Oct 22, 2020: The Day CISA Shattered Hunter Biden’s Laptop Story as a Conspiracy Theory


Thread via @America1stLegal

/1🚨EXPLOSIVE DOCS — new docs obtained from our lawsuit against DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) indicate the federal gov’t immediately participated in an effort to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story the same day of the @nypost’s reporting:

/2 On Oct 22, 2020, two weeks before Election Day, CISA officials reported on the laptop story: “QAnon Conspiracy Theory Explodes Ahead of the Election … reports about what was purported to be Hunter Biden’s computer hard drive have sparked renewed activity from Q” and linked it…

/3 The Fifth Circuit recently found that, leading up to the 2020 Election, CISA “likely violated the First Amendment” because “CISA was the ‘primary facilitator’ of the FBI’s interactions with the social-media platforms and worked in close coordination with the FBI to push the…

/4 Even though the FBI had already confirmed the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop by Nov 2019, and despite its “close coordination with the FBI,” CISA still reported the story as a QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theory on Oct 22, 2020.

/5 Only a few days earlier, a group of 51 former intelligence officials had — at the behest of the Biden Campaign — discredited the story as a “laptop op” that had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

/6 Even if CISA was truly in the dark about Hunter Biden’s laptop, the Atlantic Council — a private think tank — was somehow savvy enough to run a “tabletop exercise” in Sep 2020 to shape how social media would cover a potential “Hack-and-Dump” operation relating to Hunter Biden.

/7 Disturbingly, our litigation against CISA previously revealed that it also assisted with “pre-bunk” efforts to stop disfavored ideas before they spread.

/8 As AFL continues to uncover the Deep State’s interference with the 2020 election and violation of First Amendment rights, check out our investigation of CISA’s censorship activities so far.

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Grassley: FBI Received ‘Criminal Information’ From Over 40 Confidential Sources on Biden Family – FBI Washington Field Office Shut Down Reporting!

The cover up is always worse than the crime.

So, the FBI probably has the recordings and documents but hold them over Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s empty head as blackmail. You think Wray wears women’s clothes?

This is far bigger then Watergate this is the Son of the President commiting Crimes and his father is trying to cover up just like the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders do with the Democrats own crimes against the American People

Has anyone seen CISA stomping down conspiracy theories that the Israelis and the IDF bombed a Gaza hospital and are slaughtering Gazan civilians?