End Ukraine War – A half-million dead or wounded soldiers is enough


by Don Surber

This weekend marks the second anniversary of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, a nation that Biden and many others in Washington have used to launder bribes for decades. The folks in DC used Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a forever war to replace the one they had in Afghanistan, which they should have ended when we found Osama bin Laden — in Pakistan. We continued it for another decade because it kept the war machine going.

Guests and fish stink after 3 days, but it takes people a few years to really smell a bad war. This one’s stench hit my nostrils on Day One. Zelensky was the key to the first impeachment of President Trump. American politicians saw Putin’s attempt to annex half of Ukraine as an opportunity to make money, and they have.

Ukraine poses no threat to U.S. security. None. Its nukes were deactivated a couple of decades ago. Oh, it provides a lot of grain to Africa and elsewhere, but the last time I looked we still had amber waves of grain. I believe the Africans don’t care if Zelensky or Putin runs the joint as long as the price is right. They have enough worries of their own.

Nevertheless, the USA alone has borrowed and spent more than $100 billion on Ukraine. The result is death, destruction and a slowing down of an inevitable Russian victory. We never will learn how much money went in kickbacks from these unaudited giveaways.

This war is now a meat grinder. The death toll of soldiers is staggering.

The New York Times reported on August 18,

“The total number of Ukrainian and Russian troops killed or wounded since the war in Ukraine began 18 months ago is nearing 500,000, U.S. officials said, a staggering toll as Russia assaults its next-door neighbor and tries to seize more territory.

“The officials cautioned that casualty figures remained difficult to estimate because Moscow is believed to routinely undercount its war dead and injured, and Kyiv does not disclose official figures. But they said the slaughter intensified this year in eastern Ukraine and has continued at a steady clip as a nearly three-month-old counteroffensive drags on.”

Zelensky will fight to the last drop of blood from his soldiers. No one is interested in being that last man now.

AP reported on Thursday,

“Desperate for soldiers, Ukraine weighs unpopular plan to expand the draft.”

Paragraph 7 said,

“The parliament is considering legislation that would increase the potential pool of recruits by about 400,000, in part by lowering the enlistment age from 27 to 25. But the proposal is highly unpopular, forcing elected officials to grapple with questions that cut to the heart of nationhood: Can they convince enough citizens to sacrifice their lives? And, if not, are they willing to accept the alternative?”

The alternative is to have a large swath of Ukraine become part of Russia again. Kyiv was once the capital of Russia. I have been called worse than Putin’s puppet. Telling the truth is a shield from the Lord’s wrath, not necessarily man’s. (“Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?” — Isaiah 2:22.)

So few Ukrainians are willing to die for Zelensky that he has to import cannon fodder.

The Kyiv Independent reported,

“Foreigners and stateless persons will be allowed to serve in Ukraine’s National Guard, according to a decree signed Feb. 21 by President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“The announcement, published on the presidential office website, comes as the government attempts to ramp up mobilization efforts in 2024. The new law goes into immediate effect.”

They fight for democracy not just money, right? It’s an odd democracy that shut down Russian Orthodox churches, banned opposition parties and canceled this spring’s election. Even in the Civil War, America held its 1864 presidential election. And in World War II, we had the 1944 presidential election.

The Western press is all-in on canceling the election. Foreign Policy magazine lectured us in November,

“Ukraine Doesn’t Want Wartime Elections.

“Zelensky is following the law — and the public mood.”

The magazine made the odd argument that the election was not necessary, stating,

“The scale of the commanding lead that Zelensky has over his political opponents is nearly unheard of in any democracies, let alone Western ones. Few leaders around the world have the same level of popular support and legitimacy that Zelensky’s government currently holds. This is not a government that is in doubt about its democratic legitimacy, and if there were elections in March, the results would be almost guaranteed to be a landslide victory.”

Well, yes, if you ban opposition parties, you should win by a large margin — unless you are Nikki Haley, who lost in Nevada to that Catholic woman, Nun of the Above.

Investigative reporter Jordan Schachtel, however, is rightly outraged by this.

He wrote,

“Ukraine’s 2024 elections served as the last means of restoring accountability for a government hellbent on advancing a strategy of geopolitical seppuku, continuing to force its countrymen to wage war against a much more powerful neighbor.

“Under the cover of the fog of war, the Ukrainian government has transformed into a totalitarian dictatorship, losing the moral high ground it once maintained with the public at the beginning of hostilities. When the war finally ends, the Ukrainian people will have to find a way to restore some semblance of the constitutional order that has been shattered in just two years’ time.”

This war now is a bore in America. Support is so low that Republicans finally are saying no to giving Zelensky more money we don’t have.

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The war for Ukraine is lost. Get a peace deal and stop the unnecessary killings

RT is a state-controlled Kremlin propaganda outlet.

Last edited 5 months ago by Greg

MSM is state controlled washington propaganda outlets…just as believable.

American media IS NOT state-controlled. That’s pure, unadulterated Trump-cult bullshit.

Sure thats why they hire ex CIA operatives.
Sure thats why they hire ex CIA operatives.
Can you show me where Trump ever said that? Or is it your TDS again?

Last edited 5 months ago by kitt

Yes they are. They work hand in hand to feed the American public nothing but lies.

US media outlets aren’t sponsored or controlled by the government. They’re funded by advertisers and controlled by private corporations. PBS and NPR are exceptions. They’re paid for by private donor grants and subscribers.

You don’t like what mainstream media outlets are saying because it contradicts the memes and messages bouncing around in the right-wing echo chamber. That’s all it takes to become a cult target.

Russian media is entirely different. RT is paid for and controlled by the Russian government, through Russia’s Federal Agency for Press and Mass Media. Get out of line and you don’t just get fired. You can go to prison.

Russia’s main television channel, Russia-1, is also funded and controlled by the government.

Last edited 5 months ago by Greg

When did operation Mockingbird end?

Everything is sponsored by corporations, who lobby ie buy the government.
They are given a script you can tell by the same catch phrases used Bombshell, pounced, wall closing in all used on different channels.
They really need better writers at the CIA maybe they can headhunt them out of professional wrestling.

When Democrats are in office, the Ministry of Propaganda (corporate media) does the DNC’s bidding, so they are serving the government. But, is they aren’t in control, the media simply serves the DNC. Most are losing money (because the majority is growing tired of being lied to and treated like idiots) but they still serve up leftist propaganda.

The media is totally in the tank for the democrat party. To not know that makes one a complete idiot.

It’s not that they’re crazy for Biden. They just know that Trump is a crook.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is the corrupt criminal, confirmed with real evidence.

TV coverage of Trump 89% negative — and it’s getting worse

Yep. They’re going to cancel his reality TV program.

It was canceled with election fraud and replaced with a farce.

Eco-friendly weapons are unsuitable for the realities of an actual conflict, the French paper claims

Rocks are eco friendly

The Marxist “democracy”-worshipping pagan fools (that is, Zelensky’s mindless, heartless, brain-dead Congressional Clapping Seals)… the Covetous Neocon Killers (see Triune JEHOVAH’s 10th Commandment— Exodus 20: 17)… along with the useless, money-grubbing “Republican” RINO slobs… all have deep, wide rivers of blood upon their hands…

… and… behind it all… the mastermind behind the CIA instigated coup which took place in 2014… was Satan’s specially chosen, handpicked pawn — the Marxist Sodomite dog Obama.

Last edited 5 months ago by Chris McMorrow

Nice a video that wont play, age restricted, are you posting CIA porn on this site?

It’s also IQ-restricted, so you may not be allowed to view it.

Oh what a shot from knee jerk TDS wimp.

If your IQ is high enough to question the video, it won’t waste time showing it to you.

Shit. You’re on the Obama watch list now. I’d look the fuck out, if I were you. Millions of people who bad-mouthed Obama online have died mysteriously.

Michael, please tell me what part of what I said is factually untrue. I have always been willing to admit it when I am wrong. The fact is, the sin of American covetousness is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers, not to mention all the poor old folks who froze to death or died home alone.

Like I said, deep, wide rivers of blood are on their hands. But someday they will all stand before the Lord Jesus Christ to be judged for their wickedness. That is the bottom line truth.

Last edited 5 months ago by Chris McMorrow

Tell it to Putin. He’s the evil mother f*cker who invaded a neighboring nation, slaughters his own soldiers in human wave attacks, and kidnapped 770,000 of Ukraine’s children in an effort to erase the Ukrainian identity.

Last edited 5 months ago by Greg

My, my, Comrade Greggie, how your attitude has changed. Clearly, you were not the least bit concerned about Ukraine when the Black Messiah was in the Oval Office. Nor were you concerned that it was an Obama Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, who facilitated the Maidan Revolt, herself being urged on by George Soros. But now, you refuse to accept that Zelenskyy is the very dictator you claim Trump will be. So, shall we take a look at what you said almost 10 years ago on February 28, 2014?

“I think would be best to let Putin posture until he’s got it out of his system, and then come to some negotiated agreement that gets the troops back across the border while allowing him to look like a winner. Upping the pressure at this point will only prolong the crisis because he’ll feel compelled to push back. I think that’s just the way he’s wired.
Ukraine is the wild card. They understandably want to display resistance to an incursion onto their territory, even though they’re hopelessly outclassed. That display could set them up for a disastrous military accident. It could be very dangerous for us to give any impression that we might directly support them. Someone might conclude that they could precipitate a confrontation and draw us in.
We can’t allow ourselves to be drawn in. The consequences for the United States could be worse than anything most people like to think about. No sane person wants to go there.”

There’s more, much, much more if anyone wants to know what you said then,

Last edited 5 months ago by retire05

You must have the smallest conceivable life if you have hunted down and catalogued what Greg said ten years ago about Ukraine.

What a pathetic glimpse behind the curtain at what goes on inside your mind!

You must have the smallest conceivable life if you have hunted down and catalogued what Greg said ten years ago about Ukraine.

I can understand that you were not on this site ten years ago when Comrade Greggie was hell bent against any U.S. involvement in Ukraine, especially $$ wise, as were all Obama supporters. But it seems you are also too damn stupid to know how to use the site archives. No surprise there

What a pathetic glimpse behind the curtain at what goes on inside your mind!

Well, we do know what goes on inside your mind, groomer. Very little.

But it seems you are also too damn stupid to know how to use the site archives. 

No, I understand how. I just can’t imagine putting my time to that kind of use.

 I just can’t imagine putting my time to that kind of use.

Really? So you never did any research to make a point? You must really be a lousy teacher.

Just pathetic groomer Mikey he cant comment on any subject just others posts.

Retire 05, you strike me as having a rational, logical mind. Your points are valid.

Last edited 5 months ago by Chris McMorrow

No, I understand how. I just can’t imagine putting my time to that kind of use.

Yet, here you are, time and time again.

I can understand that you were not on this site ten years ago when Comrade Greggie was hell bent against any U.S. involvement in Ukraine

I’ve been commenting here on and off for about fifteen years. I just don’t keep a catalogue of all the stupid stuff each of you people write. Life’s too short.

I’ve been commenting here on and off for about fifteen years.

Really? Under what name? Perhaps Greg? Maybe you’re one and the same.

I just don’t keep a catalogue of all the stupid stuff each of you people write. 

No one, including me, keeps a catalogue. But I do have a memory.
It seems you suffer from the same memory disorder as Crooked Joe Biden.

I remember when you defended “enhanced interrogation”, supported the continuing US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, didn’t give a damn about the astronomical long-term costs of the war, bashed Obama for not standing up against Putin’s aggression, and refused to acknowledge that his administration had anything to do with the elimination of Osama bin Laden. I remember how you once thought all Islamic extremists should be locked up forever, but did an instant 180 after Trump pressured the Afghan government to turn all of the captive Taliban fighters loose.

I also see a glaring inconsistency in people who claim to support the rule of law and the Constitution, while supporting a mentally unbalanced conman from Queens who has publicly stated there are times when you have to ignore laws and the Constitution entirely, and who wants perpetual immunity from prosecution for any official act he deems necessary.

Last edited 5 months ago by Greg

You think all those things are comparable to the Ukraine war? Are you this dumb for real, or just mouthing off for clicks?

I think failing to stop Putin should be viewed in the same light as failing to stop Hitler. There will be hell to pay if we don’t.

Last edited 5 months ago by Greg

I also think cutting off aid to Ukraine just before the Russian election is obvious sabotage, calculated to help Trump win an American election.

Ditto for Trump puppets sabotaging a border bill that would significantly reduce the number of illegal entrants and greatly improve control.

“It isn’t perfect” is no reason to reject an improvement in the status quo. It’s effin’ stupid, and the ulterior motive is totally obvious.

All the Democrats had to do to get the aid passed was to end the 3 years of totally open southern border. But Democrats put the endless stream of illegal immigrants ahead of the aid to Ukraine.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden encouraged Putin with his weakness, incompetence and stupid energy policies. Putin knew Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden was a disaster and, after helping him get elected (he feared Trump), knew that was the time to invade Ukraine.

I remember when you defended “enhanced interrogation”, supported the continuing US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, didn’t give a damn about the astronomical long-term costs of the war, bashed Obama for not standing up against Putin’s aggression, and refused to acknowledge that his administration had anything to do with the elimination of Osama bin Laden. I remember how you once thought all Islamic extremists should be locked up forever, but did an instant 180 after Trump pressured the Afghan government to turn all of the captive Taliban fighters loose.

Prove those claims you f*cking liar. You have access to the archives.

I remember. There’s no need for me to prove anything to anybody. I don’t even have to prove how angry, vulgar, and insulting you are, since you demonstrate it every time you show up.

That’s what you come here for—to vent and try to make others feel bad so you’ll feel better yourself. It doesn’t work. It’s a hopelessly negative interaction, with no upside.

Last edited 5 months ago by Greg

There’s no need for me to prove anything to anybody. 

It’s not because you won’t, loser. It’s because you can’t.

You do not prove anything to anyone. I do not feel bad after comments from retire05. On the contrary, I feel more intelligent for not thinking as you think.

Oh, he’s definitely proved something to me.

You can relax lil buddy Trump wailed on Nikki in her home state. Not enough democrats came out to vote for her.

You CAN’T prove much of what you claim to believe because it is mostly lies. As to your positions, they depend entirely on what the DNC is dictating on any given day.

It’s possible that the situation has changed over the course of the past ten years.

It’s possible that the situation has changed over the course of the past ten years.

Yeah, the Biden family went on the Ukrainian take.

mikey is a waste of time. His comments are adolescent, rambling and incoherent.

Last edited 5 months ago by TrumpWon

mikey is a waste of time. His comments are adolescent, rambling and incoherent.


And Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden fully enabled him to do it. Then he just left Ukraine flapping in the wind.

Gregg, I think you’ve been drinking too much CNN Kool-Aide. Your mind is shot. No rational facilities left.

American will never be great again until Trump is gone.

You clearly hate this country. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a corrupt traitor in addition to being a pedophile.

America will never be great until only God-fearing, Bible-believing Calvinist Protestant Christians are allowed to sit on the bench of the so called U.S. “Supreme” Court… until the abomination of homosexual “marriage” is banished from the land… until the wicked sin of murdering babies is banned (and made a death penalty offense)… until all criminal illegal aliens are deported… until the Federal Government is constitutionally required to have annual balanced budgets… until all convicted murderers are immediately executed (after proven guilty in court)… until all government schools are abolished… until all men everywhere start to keep the Christian Sunday Sabbath holy.

I do not want ever to live in the theocracy you’re describing. It sounds like pure hell.

I think you’re wrong about that, Michael. These Laws, Triune God’s Ten Commandments, have been handed down to fallen, sin-cursed mankind by the One Who created the universe and planet Earth.

It is because men break God’s Laws that they are eventually condemned to Hell. Lawlessness, then, is the true living Hell, and we are witnessing it all around us today.

True happiness is grounded in living a holy, God-glorifying life. It’s not easy, because we are such sinners. But it is the only way to find happiness and peace of mind.

Billy Graham warned Christians about right-wing political lunacy.

So go pray to him fool.
He also said…
 “I know it’s common today to think of abortion as a simple answer to an inconvenient problem—but it is actually a far more serious issue. Your child isn’t simply a mass of tissue; he or she is a human being in God’s eyes.” 

Last edited 5 months ago by kitt

“The moral crisis of our age has nothing to do with gay marriage or abortion; it’s insider trading, obscene CEO pay, wage theft from ordinary workers, Wall Street’s continued gambling addiction, corporate payoffs to friendly politicians, and the billionaire takeover of our democracy.”

~Robert Reich~

The ceos wages have nothing to do with the workers wages thats just fomenting jealousy it what communists do. Abomination and murder s a moral crisis.
We dont have a democracy Bob Reich is an idiot.

Last edited 5 months ago by kitt

The ceos wages have nothing to do with the workers wages

Sure they do. The money is being spent to pay employees, be it line workers or C-Suite denizens; any money that goes to the C Suite is not available to go to the line workers (and vice versa).

Just skip the investors in the mix. Workers agree to labor for a cost, they cant run a company anymore than you can teach reading.Are they overpaid? As an investor I would say yes if it affects my dividend. Actual workers can be replaced with automation in most cases, a robot needs no vacation or sick leave, it does need health care or maintenence that must be done by a skilled worker and they are paid accordingly.
Teachers should be paid accordingly low scores low pay.

Last edited 5 months ago by kitt

A quote from Reich? Really? How is that supposed to be convincing?

The moral collapse and degeneracy of the Democrat party is the crisis.

mikey desperately trying to be relevant.

Interesting piece from Larry Johnson

comment image

David Glantz and Jonathan House did mankind a service when they delved into Soviet Army archives and produced a must read about World War Two — When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler. This book is not just about the earthshaking events from 80 years ago, when the Soviets shrugged off initial devastating losses and proceeded to eviscerate the German Wehrmacht in the course of the war on the Eastern front. The book is still relevant because it provides an understanding of Russia’s approach to military planning and combined arms that is unfolding in Ukraine.

I was particularly struck by the authors’ account of the Operation Citadel aka the Battle of Kursk because of the parallels with Ukraine’s failed 2023 counter offensive. For starters, both the Soviets of 1943 and the Russians of 2023 knew that there was an impending “offensive” or “counter-offensive.” Neither the Germans of 1943 nor the Ukrainians of 2023 made any efforts to obscure their intent to launch a major offensive.

Then there is the matter of defensive entrenchments. The Soviets constructed hundreds of miles of trenches and fighting positions in depth along the expected axis of attack. The Russians erected what is commonly known as the Surovikin lines — a series of defensive structures 30 kilometers deep and spread across a hundred mile front. These Soviet and Russian entrenchments proved effective in defeating the respective Nazi and Ukrainian offensives.

The biggest take away from the Glantz/Houseman book is the difference between a Soviet “war footing” and the current Russian “Special Military Operation.” While modern day Russia is applying some of the planning and operational principles exercised by the Soviet Stavka during WW II, Russia has not fully mobilized nor has it unleashed the kind of firepower associated with Soviet attacks in WW II. This is a simple way of saying Russia has not yet fully flexed its military muscle.

I recommend you read the latest from Simplicius the Thinker, who provides an excellent summary of the panic that is sweeping over Ukrainian and Western authorities in the wake of Ukraine’s defeat at Avdeevka. One of the biggest reasons the West consistently misunderstands and misinterprets what is happening militarily in Ukraine with Russian operations is that the West projects onto Russia what it thinks the Russians should do. For example, when Russia deployed miles of tank columns north of Kiev in March 2022, the West concluded that this was a failed Russian military operation because there was no armored assault on Kiev. Western analysts concluded that Russia had inadequate logistics and could not sustain operations.

We now know that this is incorrect. Russia positioned that force north of Kiev as a bargaining chip as part of a broader diplomatic/military solution. Russia withdrew that force as a gesture of goodwill when it appeared that there was a negotiated settlement in the offing. But the United States and the U.K. sabotaged those negotiations and proceeded to erect a narrative that Russia suffered a humiliating military defeat at the hands of the Ukrainians. It was a lie but it had the desired effect of feeding the public narrative in the West.

The West keeps looking for a “big arrow” offensive — i.e., a massive build up of Russian forces in one or two areas and an ensuing armored column attack that attempts to breach the Ukrainian defensive lines. I do not think that is in the cards at all. Russia is employing a dispersed offensive that applies concentrated force at a variety of locations along the 1200 kilometer front. Without clearly signaling their next axis of attack, the Russians are able to confuse what is left of Ukraine’s army and force it to shift forces back and forth along the front. Just as a tsunami builds slowly and then suddenly overwhelms all that is in front of it, I think we are witnessing the Russians unleashing the equivalent of a military tsunami.

I have long been on record that there was no stalemate in Ukraine; that Russia has a clear and decisive advantage. Good to know that former CIA Chief and Secretary of Defense Bobby Gates agrees with me:

The Russian military has broken the stalemate in the Ukraine war, Robert Gates, former CIA director and secretary of Defense, said Wednesday, following Moscow’s successful push to take the front-line city of Avdiivka. 

“It’s no longer a stalemate. The Russians have regained momentum,” Gates told The Washington Post’s David Ignatius in a streaming interview. “Everything I’m reading is that the Russians are on the offensive along the 600-mile front.”

Russia has suffered staggering losses in the war, he noted, but with Ukraine now confronting artillery shortages due to flagging U.S. support, “the Russians are feeling that the tides have turned, and while there is much to be done, the initiative has passed to them,” Gates said. 

Still, Gates can’t help but peddle stupid bullshit. “Russia suffered staggering losses?” Absolute nonsense devoid of facts. It is this kind of self-deceit that prevents most Western analysts from grasping the dire predicament facing Ukraine and NATO. I suspect the Russians privately are encouraging the West to continue to indulge in such fantasies. Just makes the Russian strategic task easier to pull off.


Last edited 5 months ago by TrumpWon

How come Ukraine is losing territory and has to mobilize 500 thousand men for the 3th time?
When the SMO started, the Ukrainians believed that NATO would be backing them against Russia.
Now, they realize that they have been fooled. But the US and UK demands that Zelensky stay in power, because he has way too much information about their involvement in the NATO proxy war against Russia.

The NAZIs in Kiev are grasping at straws in an attempt to keep themselves relevant. However when their regime collapses these NAZIs and enlistment offices will be hunted down and killed by their citizens.
The coordinated MSM propaganda since 9/11 has set the Western population up for a major defeat.
The MSM knows that their lies to the Western population about the COVID and the true state of the war in Ukraine have destroyed their credibility. The reality is that the Ukrainians never had a chance against Russia.

Instead the Dynastic Globalists and their satanic NAZI disciples have had their eyes on Russia’s resources since the fall of the Roman Empire. The Ukrainian population has been used as disposable pawns for the Empire, and for the 3rd time in history Western Europe is out to destroy itself by marching on Moscow.
Doubling down on stupid describes the actions of European Nations.

At present, the Western population is being railroaded by their own governments in order to prevent them from opposing these stupid Imperial policies. Political Agents are emptying all European Nations of their weapons stockpiles so the Imperial army can take over every small European Nation without a fight.

This slow-motion Fascist (EU) coupe, is currently becoming clear every farmer in Europe.
The WH has decided it’s time to change the narrative, that: “Ukraine is winning the war”.

They no longer think that Ukraine can hold out till the November elections.

The US wants sanctions in place to harm European Nations, and is now trying to provoke a nuclear war.

The F16s from Demark and other NATO Nations are intended to disarm smaller NATO Nations, and use these weapons on behalf of Ukraine to attack Russia with US supplied Nuclear weapons.
The BRICS, EAEU and the global South are uniting with China and Russia, while the West is being isolated. Globalization has Offshored Western industry, and deindustrialization is now taking place in the West.
Raw materials and energy are the two pillars of successful economies.
By October 2024 de-dollarisation will escalate and the US dollar will collapse

This will lead to the cancellation of the US presidential election.

By then the Middle-Eastern Royalty can’t stem the tide rising against the genocide by Israel in Palestine. Israel will be completely overrun and end its days as an Imperial terror state.

The future of the West is going to be either:

Imperial disintegration and National prosperity,
Or a 3rd World War ending Western civilization.

Ukrainians Commemorate 2 Years of War With Minor European NATO Leaders and Major Defiance – But Lack of Troops, Equipment and Ammo Mean Defenses May Be About to Crumble

We have been lied to by a government that is an enemy of the American people.

Nothing is built ,back or better because the plan always was to drain, depopulate and destroy.

Last edited 5 months ago by kitt

biden has been an utter failure. But that was by design.

This slow-motion Fascist (EU) coupe, is currently becoming clear every farmer in Europe.


The WH has decided it’s time to change the narrative, that: “Ukraine is winning the war”.

They no longer think that Ukraine can hold out till the November elections.

The US wants sanctions in place to harm European Nations, and is now trying to provoke a nuclear war.

So, keeping joe’s secret that he and his crime family have enriched themselves by skimming parts of every dollar we send to Ukraine required a threat of WWIII?
Somebody, even a dem, needs to throw the bidens to the wolves instead of risk this.
Maybe there is a dem who prefers living over joe’s wealth and will come clean about him.
Maybe Zelensky will jump ship and end this travesty.
But its got to end bfore joe f’s it up along with our whole world.

We are running out of time. The hour draws near. Tucker and Catherine Herridge both said something big would happen in 2024.

If Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden had any intention of ending the war he started, he’d have allowed aircraft and tanks to be provided. He enticed Putin to attack, then he lost the war for Ukraine. The Democrat way; create a disaster then totally f**k up the response.

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