I propose we create more jobs. I propose we fix the economy. I propose the wealthy stop being fat-assed pigs and pay their fair share. I propose Congress stop fucking around and figure out a way to get that all done.
I propose reforming the tax code to make it so that fat cats don’t get special treatment. To do that, I propose a bunch of new specialized additions to the tax code.
I propose a bunch of new programs, which will be paid for by cutting the rate of future deficit spending so that we responsibly raise the debt and deficit more slowly.
And finally, wealthy companies need to give me their money, so that I can decide who gets it, why, when, and how much. Because every American knows that it’s only fair that other people’s money, horded by the most fortunate, be laundered through the federal government and then given to unions. And teachers. And teachers’ unions.
Shovel-ready infrastructure jobs and fast trains that were supposed to get money last time I proposed something like this should get it this time, now that I’ve paid off some other constituencies. That’s not political grandstanding or class warfare. The wealthy giving more of their money to the non wealthy means the non-wealthy will have more money and the wealthy will have less. That’s simple math. And simple math is the fairest and most balanced of all the maths.
Funniest thing I saw was on Lou Dobbs. he was interviewing daughter of Jessie Jackson who of course is in politics and whining that the jobs bill will need to get much bigger and what a good speech this was. The next person Lou went to starting shouting saying if I say the same thing louder does that make a difference. He kept at it and even Jacksonette had to smile. He got the point over very well and very easily that this is nothing new and Obama thinks if he keeps doing the same things no matter how bad things are that somehow this time they will turn out differently. Kind of like talking a different language and when the other person does not understand, we talk louder or slower. Wrong language…socialism, big government, high taxes, huge regulations, and liberalism do not work and never will.
Actually, a list of specific proposals have just been made by the President of the United States to address the national problem of unemployment. Each could be undertaken in fairly short order. Republicans can either agree, propose something better of their own, or get their sorry butts nailed to the barn door by demonstrating to the American people that they are–truly and beyond any reasonable doubt–worse than useless.
Actually, the president has presented a rehash of his previous plan that did not work. Insanity — doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
all barry does is say the same speech over and over and repackage it with ‘new’ words. He truly believes the American people are stupid. I suppose he came to that c0nclusions based on all of the people who voted for him regardless that he was honest in what and who he is – a marxist
Are you going to pay for this? I for one am really tired of paying for those who can work but choose not to, the women who use their uterus like a slot machine, and those who believe they are entitled to be supported by people like me. – and then throw in the illegals. They are a giant problem and are a big reason why the economy is tanking (e.g., California). You can give out money for so long without any coming in before there is none left.
If the democrats are so worried about distribution of wealth, why don’t those on the hill get out their check books and write one.
Hey, I got a proposal… something that isn’t new, has been put out there
P L E N T Y O F T I M E S by plenty of people – all kinds of people…
There. I said it Louder is Washington Listening yet?
I doubt if republicans can get away with blocking other people’s proposals for another 14 months, while offering none of their own.
Ummm greg, they have offered proposals. Just because you want to pretend they haven’t doesn’t change that fact. Seriously, are you learning disabled?
@Hard Right, #7:
Really? Something that wasn’t a stage prop, or a total load of bullshit?
Please… Refresh my memory.
The President has yet to make specific proposals about anything. He lied about Health Care and his mother not having insurance so he could sell it to the people. He lied about the immigration law in Arizona. he had a super majority in the House and Senate for two years and had to buy votes from his own people to get in through the Senate. He had 78 more members in the House than the Republicans yet HC passed by only 4 votes after his Lt. said we have to pass it to know what is in it and that it will cover everyone and bring costs down. Both lies. Instead of focusing on real jobs he focuses on social justice which does not work. Look at how well it is working in Europe and Greece and Spain. Yet he and Michelle make the most of every opportunity for a spend big money vacation. Bush vacationed on his ranch and brought in Word leaders to discuss issues. This guy proposes to add a person like Van Jones who was a self avowed Communist and Marxist.
The country and the Republicans have asked him to put out a plan in writing but he has not done so to date. He just keeps talking and the markets tank while the world laughs at us while he loans money to drill in Brazil while blocking and slowing permits here. He talks about green jobs but the technology does not exist or the big money people like his friend Buffet would be dumping tons of money into the green technology. He does not have a clue on what to do to create jobs. At least Bill Clinton listened and changed course for the Country. This was nothing more than one more eloquent campaign speech so he can keep his job, give his cronies money, and pay out more favors so he can get reelected.
It’s so interesting the way that some people want to blame all the problems in the country on poor people.
The bottom 50% of the country has a grand total of $1.4 trillion in net worth. If you confiscated half of the entire net worth of the bottom 50%, it would only raise as much money for the treasury as rolling back the Bush tax cuts to Clinton era (1990s) levels for the top 1%.
You add up every dollar “stolen” by welfare cheats and illegals and it’s a drop in the bucket, compared to money lost to tax cheats.
My answer to the debt crisis is to double the size of IRS agents working to catch tax cheats.
The financial disaster wasn’t caused by welfare cheats and illegals. It was caused by the richest people in the country. But I never see anyone on this blog complaining about that. I see constant complaining about people on government assistance, “illegals,” and unions trying to maintain a fair share of the “pie” for their members. (I don’t include public employee unions in this; like FDR, I’m opposed to public employee unions).
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Obama’s speech simply strengthen the obvious — he has no intention of providing a viable solution to the jobs issue. His intention, instead, is to anger, frustrate and incite.
As an educated gentleman such as Obama must know, Keynesian economics have proven ineffective in the real world. Instead, via longitudinal studies, social scientists have found the one, primary variable that enables a nation to prosper — business. Why do businesses enable nations to progress? By producing goods and services that people want and need. By generating profits, which are used to reward stock holders and grow the business. By paying taxes to local, state and federal governments. By hiring employees who, through their labor, generate even more tax revenues. And by enabling governments to use those same revenues to build roads, schools, etc.
In order for businesses to grow, the researchers found that government’s best role is to provide an atmosphere conducive to business growth. In other words, government needs to get out of the way so that businesses can do what they do best — produce. In the face of such well-known research, one must assume the following: 1) Obama is woefully ignorant due to deceitful and/or ill-informed advisers, or 2) he doesn’t have America’s best interest in mind.
Either option is cause for extreme concern.
Greg, easy and fast?
We have ~50 state Infrastructure Banks.
THEY can get money to workers to build roads, hospitals, gov’t buildings, etc., right now!
But your idol, Obama, says, pass it now to the Congress about the National Infrastructure Bank.
It would take TWO YEARS to set it up and get it handing out cash for infrastructure projects.
And we already have a working state-level equivalent.
It is just more jobs for GOV’T workers…..preferably ones in UNIONS.
It makes No Sense to do this.
No sense at all.
A waste of both time AND money we don’t have.
@Greg: Greg, once again you display your ignorance for all to see!! All the proposals have already failed my friend. Stick your head back in the sand and drink your Kool Aid. Raising taxes and the debt is no way to fix our economy!!
Obama’s job-training program model in Georgia “nearly bankrupt”
The dems in Congress who are primarily responsible for this mess ARE some of the richest people in the country.
What have two-and-a-half years of unrelenting negativity and obstructionism accomplished? Why would anyone expect better results from 14 more months of the same?
If republicans have some specific, credible, constructive proposals to offer, now is the time. Surely they figured that out during this past congressional recess. Do they think Obama’s national approval rating is low? Maybe they should take a look at their own.
Obama’s approach was producing positive results. Progress was admittedly slow, but from mid-2009 on there was undeniable, quantifiable progress. That slowed this past July and flat-lined in August.
What happened in July and August?
I’m going to ask you this again, Greg…. exactly what power to “obstruct” did the GOP have since the 2008 election? Do you again need to see the majority vs minority numbers in the chambers to again get a check on reality?
The only obstruction that slowed the massive O’healthcare and Dodd-Frank endeavors came from your own blue dogs. The GOP never even needed to show up for a vote, their numbers were so insignificant.
I understand you’re a party loyalist. But it would, at least, be nice if you would acknowledge fact and not lay out the same party lines of lies and mistruths.
So you acknowledge they made proposals.That’s good of you. Too bad you label them as bogus because you don’t like them. You then go on to ignore how vague obama’s speech was and HIS failure to present a plan.
Again, for you to whine about “obstruction” exposes you as a major hypocrite considering you cheered the dems when they did it. The funny thing is, as a leftist you consider any opposition to your marxist desires obstruction. Again, scratch a liberal…
What happened in July and August? Leftists attempted to further spend us into debt and the GOP caved except for tax increases. Yet marxists like you want to blame them for not giving in completely. Sorry comrade, the albatross is around the dems/president’s neck. You own it despite crying like a little girl.
@Hard Right, #17:
They have proposed NOTHING that deals with the current situation.
I bet, if the Republicans in the House were to send EACH aspect of Obama’s Jobs’ speech that they agree with to the Senate, either the Senate would fail to pass it to the President’s desk OR Obama would veto it if it got there.
He wants an ”all-or-nothing” package that forces Republicans to renege on their promise not to raise taxes.
Wait… What?
Show me these “positive results” you speak of.
Show me this “undeniable, quantifiable progress.”
Elaborate please. I can hardly wait.
@Aye, #21:
Look at any honestly plotted GDP chart or job growth chart providing quarterly or monthly figures from the beginning of 2008 through present. There was an undeniable positive change in the direction the economy was headed midway through Obama’s first year in office. You would never know it from the right-wing spin. They, of course, have their own charts and graphs, corresponding to the imaginary geographies of Planet Fox, Plant Beck, and Planet Limbaugh.
Show me Greg. Show me.
You claim the info is out there to indicate “positive results” and “undeniable, quantifiable progress.”
Show me.
Eagerly awaiting your attempt.
The chart’s line for this ”recovery” starts in month June of 2009.
Real GDP is growing, but weakly when compared with the postwar average recovery.
The worst postwar experience, at this stage in the cycle, came during the recovery from the 1980 recession. However, the weak recovery in that cycle reflected the fact that the economy had double-dipped into a second recession in 1981.
Because the economy shrank by 5.1 percent during the recession, today’s output remains 0.5 percent below its previous peak in 4th quarter 2007.
Nothing to brag about, Greg.
@Nan G, #24:
Thanks for the reference.
I agree that the strength of the recovery has been nothing to brag about. Most of the world economy is in similar shape. On the other hand, the charts do begin with a zero point at the end of June 2009–the official “end of the recession” as defined by economists. Perhaps we need to consider what the plot line on the charts looked like during the months leading up to and immediately following Obama’s election to speculate what effect his economic policies have had. That’s where my comment in #22 was coming from. Isn’t it his starting point that’s most relevant to that question? I would also argue that the flat recovery slope depicted in the charts–relative to past recessions–largely relates to lingering circumstances predating 2009.
Here’s your other GDP chart, Greg.
Zero is not June 2009 here.
Zero is the beginning of the recession, 13 months before Obama took office.
But it goes back to 48 months before the recession ended.
Look close.
Before the recession we were doing better than most pre-recessions (after WWII).
But it was a bad recession.
And Obama knew that.
His policies are responsible for the slow recovery.
And Obama is still pursuing those same bad policies.
Despite the fact that many people are walking away from their mortgages (while still living rent-free in their houses) Obama wants banks to re-fi them.
Obama wants to make it possible for folks who don’t qualify for a home purchase to get one anyway.
Housing issues are at the root of the nation’s recession.
The country definitely needs infrastructure improvements. The first stimulus package allotted tens of billions of dollars for shovel ready projects. We were told those projects weren’t ready and now Obama wants more money for those shovel ready projects. Where did the all the money go that was supposed to be used for those shovel ready projects? If a company was given our tax dollars to produce a good or service and then used that money for something else and failed to produce that good or service, there would be an investigation and people would be going to jail. But not the pols in D.C. They hold themselves to different standards than the rest of us.
@Nan G, #26:
I’d just found those from the page you linked previously. It threw me for a moment that there was a zero-month shift from June 2009 to December 2007.
As you folks know, I consult in N Dakota. My 2 engineering buddies from California have formed consulting companies out of Alberta and pay 20 % on their names as corporations. No Obamacare mess and substantially reduced taxes.
N Dakota is booming and will strengthen its economy with that new XL portion of the pipeline. To the lefties out there do you see some clues on turning things around? Put Obamacare in the garbage can. Reduce taxes for foreign investment. Develop your own resources. Put the EPA and Lisa Jackson in the irrelevance column by defunding them and saving you folks a ton of taxes. I could go on for a long time. This is too easy.
Now Reuters has said that the Won saved the economy yesterday. Happy days are here again. Thats some more of your problem.
Here are all of the charts referenced in #26 on a single page, plotted 48 months before and after the beginning month of the recession (the zero month, 12/2007). Obama took office during month 13; we’re currently in month 45.