Latest evidence in Hunter Biden probe turns attention to Joe Biden, informant claim of bribery


By John Solomon

The hunt for answers in the long-running Hunter Biden investigation is returning to questions that prompted the scandal four years ago: did Joe Biden trade U.S. policy for money his family was receiving from overseas sources like Ukraine.

Prompted by a whistleblower, House and Senate Republicans investigators on Wednesday issued a subpoena for an FBI memo they say documents allegations of a pay-to-play bribery scheme involving the current president and a foreign national.

The memo, known as an FD-1023, involves allegations the FBI recorded from a confidential human source in mid-2020, just months before Joe Biden won the presidency. It involves transactions and policy tied to Ukraine that date to when Biden was Barack Obama’s vice president. multiple officials said. They did not identify the informant.

Senate Budget Committee ranking member and long-time whistleblower advocate Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) wrote in a letter to the FBI that they learned of the document from a whistleblower and have concerns the bureau did not fully investigate the allegations.

“The information provided by a whistleblower raises concerns that then-Vice President Biden allegedly engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national,” Comer said in announcing a subpoena his committee issued. “The American people need to know if President Biden sold out the United States of America to make money for himself. Senator Grassley and I will seek the truth to ensure accountability for the American people.”

Grassley said congressional investigators “believe the FBI possesses an unclassified internal document that includes very serious and detailed allegations implicating the current President of the United States

“What we don’t know is what, if anything, the FBI has done to verify these claims or investigate further. The FBI’s recent history of botching politically charged investigations demands close congressional oversight,” he added.

Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., a prominent member of Comer’s Oversight Committee, told Just the News that the whistleblower’s allegations are some of the most serious to emerge in the four year Biden family saga and need to be verified.

“It doesn’t get much more serious than that, that the top diplomat, the President of the United States, is doing the bidding of foreign countries or foreign entities on the backs of American policy and American taxpayers, and our sovereignty,” he said.

Perry also urged the Biden White House to pressure the FBI to release the document. “What I would hope to hear is, look they’re going to cooperate fully. And they’re going to urge the FBI to make sure that the documents are released to the House, because if you haven’t done anything wrong, you certainly want that information to be out there to prove that you haven’t done anything wrong,” he said.

“This is a very significant allegation the American people need to know. But what I suspect is that the FBI is going to stonewall and not want to provide this information,” he added.

The emergence of the documents and its allegations come at a sensitive time for the Biden White House, which is bracing for the possibility that Hunter Biden may soon face criminal tax charges related to his overseas business dealings. Hunter Biden also faces a demand from a judge in Arkansas to divulge new information about the source of his income and gifts in a paternity case.

And two Cabinet secretaries — Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary of State Antony Blinken — also face questions about earlier assurances they gave Congress about issues related to the Hunter Biden were accurate. Both men deny wrongdoing.

The Biden family has faced question about alleged influence peddling since spring 2019 when it was revealed that as Vice President Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Ukraine in 2015 to force the firing of Ukraine’s chief prosecutor, who was investigating the Burisma Holdings energy company that employed Hunter Biden, paying the future presidential son hundreds of thousands of dollars as a board member.

Biden admits he forced the firing of the prosecutor, but has strongly denied it had anything to do with his son’s business. He’s insisted he simply carried out U.S. policy and that he did not have any dealings with Hunter Biden’s company or his business partners. The allegations played a central in the first impeachment and acquittal of Donald Trump.

Evidence began emerging in fall 2020 that called into question Joe Biden’s narrative, but it was contained on an old Hunter Biden laptop that surfaced just before the 2020 election and for months was censored and falsely portrayed as Russian disinformation.

Officials eventually acknowledged the laptop was authentic and had been in the FB’s possession since 2019. And Hunter Biden disclosed he was under federal criminal investigation related to taxes.

That investigation has lingered for years since. Some emails have since shown Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden business partners when he was vice president, undercutting one of the Biden family’s claims.

And an April 2014 email first reported by Just the News  in December 2020 shows Hunter Biden and a business partner sought to take credit with Burisma for comments Joe Biden made about Ukrainian natural gas in an official U.S. speech.

Hunter Biden suggested in the email that his father’s comments about natural gas in the speech be sent to a top Burisma official because it “makes it look like we are adding value.”

You can read that email here.

In an earlier email in April 2014, Hunter Biden even suggested his father’s trip to Ukraine was part of the consulting work he was doing with Burisma.

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The hunt for answers in the long-running Hunter Biden investigation is returning to questions that prompted the scandal four years ago: did Joe Biden trade U.S. policy for money his family was receiving from overseas sources like Ukraine.

If this was Trump, impeachment would already be under way. Democrats don’t need proof or evidence, they only need the accusation and a majority in the House. They can backfill the lack of evidence with partisan “witnesses” that have plenty of innuendo, hearsay and rumors.

The Biden family has faced question about alleged influence peddling since spring 2019 when it was revealed that as Vice President Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Ukraine in 2015 to force the firing of Ukraine’s chief prosecutor, who was investigating the Burisma Holdings energy company that employed Hunter Biden, paying the future presidential son hundreds of thousands of dollars as a board member.

So, why wasn’t THIS investigated thoroughly or, if it was, why hasn’t the results been revealed?

The White House on Wednesday dismissed the announcement by Grassley and Comer as “anonymous innuendo.”

I guess as far as any expectation of White Houe cooperation and transparency, this is the answer. Idiot Biden can have high confidence that his (HIS) DOJ and FBI will keep his six covered as long as is possible and, if anything is forced to be released, the Ministry of Propaganda will do all they can to suppress a sudden outbreak of truth.

Idiot Biden is corrupt and compromised. He’s done enough damage to the nation and should already have been removed.