If Voter IDs are Racist, Everything Requiring IDs should be Considered Racist

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JD Rucker:

Leave it to politicians to politicize common sense. That’s what happening on both sides of the aisle when it comes to voter identification, though Democrats are pressing the bounds of politicization much further. The latest example is the Supreme Court’s unwillingness to address a North Carlina voter ID law struck down by a lower court.

The Democrats say such laws are racist. They know that minorities are less likely to have valid forms of identification, so they make them the victims of laws that require identification in order to vote. They stop with voting, though. They don’t point out that the same should apply to buying age-restricted items like tobacco or alcohol. There are other situations that require identification, but we’ll focus on that one.

By law, one has to present a valid form of identification in order to purchase restricted items. If progressive sensitivities (aka their liberal agenda) say that voting is a right that should not be taken from someone just because they don’t have proper identification, shouldn’t the same be said about buying beer? Cigarettes? If someone is a U.S. citizen who has chosen to not get valid identification, why should their right to purchase items be removed based upon racial discrimination? They should just be able to go in and say that they’re of a valid age just as a voter can in North Carolina today.

If that doesn’t make any sense to you, it’s because you can’t warp your brain to the way that a liberal is required to think.

One might wonder how the Republicans are politicizing it. The reality is that they have a solution. All they have to do is set a law declaring acceptable forms of identification for all age-restricted activities. Buying alcohol or tobacco would be included. Entering premises that cater to adult patrons such as bars, casinos, or strip clubs would be included. Some things, such as buying a firearm, require two forms of valid identification. And yes, voting should be included on the list because it’s age-restricted as well.

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Who’s the stupid pinhead who said Voter ID laws are Racists? Most like some dumber then a sack of rocks liberal wank

@Spurwing Plover:

Believe it or not I actually agree. Voter ID and all the intentional inconvienences and obstacles under the premise of Voter ID has nothing to do with racism.

Curt, I’m sure you recognize the only way this has a chance to get instituted is if Trump gets elected. Hillary is gonna stay status quo.

The argument against voter ID is that, according to liberals, some are simply too incompetent to acquire a photo ID (though, if they are among the allegedly targeted groups, they already have photo ID to receive government benefits) or the little old lady that lives in a area so isolated, so remote, so without any means of communication or transportation that they cannot possibly acquire a photo ID… yet they have voted in every election since the day they were born.

The entire argument against is based on lies and there has to be a valid, diabolical reason behind it.

The trouble with these pinhead liberals is everything is racist in their walnut sized brains


The entire argument against is based on lies and there has to be a valid, diabolical reason behind it.

I think I’m actually going to agree twice in a row, even with Bill at that.

Voter disenfranchisement has nothing to do with racism and the diabolical reason behind it is to keep certain voting factions from the polling booths.

@Ajay42302): What factions would that be and kept away by whom?


@Bill: #7 liberals only make unfounded statements, they dont give honest truthful answers, but read, he is actually agreeing that voter ID fight is moronic liberal unicorn fart. (we know that only racist white men have IDs but thats our republican secret, mums the word)

@Ajay42302: Really? You can’t even bring yourself to answer THAT question? I would imagine that if you are making the accusations, you have some basis to MAKE the accusation. It appears you are saying you don’t and either make stuff up out of thin air or ignorantly repeat statements you are fed without ever considering their validity or thinking about their substance.

So, one more chance… what factions would that be and kept away by whom?


The problem with your question Bill is that if you are truly that profoundly ignorant of the argument, entertaining your blatant ignorance would be of no purpose. If you are indeed that unaware, why do you even bother to participate in an argument obviously over your head? Its like arguing a football strategy and you demand the definition of a football or don’t know what a scrimage line is.

The next problem, which you have proven repeatedly, is that you either cannot comprehend or even acknowledge an answer when its right there in front of you.

You have proven to be no more than a distracting troll utilizing a tactic of derailing the conversation rather than contributing to it, clinging to your unhinged alegence to bashing those not kowtowing to your ideology. When your bigoted and hate festered reasoning fails to withstand scrutiny, you play the dumbass card.

But you do seem to be in good company here.

@Ajay42302): What’s more diabolical is the Left exploiting these factions by hand-holding them to the booths, knowing they will vote in line with propaganda lines…dominated in the media and entertainment by the Left.

Shame on them…

But yeah, let’s make sure the media hammers the talking points about every Republican being racist (Trump is so not-racist, it’s absurd to assert otherwise), any black republican is inherently “not black enough”, and all the other things the Left lies about for one reason: power.

Some of us want to live in a country with healthy, lively debate…somethings we agree to disagree on, but there’s consensus and compromise.

This differs from the Leftist view of annihilating all thoughts contrary to theirs, and letting the electorate vote based on the thoughts of SNL and Comedy Central, rather than their conscience.

Your views are so thoroughly eviscerated, every time you type, that I’m not sure you understand how stupid your logic is, at this point. At least form your own opinion rather than parroting the propaganda you obviously over-consume…

@Nathan Blue:

hand-holding them to the booths, knowing they will vote in line with propaganda lines…dominated in the media and entertainment by the Left.

You identified the core problem which is exactly what Voter ID and all the intentional voting roadblocks included in the Voter ID premise is all about.

It has nothing to do with racism or fraudulent voting. Its about keeping that faction away from the polls to give Rs a better chance.

Voter ID needed for:
1) inter-city bus
2) train
3) courthouse
4) get checking account
5) enter Federal building
6) buy alcohol
7) buy cigarettes
8) cash check
These are examples of where I have been required to show ID.
and many more.
Are all of these requirements racist?
What groups of people, specifically, are denied the right to travel, to shop, or appear in court?
And who shall deny the several States their rights to determine their own laws, including voter eligibility?

@Ajay42302: You are hilarious!


The need of an ID isn’t at question.

The need to implement the many many obstacles to vote under the premise of the need for an ID is obvious. It’s to keep Democratic voters away from the polls.

That isn’t even arguable.

@Ajay42302: No, I want YOU to lay out your view. You think you can do that or would you rather write 500 words to avoid exposing YOUR ignorance (which is not hidden in the least, by the way).

Just lay it out, big guy.


Let me make it short and sweet.

You are an insignificant distraction of a troll and I really don’t care what you want.


I even typed that slowly just for you. Do I need to lay that out in 500 more words for you to get it?

@Ajay42302: I think the only “democrat voter” who is disenfranchised is the illegal alien. Can you list a few more? Even people living in a nursing home have IDs.


It’s to keep Democratic voters away from the polls. That isn’t even arguable.

Ah. There ya go. Was that so hard?

So, now that you’ve committed yourself, how do the evil Republicans keep Democrats from voting while not impeding Republicans? Do you think only Democrats are incapable of getting the proper ID? Or, are you, like the rest of the liberals, worried about the illegal immigrants you salivate over being prevented from voting?


@Bill: 10

either make stuff up out of thin air or ignorantly repeat statements you are fed without ever considering their validity or thinking about their substance.

Bill, I’m relatively sure it’s both. He’s just a paid troll and repeats what he hears. He doesn’t even think of the logic behind what he’s saying.

@Ajay42302: 11

you play the dumbass card.

One thing about you AJ is, you don’t have to ‘play’ the dumbass. You live it daily.


Ah, Redass, the back up troll. What took you so long?


That isn’t even arguable.

So true. Everyone knows the reason for voter id is to insure that the person voting is who he claims to be. We have so many illegals and dead dimocrats voting, it’s about time someone got concerned about it. For some reason the liberals seem to think it is a good thing for dead dimocrats to vote.


I even typed that slowly just for you.

but at least as fast as your two functioning brain cells could rub together and send it to you in morse code.
As far as ‘trolls’ are concerned. At the moment, I think you are the last paid one remaining, several of the others that showed up during the campaign have abandoned the cause or been reassigned to different blogs. I’m sure you won’t be around much longer.


Ah, Redass, the back up troll. What took you so long?

What has given you a redass? must be who you are associating with.
I have a regular life and am not paid to sit around monitoring sites as some here are. But you won’t be here much longer, the election is only two months away and we’ll never hear from you again. Assuming you stay that long without changing your name or ID.

@Redteam: True, which was what I have squeezed out of him. And he’s cowardly to boot. He is afraid to state and stand up for his positions. This only indicates that all he knows is what he is told and once you get beyond the talking point, he pulls out the “Well, if you don’t know…” bullshit to try and cover for his ignorance.


You totally ignore the many many obstacles that Rs have attached to their laws under the Voter ID premise.

I would also remind you that a great deal of R lawmakers have openly admitted the objective was to make it harder for strong Dem precints to vote.

Cut early voting which effects the working class because, well, you need an ID to buy tobacco products.
Close polling booths in Den precints because, well, everyone knows you have to have an ID to buy alcohol.
Penalize and threaten get-out-to-vote groups because, you just can’t get on an airplane without an ID.
Move university voting miles away (hell, students should just buy more cars) because how in the he’ll do you expect to open a bank account with out an ID? Change registration time lines (long before freshmen enter classes) for the same reason.
Ban University IDs but allow NRA IDs because you just can’t drive a car without an ID.
Close Sunday voting where many churches bus their congregation to vote after mass because you just really have to have an ID to buy a hand gun.

And the list goes on and on and on which is likely why even conservative courts have strict so many down and why unhinged blogs need a gaggle of trolls to derail facts when they are presented.

Wow makes it sound like only republicans make voting laws, but no names on those false accusations of our legislators. Those laws only affect Dems too, how odd.
No battle lines for all the grievances, just ID, that only prevents a person from voting in a precinct that they dont live, or under someone elses name. How have the get the vote out groups been threatened, ask the conservatives in Wisconsin about the unconstitutional John Doe case. Ask the other conservative groups about getting to be tax exempt the IRS lost or destroyed that proof while under investigation. This administration has many problems with computers, servers intentional destruction of tax payer owned records.

@kitt: Ya got a good throw back video for Labor Day Weekend?
You are absolutely right in complementing Greg, I believe he and Word are the best debaters at F.A.

I expect before too long DT will step out onto 5th Ave and shoot someone as a test for his loyal Trumpeteers. To make sure they’ll still support his “softening” positions. They will
BTW His so called outreach to non white communities is not to win their votes–he’s already said too much and won’t get more than 7% A.A. and 17% Hispanic.

His goal is to get the soft hearted compassionate college educated white woman and white men who think he’s a racist, misogynist, blowhard. We’ll see if he can pull it off–needs about 68% white vote 75% male 60% female to overcome a dismal 14% of non white voters

@Ajay42302 & RW :

I would also remind you that a great deal of R lawmakers have openly admitted the objective was to make it harder for strong Dem precints to vote.

Provide one link to an actual statement by a R lawmaker stating what you just said. Note: I said an ‘actual statement’.

To make sure they’ll still support his “softening” positions.

Provide a link to an actual statement by Trump in which he has ‘softened’ his position. I haven’t seen or heard of any.

won’t get more than 7% A.A.

I hadn’t heard that he’s after the Alcoholics Anonymous vote.

BTW His so called outreach to non white communities is not to win their votes

So tell us his ‘real reason’ for reaching out to them.

His goal is to get the soft hearted compassionate college educated white woman and white men

And give us all a link to him stating that as his goal. Or did you just make that up?

@Ajay42302: I just don’t understand the liberal obsession with proving that black Dimocrats are too stupid to figure out how to get ID cards. They openly admit they can figure out how to get one to buy cigarettes or alcohol or to get their welfare checks, but for some reason they are too stupid to figure out how to get one to vote.
Does getting a photo ID mean a dimocrat loses his ability to figure out how to get to a polling place.

Why are Republicans able to figure out how to get photo ID’s and still can figure out how to get to a polling place to vote? But dims lose their ability. Does acquiring a photo ID turn off the section of the Dimocrats brains that link to voting?

photo ID = Republican voter
no photo ID = stupid Dimocrat non voter.

I’d like to point out that black people in Louisiana have been required to have photo ID’s for at least 15 years and I have never heard a Dimocrat say they didn’t have one because they are too stupid to figure out how to get one.

@Richard Wheeler: With Hillarys memory trending I think she is doomed
Have a safe weekend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHReFEShoGQ
A little dose of cute


Just as I said, you’re not here to have a constructive conversation or debate, you’re here to distract from the very shortcomings of a GOP agenda. You cowardly tuck tail and run like a whipped pup from the reality that Republican states have intentionally disenfranchised voters with other means other than a voter ID by either PRETENDING or a denial that no Republican has admitted to their scheme, that unless I search the web (which is at your very own finger tips), that argument is void.

Want to start with Don Yelton saying ““If it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks… so be it,” “The law is going to kick the Democrats in the butt.”? Or maybe Phyllis Schlafly saying “The real reason the left wants to make sure that individuals without voter ID are allowed to vote is because they are expected to vote for Democrats.” or Judge Richard Posner, conservative judge appointed by Ronald Reagan to the federal Court of Appeals saying “Let’s not beat around the bush: The Indiana voter photo ID Law is a not-too-thinly-veiled attempt to discourage election-day turnout by certain folks believed to skew Democratic.” or the infamous admission of Republican head of Pennsylvania’s state House Mike Turzai admitting it would give PA to Romney.

Here’s a good one and a perfect example.The AP reported that SC voter I.D. law “appears to be hitting black precincts in the state the hardest.” Wesley Donehue, a political strategist for the South Carolina Senate Republican Caucus, foolishly took to twitter with a quote saying the story “proves EXACTLY why we need Voter ID in SC.” So the guy that championed the very law, made the admission that his state needed the law, not for voter fraud, but rather because it was hitting black precincts.

Now, I don’t expect a coherent response from you because your hatred of the opposition party forbids you from removing the scales from your eyes of any wrong doing of the GOP. At best, you might cherry pick some minute issue in my response and magically assume that invalidates everything else. And of course, in lapdog imaginary world fashion, I expect you to claim victory to your failed and disgraced argumentative skills because, well, I’m stupid or some other illogical justification.

Why do you assume someone of color is incapable of coming up with a picture? A PICTURE. Are they second class citizens in your world?
Lets treat all equal and make sure every vote counts by verification that a picture ID helps to facilitate.
By the way if you tired to attend the DNC convention you’d need a PICTURE ID to get in. How racist.

@Ajay42302: Hey Dippy, I notice you addressed your message to yourself. Do we need more proof?

Here’s a good one and a perfect example.The AP reported that SC voter I.D. law “appears to be hitting black precincts in the state the hardest.”

Perfect example? ‘appears’? so the best you can do is something that ‘appears’ to happen. Nothing definite. But that same paragraph again shows the unending drum beat that black people can’t figure out how to get a photo voter id, but white people can. Why do you want to double down on the ‘black people are stupid’ obsession? I personally think black people are perfectly capable of obtaining an ID.

So tell me again, what do you think caused this black inability and why haven’t they tried to cure the problem? Why don’t the white folks in those counties take them down to the ID place and help them out?


You certainly follow script.

Just as I explained earlier, you have no interest in proof or links or evidence or anything else. Your head is so far up your ideological ass that you can’t even phantom that perhaps certain GOP leaders got a bit over zealous, that maybe some saw a political gain in exploiting Voter ID a bit, even after numerous even openly admitted it.

Even your weak tea of a grasp that because AP used the word “appears” to be hitting black precincts in the state the hardest, that somehow exonerates Wesley Donehue. He clearly stated that the appearance of disenfranchising black voters “proves EXACTLY why we need Voter ID in SC.” His goal was to disenfranchise, that was the need, that was the objective, that’s what the political strategist for the South Carolina Senate Republican Caucus said. That’s what many other GOP lawmakers and strategist and even judges have openly said.

Why don’t you just come out and say you approve of disenfranchisement because you hate Democrats and don’t want them to win?

@Redteam: even dead democrats require ID!

@Ajay42302: No one hates democrats we hate their failed policies, we hate when they fail they blame republicans cause you know they wouldn’t burn more tax payer money at the problem. Why only democrat precints have a problem with voter ID, why isn’t Acorn rounding up these people, putting them on a buses bringing them to the DMV and getting a free, yes tax payer paid for photo ID. Both you know and I know the ID is to prevent voting in multiple precincts and states. Type in voter fraud in your search engine and see what name pops up most…..Hillary. Iowa, Nevada, California We hate that.


Why do you pretend that simply providing an ID is the only issue? Why do you completely ignore the many many other obstacles enacted by GOP states under the Voter ID premise?


Why don’t you just come out and say you approve of disenfranchisement because you hate Democrats and don’t want them to win?

I fully support everyone having the right to vote one time in each election and that a photo ID be required to insure that the person that says he is voting is actually the person that is voting. Everyone that can figure out how to get a legal photo ID should be able to vote. I believe anyone is capable, apparently you don’t think blacks can figure out how to get it done. That ‘appears’ to me that you are insinuating that blacks are too stupid.

@Randy: Dead Dims have no problem getting photo ID, it’s the live stupid ones that are having a problem.


Why do you completely ignore the many many other obstacles

For example?

@Redteam: He will never be able to tell you!


You again do your whipped pup act and ignore the other obstacles as well as the admissions of keeping Dem voters from the polls- which you asked for.

Using your very same argument, you use the word “apparently” which is actually an admission you don’t really know what your talking about, not that it needed verification.@Redteam:
# 35

Please site specific examples and their locations. Somehow we elected a president of color with all these blockades in place.

I am not sure how any person can live in this country with out some form of government issued ID. All we get here is from Ajay is conversation, not one specific. Even school children have government issued IDs. Give us a specific list if there even is a list.

This is just one reason why a photo ID so your vote counts properly is needed.


and ignore the other obstacles

for example?