Hunter Biden is profiting from the illegal alien invasion


Just when you think he couldn’t be any scummier


The most decent man Joe knows

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Honestly, can this pack of feral dogs(biden family) be any more disgusting? Do not ever think that when you wonder if you have heard the worst about this degenerate pack of feral dogs, what will come next will be even worse. There has never been a political klan more atrocious or disgusting….

Last edited 9 days ago by TrumpWon

joe has run out the clock on this threat.
There’s no time to “go after banks,” for not handing our money over to illegals.
And Trump plans to deport all illegals once he takes office, so, the banks would be left high and dry if they buckled to joe’s threat.
Meanwhile, let Hunter have yet another failed business plan for his now-broke sugar daddy to bail him out from.