Genghis Khan – history’s “greenest” slaughterer?

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The Mongol invasion scrubbed nearly 700 million tons of carbon from the atmosphere, according to new research.

Genghis Khan’s Mongol invasion in the 13th and 14th centuries was so vast that it may have been the first instance in history of a single culture causing man-made climate change, according to new research out of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology, reports

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What a surprise…..NOT!
We must remember that there are Leftists who despise human life on earth.
So, mass murderer Genghis Khan is looked at as a hero: he killed millions.
But, if you look at the population history of earth, he didn’t make even a little blip.
The Black Plague, however, did. *

*Population and Real Wages in the Middle Ages
This figure shows data on population and wage rates in England during the middle ages. At the time of the black death, the population declined by 1/3 and wage rates soared. The boost in incomes was temporary. Population grew and wages fell.

To underscore that this hatred for humans extends into the Obama White House (remember his first week when everybody was complaining how hot he liked the thermostat set?) look at this…..

Access to home indoor heating may be contributing to the obesity problem in the United States…..

I can just see Michelle using this as a way to get Americans moving.
Still think these ”smart” thermostats are going to help us?
And Obama, who likes it WARM, will always be exempt.**

**Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod on the temperature in the Oval Office: “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”

Quite a lineup:
Chairman Mao- about 70 million
Roe vs Wade – about 50 million
Stalin – about 40 million
Genghis Kahn – about 40 million
Keep the planet green with rotting corpses. Holdren wants to depopulate the USA. If he had his way, more green coming up. Talk of reeducation also. A real Czar. Disgusting.

Wonder if Al Gore is chomping at the bit to join the ranks of the great EcoWarriors…..

IT make a person wonder, where those killers originated from what deseases brain cells,
It started with one that we know CAIN,and it must be his children and theirs, so on so on to perpetuate that killing instinct, or was it for some who prostitute themself with animals to have generate a legacy of violence, strange as it is, that behavior stayed unchange till today for those who follow the same path,


Miss Bees… On a completely off topic, unrelated note I wanted to compliment you on how well your written English skills have progressed during your time with us.

What once appeared to be something that you struggled with a bit now appears to have become second nature.

That, and your avatar, both make me smile.

AYE CHIHUAHUA, thank you, I learned a lot from here at FA, all of you are teaching me ,and I try to stay in line with the smart group we have and I appreciate what you notice, bye

AYE CHIHUAHUA, also I remember you being the first to guess my other language,and I’ll never forget you stepping in to my defence, bye