Liberals sure like dead black men


by Don Surber

Liberals sure like dead black men, especially the criminal kind. I am not talking about Ed Buck. You remember him. NPR reported on July 28, 2021, “Democrat Donor Ed Buck Is Convicted In Deaths Of 2 Men He Offered Drugs For Sex.” You cannot judge a party by its psychotic millionaires.

No, this column is about black men killed by non-liberal white people or in the case of George Zimmerman, a Hispanic.

AOC used the death in a subway train of Jordan Neely to create a new saint for the church of black victimhood. A violent man, he went crazy in a subway train last Thursday afternoon. The transit police were unavailable. Passengers subdued him. He died after being held in what we are told was a chokehold. AOC went on a tweet rant based on few facts and many emotions.

Judge, jury and executioner, she tweeted, “Jordan Neely was murdered.

“But because Jordan was houseless and crying for food in a time when the city is raising rents and stripping services to militarize itself while many in power demonize the poor, the murderer gets protected with passive headlines and no charges.

“It’s disgusting.”

Houseless has replaced homeless which replaced bum.

And she said, “Despite what Fox News wants you to believe, being afraid of an unarmed person is not a reason to kill them.

“We should never accept a society where such rationale becomes normal.

“Especially when powerful incentives exist in politics and media to keep people afraid of each other.”

Many in the press portray Neely as a Michael Jackson impersonator, which was how he made a living for a few years. But a little digging by the New York Post revealed more than 40 prior arrests and a rather lengthy stay of 16 months at Rikers Island, the correctional warehouse for criminals.

Her response was, “Leaders want to raise his record as if that warrants a public execution on the subway? What have we come to?”

What we have come to is simple. We are a nation led by a party that is bent on destruction. On the West Coast, Democrats are destroying dams in the name of nature. Elsewhere, they are destroying nuclear plants in the name of safety. They are destroying coal plants in the name of global warming. They are destroying sections of interstates in the name of racism.

Black men kill black men by the thousand each year. Liberals ignore those actual murders. Instead, they turn the media spotlight on the very rare occasion when a black man dies at the hands of a white person. The murkier the details, the louder liberals screech.

Liberals are playing America. When President Obama said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin, he created this monster we still grapple nearly a decade later. Martin was beating George Zimmerman’s head against a sidewalk when the victim pulled his gun and killed his assailant.

The death of another teen thug, Michael D. Brown, gave libs an excuse to destroy Ferguson, Missouri, a quiet suburb that black people used to escape St. Louis.

The list goes on, ending in the overdose death of George Floyd while in police custody. Liberals used their rationalization to destroy cities.

Neely’s death drew kneejerk reactions from the usual jerks.

Errol Louis wrote in New York magazine, “For some New Yorkers, Jordan Neely was dead even before Marine Corps veteran Daniel Penny allegedly choked the life out of him on the floor of a subway train. Modern America, including New York, designates some categories of people as socially dead — part of an underclass that is subject to exclusion, indifference, or even outright hatred and violence. To be Black, destitute, homeless, and mentally ill in our city is to be one of those outsiders, existing in a kind of internal exile from society’s circle of care and concern.”

Black people are so ostracized in NYC that it just elected a black mayor — in a town that is 15% black.

Of course, facts arrived early enough in this case to prevent a canonization of Jordan Neely.

Buried in Errol Louis’s ode to him was this: “For Neely, the alternative to social services was the NYPD and a jail cell on Rikers Island. ‘Cops continued to engage over the next year with the homeless Neely, who often mentioned that he was schizophrenic, had ADHD and was sometimes suicidal,’ the New York Post reports. He was apparently locked up from November 2021 until February of this year after punching and severely injuring an elderly woman.”

He beat a little old lady and spent 16 months in jail. To liberals, that makes him a victim. He was not. National Review reported, “Neely was on what outreach workers refer to as the Top 50 list — a roster maintained by New York City of the homeless people living on the street most urgently in need of assistance and treatment.

“An unnamed employee of the Bowery Residents’ Committee, a nonprofit organization that does subway outreach for the city, told the New York Times that Neely had hundreds of encounters with social workers and was taken to hospitals numerous times, both voluntarily and involuntarily.”

“Neely also racked up more than three dozen arrests. Many of them were offenses like turnstile-jumping or trespassing. However, at least four were on charges of punching people, two in the subway system.”

Over the years, Neely went from a Michael Jackson impersonator to a Mike Tyson impersonator.

Louis wrote of Neely’s death, “This is no way to treat the Neelys of our city. Demonstrators took to the streets demanding Penny be prosecuted, tagging a station downtown with the words WHO KILLED JORDAN NEELY? — a question that seems to implicate not only Penny but also the authorities, all the way up to the mayor, who have allowed various overlapping crises of poverty, homelessness, and mental health go unaddressed.”

So we are to allow a black guy to beat little old ladies up because he has ADHD? Liberals claim he could not help himself but they demand that we hold everyone else accountable when passengers protected themselves against a serial assaulter.

And demonstrating in the streets is no way to treat the Daniel Perrys of the city, either. Black lynch mobs are just as wrong as the white ones. Instead of hailing the young Marine as a hero who subdued a threat in the subways, Democrats want him dead — or at least bankrupted by defense attorneys.

The skin game continues. It arrived in 1565 when Spanish conquistador Pedro Menéndez de Avilés brought slaves from Africa to help establish St. Augustine, Florida.

But there is hope. Newsweek ran a column by Adam B. Coleman, “No One Cared About Jordan Neely’s Life. They Just Want to Use His Death.”

He wrote, “Let’s be real: These people don’t care about the homeless. The upper-class city dwellers of New York treat homeless people like bears in the wild: Don’t make eye contact with them and they won’t bother you. When this strategy doesn’t work, they gaslight you into accepting rampant squalor as not only normal but progress! And when you vocalize your guttural displeasure with watching people live in filth and desperation, the self-appointed homeless-whisperers will manipulate you into believing this is just what city life is supposed to look like.

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George Floyd the Liberals Celebrated Career Criminals soon they will erect Temples for their false god just like with Greta so they can bow down to them and leave offerings to

Democrat economics (if you can call it that) do nothing but drive high-paying jobs away and leave behind low-paying service jobs. Their one and only solution: may $17 and hour for a $7 and hour job. There. Mission complete.

Well, if the mission is to destroy jobs and place everyone in poverty, that’s correct. In addition to destroying the ability to earn a living, they drive costs up and instead of treating it, they accommodate drug abuse. The perfect storm they create hits places like the subways dozens of times a day. Neely happened to be the focus this time.

Funny how dozens of people called 911 about an unhinged man, possibly armed, threatening passengers when all poor, innocent little Neely was doing was complaining about being hungry. The left would rather exploit problems than solve them.

Thanks to the growing disaster on our southern border, it’s all about to get much, much worse.