Governor Abbott Declares the Border to Be In a State of Invasion, Vows to Repel Invaders


by Ace


Governor Greg Abbott announced an hour ago that he officially declared an invasion at the southern border today and he’s going to begin repelling it.He sent a letter to Joe Biden and declared that he’s sending troops to the border and they are building a wall, deploying razor wire and marine barriers to protect his state from the Mexican drug cartels since Biden won’t do it:

He wrote: “The federal government’s failure has forced me to invoke Article I, 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, thereby enabling the State of Texas to protect its own territory against invasion by the Mexican drug cartels.”


A bigger, more readable version of the letter is at the link.

Also from The Right Scoop, leftwing thug Mayor Eric Adams followed Joe Biden’s lead in pushing illegal aliens out of areas controlled by leftwingers and into Republican-leaning areas — namely, Staten Island.

Staten Islanders blocked the buses transporting the illegals, though cops arrived to break up the blockade of the street and arret the protesters.

Weird, the cops routinely allow BLM to take over the streets and block all traffic. I wonder what accounts for this Illegal Disparate Treatment of Political Protesters.

The blue cities and states are getting more serious about simply closing their borders to illegals, while allowing them to live wherever they please in red jurisdictions. Via John Sexton at Hot Air, a Chicago resident made this explicit by demanding to know: Why can’t Chicago just seal its borders to illegals, while allowing them to camp in the suburbs?

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Lets s end those Illegal Aliens to the United Nations let them go live with their big time supporter’s

Unbelievable! Karine Jean-Pierre Cuts Off Peter Doocy, Shuts Him Down, Refuses to Answer Question on Biden Border Crisis (VIDEO)

Does this mean he’ll provide illegals with no more free bus rides to distant points all across the United States?

Governor Greg Abbott announced an hour ago that he officially declared an invasion at the southern border today and he’s going to begin repelling it.

Hopefully it means MORE. Maybe even plane rides, since DHS flies them from their home country directly into US cities, then releases them. 200,000. How’s that for a carbon footprint?

Last edited 10 months ago by Just Plain Bill

From The Texas Tribune: Gov. Greg Abbott’s migrant busing program is what asylum advocates wanted all along – Texas’ migrant buses were meant to send a message about immigration and antagonize Democrats. But the program is also helping migrants get across the U.S. for free.

Maybe even plane rides, since DHS flies them from their home country directly into US cities, then releases them. 200,000. How’s that for a carbon footprint?

You do love those outlets funded by George Soros, don’t you?

So, you prove you were lying about the wets being kidnapped? You really need to keep better track of your lies. The purpose was to reduce the burden on the state of Texas, not punish wetbacks.

Staten Islanders blocked the buses transporting the illegals, though cops arrived to break up the blockade of the street and arret the protesters.

Oh, NOW police deploy to move road-blocking protests? If only these liberals could see themselves. Hypocritical scumbags. Maybe if you didn’t vote for lying idiots you wouldn’t be having wetbacks dumped in your back yards, dumbasses. Welcome to our world.

Under the constitution he can mobilize the Texas national guard and deploy them to the border totally armed up.
It would be as if a warring nation was invading.
Be a damn shame if some of those dirtbags didn’t make it.

Real asylum seekers bring their entire families.
This invasion is of mostly military-aged males.
According to Homeland Security, since joe took office over 7.5 million illegal aliens have been encountered and released into the United States. Of that number 5.18 million were single adult males.
So, this is an invasion.
Every army needs its wh0res, hence the few women and children.
Also, the war mongers need to be pacified with sex slaves and domestic-working slaves, so the non-military aged men serve them.

Someone should declare Gov. Abbott complicit, for transporting tens-of-thousands of illegals all over the country at taxpayer expense.

  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott had directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management to “deploy more buses to Eagle Pass & El Paso amid the migrant surge,” per a Friday post on X, the social media network formerly known as Twitter.
  • “Texas border towns should not have to shoulder the burden of Biden’s open border policies,” he wrote, adding that the state “will continue to send buses to sanctuary cities to provide relief to overrun border towns.”

Someone should declare Gov. Abbott complicit, for transporting tens-of-thousands of illegals all over the country at taxpayer expense.

Give me the Federal statute that allows the President to transport illegals who violated our immigration laws to any state he wants on tax payer financed planes. Matter of fact, give me the statutes that allows Biden the authority to violate federal immigration laws.

I guess you think we Texans should be supporting all those illegals. I suggest Abbott sent the next buses to Indiana.