Father of Jewish Man Beaten in Vicious Anti-Semitic Attack Rips Alvin Bragg for “Doing Nothing,” and Rips Charles Schumer and Jerry Nadler for Refusing to Condemn the Antisemitic Attack


by Ace

They only want to condemn antisemitic attacks when it can be used as a cudgel against their political enemies. Otherwise, they call it Breaking a Few Eggs to make a Marxist Omelet.

The Judiciary Hearing moved court to Manhattan to hear from the victims of the “Sorosization of justice,” as Matt Gaetz called it (or words to that effect).

The House Judiciary Committee will hear from “victims” of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s policies during a hearing in New York next week — escalating a confrontation with the progressive prosecutor over his unprecedented criminal case against former President Donald Trump, The Post has learned….A source told The Post that the hearing will examine “New York’s rampant crime and victims of Alvin Bragg.”

Republicans have slammed Bragg as being soft on conventional crime while embracing a novel legal theory to bring the first-ever criminal case against an ex-president.

It’s unclear if committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) will invite Bragg, but a source told The Post the move hasn’t been ruled out.

The source said that “victims” of Bragg’s “failure to prosecute” are expected to be witnesses, though they were not immediately able to share the expected witness list.

Before pursuing the indictment against Trump, Bragg, an elected Democrat, downgraded the severity of charges against many offenders.

One witness was Barry Borgen, whose son Joseph Borgan was the victim of an antisemitic attack. The perp was on the street thanks to Alvin Bragg’s prior refusals to prosecute.

And then he gave him a “cushy” plea deal.

The family of a Jewish man badly beaten by a group during a pro-Israel rally in Midtown blasted Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg on Thursday for offering a cushy plea deal to one of the accused anti-Semitic attackers.”It’s disgusting how Mr. Bragg calls himself a crime fighter, the man does nothing,” Joseph Borgen’s father, Barry Borgen, told The Post Thursday outside Manhattan Criminal Court.

“He offered people who tried to kill my son six months in jail, one guy to walk away because maybe he hit him once. It is a hate crime.”

Bragg offered a six-month plea bargain to Waseem Awawdeh, 24, who allegedly joined in the May 20, 2021 assault with several others — and defiantly said “I would do it again” after his arrest.

Joseph Borgen, 30, was wearing a yarmulke as he walked to a pro-Israel rally near Broadway and West 49th Street when he was jumped, beaten and pepper-sprayed.

At the time, Borgen, an Upper East Side accountant, said his attackers called him a “dirty Jew” and yelled “F–k Israel, Hamas is going to kill all of you.”

Jake Tapper calls this attack “a searing indictment of the MAGA right.”


…[A]t his arraignment prosecutors revealed he had expressed little remorse for the attack.”If I could do it again, I would do it again,” he allegedly told a jailer following his arrest. “I have no problem doing it again.”

Barry Borgen told The Post that he feared the plea deal offer will only embolden would-be attackers.

“[The light sentence] shows that it’s open season on anybody, be it an Asian, an African-American, Jewish, Muslim,” he said outside the courthouse where Awawdeh had appeared for a hearing.

“It’s basically open season,” the elder Borgen said. “If you can’t prosecute, put people away for a hate crime, I don’t know what else is there besides murder, God forbid. It’s just disgusting, it’s not right.”

One of the claims made repeatedly by Democrats is that these hearings are “political.” Noted non-political actor Adam Schiff made that charge, serpentishly, here.

Barry Borgen responded to him by pointing out that it’s a joke for Democrats to complain of “political” hearings after spending four years attempting to drive Trump out of office with hearing after hearing. Borgen told Schiff that his whole dossier was fake and a scam, which apparently provoked Schiff to chuckle. You don’t see that in the video, but Borgen points out that Schiff is laughing.

The Democrats absolutely refused to ask questions of the crime victim witnesses, calling them “political props,” and only calling upon their own witnesses to claim that there is no crime problem in America (except for guns).

The witnesses then were given the opportunity to respond to Democrats’ attacks on them. They rebutted the Democrats passionately, and asked why the Democrats won’t even listen to them.

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At the time, Borgen, an Upper East Side accountant, said his attackers called him a “dirty Jew” and yelled “F–k Israel, Hamas is going to kill all of you.”

Um… excuse me, but isn’t that exactly the definition of the left’s beloved “hate crime”? This guy was assaulted and almost killed merely because he was a Jew. What do we need, a “Jewish Lives Matter” movement in order for leftists see that someone besides those they pander to (and exploit) are significant as well?