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Democrats Ram Through Israel & God Amendments Despite Heavy Opposition

Drew & Ace @ Ace of Spades HQ:

Well, they didn’t really vote to add it back it. After THREE tries LA Mayor and convention Chairman Antonio Villaraigosa just claims it passed when it clearly didn’t.

The best part (aside from super awkward Villaraigosa moments) is the man and women with the “Arab American Democrats” sign rather strenuously disagreeing with the vote.


The Huffington Post is awesome:

Democrats 2012: Yay abortion! Boo God!

One of the two amendments snuck into the platform — against the delegates’ wishes — also included the word “God” (as in “God-given”), fixing an embarrassing scrubbing of all references to God from the platform.

Now they can say “But we have one!” Yes, you have one.

Remember last week when the media fretted so much about the Republicans’ extremist, non-mainstream platform? I didn’t even bother predicting this, because it’s obvious– the same focus on the platform would not occur in their coverage of the Democrats’ platform.

Bret Baier asked Dick Durbin about the ostentatious scrubbing of all (and I do mean all) references to God in the Democrats’ platform, and he insisted it was a “trifle.”

And also insisted that Republicans do not own the “Franchise on God.” Well, no, but they’re also not diligently obliterating His name from all documents, either.

So, over the clear objection of the delegates, the platform now contains one perfunctory reference to God (but not even to God Himself; just in the form of the common adjectival expression, “God-given,” as in “God-given talents”) and reinserts the business about recognizing Jerusalem.

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