWRITER. Are you old enough to remember how a typewriter worked? EVERY LETTER TAKES UP THE SAME SPACE, SINCE THE MACHINE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT LETTES ARE USED, AND WAS MADE TO ADVANCE THE SAME DISTANCE FOR EACH CHARACTER. A word processor pushes them together so that there is the same space between the characters.

Go back to window 6c. Look how the tails of the letters “p” and “y” go under the letter to the left of them. A typewriter can’t do that.

These are just the ones you can check for yourself, if you take your filtering glasses off.

Was George Bush’s military records real or fake? Dan Rather still says they are real. What say you? Just for the record, I wasn’t sure until others mentioned that they typed the info in with Microsoft’s New Times Roman or Times Roman font, held the newly typed one over the printed one, held it up to a light, and they matched exactly. Then, and only then did I decide they were fake. As I have mentioned different times, I need a lot of information on something new I learned before I decide what I believe. You should try it some time.

Keep in mind that I don’t want either party in office. I want them ALL out, so I’m not pro republican. To me, ALL politicians are the opposition.

Normally I apply the “wrestling with a pig in the mud” rule for people who say the same thing over and over, so the above comments are meant more for the ones who haven’t been following the birth certificate issue, but I do want your comments on the items that are obviously done on a computer.

@Smorgasbord: I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks.

@Smorgasbord: He was probably checking up on us NCO’s to make sure we weren’t having too much fun.

Smorg I can’t make that call. I’ll leave it to the courts.

Richard.. if it was a SLAM DUNK that you were right.. the courts would HEAR the case, FAST! when it tends to prove us RIGHT.. The SCOTUS seems to have a tendency to HIDE, or drag it’s heels to the “Nth” degree…… Example?? the SECOND Amendment… Why has this been a “Legal question” for nearly HALF A CENTURY?? ( by the way, people with a brain, KNOW what it says, it’s the DOPES we continually fight with)…

As to the OBAMA BC…. Sorry to say, it was concocted…… if you have ever worked in PHOTOSHOP, you’d understand what “layering” is…. a FLAT SCAN… has but ONE layer, the Original… Obama’s BC had MULTIPLE layers… a LAYER, is what you get, with EACH applied alteration to a photo…. WHY, do you feel you need a COURT, to tell you this?? Come on Richard, THINK for yourself!! you’re a smart guy, you’ve done Jury duty I’ll bet, this is the SAME THING!

As to Taitz, and the tossed out deals, I don’t know why the courts, are PIMPING for Obama… the FACT, his Conn SSN is FALSE is as obvious as the nose on your face…. and, by default.. his Selective Service card has to ALSO be false.. by the way, FALSIFYING that, is a FELONY…. Can FELONS run for POTUS?

And so it goes, those who can see reality.. and those, who for their own reasons, feel the need, to HIDE from it…

Hankster Sorry you feel the court’s are out to get you and yours.Our Constitution set up the system and I’ m good with it. There’s a legal way to bring change.We are a country of laws. People like Taitz and Sheriff Joe can be as stupid as they want. I LAUGH AT EM.

and you refuse to look at the evidence. Sad.
Courts?? well, seeing how they have TWISTED the meanings, and interpretations..
you DO admit, legislating “from the bench” isn’t LEGAL, right?
We do have ways to bring change.. but when one side, by selling “handouts” that BUYS the votes, that institute such change… then the Law and Constitution is CORRUPTED… looks as if you are cozy with that too.. sad again…
You laugh at those, who try to point such out… uh huh…

I’d ask you, to explain, why the wording of the “citizenship” requirements for POTUS ARE DIFFERENT , from those of a Senator of a Representative in the Constitution…. and WHY…. but, you’d only laugh at me, and brand me a “Birther”…. and stupid. So be it, one day, the truth WILL so itself…

@another vet: #27
Let’s hope that’s all that it is.

@Richard Wheeler: #28

Smorg I can’t make that call. I’ll leave it to the courts.

You’ve been making “that” call in many posts, saying the birth certificate is real. If a republican tried something like this, you’d be demanding that they be arrested. Will you at least say that the typing wasn’t done on a typewriter? This just shows that you can shut a liberal up with the truth.

Smorg. Folks smarter than us on both sides of the aisle and in courtrooms, have confirmed the validity of the B.C.
Two Hawaiian newspapers announced the birth of BHO on 4 Aug. 1961.Where do you think he was born.
Don’t you think it better to argue the natural born citizen clause?

No one is arguing WHERE…. But, if it’s all on the up and up, WHY HIDE IT???????
And, HOW do you testify, to validity, if you cannot EXAMINE the original document?? Right?
That would be, like a coroner, Swearing to the identity, of a body, WITHOUT LOOKING AT IT…. NOCANDO!

And, you have not responded, to the fact, HIS “copy” has multiple layers, when a flat scan SHOULD NOT….. right?

Do you refuse, to even entertain, the facts given by others?

By the way, Richard, read this interesting tidbit. Not Germaine to THIS topic, but VERY TELLING, of his normal method of HIDING THE TRUTH / FACTS… this is going on, RIGHT NOW as we speak….. give it a read…

Seems if it is BAD PR for Obama, he has NO QUALMS of hiding, Censoring, SEALING, etc.. FACTS…. this story, proves he’s doing it, right now, again…. Guess he thinks, if the taxpayers know, how he’s HOSING us yet again, living like a king on our Dime, we just “might not like it”……

@Richard Wheeler: Please show me which court room validated Obama’s birth certificate?

Randy To this point every challenge to Obama’s legitimacy including those by Orly Taitz here in Cal have been thrown out. When that changes Col. pls get back to me.

BTW Where do you think he was born?

Um, since WHEN, do courts become “infallible? Are we talking the NINTH Circuit? The MOST OVERTURNED court in the land?? If you hold the record, for MOST OVERTURNED rulings, it tells ME, the Court is staffed, with INCOMPETENT JUDGES. So, WHY, are they all still THERE?? THAT, is why our Court system is FAILING Richard, we are allowing IDIOTS, to become judges,,and no one FIRES the BAD ones!!!

Sotomayor, with her “rich Latino woman experiences”… SO WHAT? those have NO PLACE, in Constitutional interpretation, FAIL!!
Kagen, NEVER, so much as sat as a Judge, in PARKING TICKET COURT.. NO EXPERIENCE at making RULINGS in a court of law WHATSOEVER whatsoever….a SCOTUS Justice? REALLY??
Geithner… a KNOWN, and ADMITTED TAX CHEAT… now HEAD of the IRS???? REALLY?? (he DOES have say/rule on tax law policy, so he DOES fit in here)
and you question, OUR MOTIVES??

How can it ever be known with absolute certainty that any particular birth certificate actually pertains to the person who claims it? What’s the indisputable link that exists between most of us and some decades-old record kept by a state or county health department?

What could most of us do if that link were seriously questioned? Suppose you went in to apply for a new passport or secured drivers license, and people suddenly appeared who asserted that all of the papers in your possession didn’t really apply to you at all–that you’ve been an imposter through most of your life. How would you prove otherwise?

Richard, you never answered this….

And, HOW do you testify, to validity, if you cannot EXAMINE the original document?? Right?
That would be, like a coroner, Swearing to the identity, of a body, WITHOUT LOOKING AT IT….

So claims to experts saying it’s “valid” are made up at BEST….

In MY day, BC records had HAND and FOOT prints affixed to them… do they still do this??

Hankster Your obvious anger may be mis-directed. Stay within our beloved Constitution and work hard to elect some folks who reflect your views.This is a Democratic Republic.

Meantime chill with some great music.

@Hankster58, #41:

I’ve got one of those from the hospital where I was born over 62 years ago. It has both of my footprints and my mother’s thumbprint.

The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles will not accept such a birth certificate as primary evidence of birth and citizenship for a secured driver’s license. They require a document issued by a state or county health department. In my case, the state got the spelling of my middle name wrong, whereas my original hospital record is correct in every detail. My middle name is now misspelled on my secured Indiana drivers license to match the misspelling on the state document, as required by Homeland Security. Go figure.

@Richard Wheeler: #34

Folks smarter than us on both sides of the aisle and in courtrooms, have confirmed the validity of the B.C.

Are you saying that ONLY people smarter than us are qualified to look at the information and decide if it is true or not? I make up my own mind. We know who makes yours up.

Two Hawaiian newspapers announced the birth of BHO on 4 Aug. 1961

I don’t know much about this, but I do know that neither hospital has a record of his birth, no city claims him as the birthplace of a president, and the democrat governor couldn’t find the birth certificate.

Hawaii governor can’t find Obama birth certificate

With as much information that has disappeared about Obama, it wouldn’t surprise me that, just like his birth certificate, some information has been created.

When I mention the information that has disappeared, I don’t mean the stuff that is blocked, I mean the stuff like his mother’s passport info. The info of the time she came back from another country, I think it was Indonesia, was AFTER Barack was born, and it is missing. There is a lot of info about Obama that has disappeared.

Obama’s Mother’s Passport Records Prior to 1965 are Missing

Don’t you think it better to argue the natural born citizen clause?

I have mentioned this several times. He is disqualified because of it, but the Supreme Court is leaning towards using other country’s and the UN’s laws to decide cases. This means that they don’t want to go by the U. S. Constitution. Somehow I am guessing you are for this, since this is what your king wants too.

@Hankster58: #35

No one is arguing WHERE….

Actually, a lot of us are asking, “Where?” His grandmother, half-brother, and half-sister, said he was born in KENIA. His grandmother said she witnessed the birth.

Malia’s Mexico trip is on Drudge. I don’t know for how long. Could this be Google editing searches again? I quit using them a long time ago.

As I mentioned in another post, I don’t usually wrestle with a pig in the mud. My posts were meant more for anyone new to FA, or to keep the rest informed, but Richard is replying directly to me, so I am replying to him.

If you want to keep wrestling with him, you can, but keep in mind that he is enjoying it more than you are. I will pretend that we are a tag team and I tagged you, so it is your turn.

As I mentioned in post #44, there is no passport info of his mother returning from Kenia (I mentioned I thought it was Indonesia) around the time of Obama’s birth. Why?

Obama’s Mother’s Passport Records Prior to 1965 are Missing

World Net Daily is covering this stuff better than any blog I know of. I suggest signing up for their email updates at and fill in the window that says, “Enter Email Address.” They send some advertising, but not much.

The new Breitbart editor says the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility simply doesn’t matter.

Several blogs have stopped reporting on this issue all of a sudden. The republicans don’t want to pursue the issue. This is making me wonder if we have been infiltrated by an organization, country, or what? We do the same to other countries.

another vet
maybe RANDY was finding that you where looking up too long instead of looking
ahead, and on the right, and on the left, and on the ground, and in the back,
I always like to look at the unknown when the occasion came, searching the invisible
the unseen, so to see it, and stop at strange gut feeling to understand it, since the time of being a 6 year old listening to a nun saying that the TRINITY IS A MYSTERY WE CANNOT UNDERSTAND BUT WE HAVE TO BELIEVE BECAUSE IT’S GOD WHICH,

@Hankster58: #38
There is no law that says a person even has to be a lawyer to be a Supreme Court justice. I have my application in, but haven’t heard from them.

@Greg: #39
That would mean that Obama and his court have gotten what they want and you, being a subject of the king, have no rights except what they ALLOW you to have. Kind of scary, isn’t it?

@Hankster58: #40
Let’s not forget that the experts at looking at documents have declared Obama’s birth certificate a fake. They did have a body, and they declared it dead. Just like the dead democrats in Chicago, it can’t stay buried.

if they don’t take you and Hankster, they are loosing a lot,
hey check on the olberman post, I answer to a comment which doesn’t show on that post, but on my site, I guess it was refuse

@Richard Wheeler: Actually Rich, none have addressed the validity of the birt certificate. They only addressed the standing of the person who filed the suit or the credentials of the expert in the case.

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