Drew & Ace @ Ace of Spades HQ:
Well, they didn’t really vote to add it back it. After THREE tries LA Mayor and convention Chairman Antonio Villaraigosa just claims it passed when it clearly didn’t.
The best part (aside from super awkward Villaraigosa moments) is the man and women with the “Arab American Democrats” sign rather strenuously disagreeing with the vote.
The Huffington Post is awesome: Democrats 2012: Yay abortion! Boo God!
One of the two amendments snuck into the platform — against the delegates’ wishes — also included the word “God” (as in “God-given”), fixing an embarrassing scrubbing of all references to God from the platform.
Now they can say “But we have one!” Yes, you have one.
Remember last week when the media fretted so much about the Republicans’ extremist, non-mainstream platform? I didn’t even bother predicting this, because it’s obvious– the same focus on the platform would not occur in their coverage of the Democrats’ platform.
Bret Baier asked Dick Durbin about the ostentatious scrubbing of all (and I do mean all) references to God in the Democrats’ platform, and he insisted it was a “trifle.”
And also insisted that Republicans do not own the “Franchise on God.” Well, no, but they’re also not diligently obliterating His name from all documents, either.
So, over the clear objection of the delegates, the platform now contains one perfunctory reference to God (but not even to God Himself; just in the form of the common adjectival expression, “God-given,” as in “God-given talents”) and reinserts the business about recognizing Jerusalem.
There was another political party around 80 years ago who didn’t want God or Jews in their platform either.
Actually, DrJ, there were quite a few of them.
The democrats get all defensive….I’ve seen it in blogs….they “Say”, No wait, they “Claim” to be just as Christian….just as God fearing…as any ‘Republican’ it might go like this: democrats believe in God just as much as Republicans do….
Ahem…Not according to those at the 2012 – DNC convention…that’s for sure….what it NOW sounds like is hypocritical propaganda spew, not to mention more LIES…who are these people trying to appease? Why do they not want GOD in America?
No wonder there is such a decline in America…
But, wait there’s more: without “God” ….without God’s divine presence…without the mention of “GOD” ….without God’s spirit which lives in each and everyone of us, whether you ‘choose’ to believe it or not….
…. ‘without’ all these things….It makes it a lot easier for those politicians at the 2012 DNC convention to LIE..and Continue to LIE….to the American people…
Don’t believe the LIES!!! God is omnipresent!
Take heart, GOD didn’t bring AMERICA this FAR just to hand her over to a bunch of hypocritical Socialist/Communist propagandists who want to RULE OVER the “God Loving” American People…
God helped the Jews of Israel to find the strength to go on…Israel is yet another Testament of God…
Now the DEMS.. know how We feel, when OBAMA does what HE wants done, over OUR majority OBJECTIONS!!
I was watching it live. There is no way that the “Ayes” were louder than the “Nays,” much less had the 2/3rds required for passage. The “anti-Israel & God” delegates should not be surprised that the Democratic party leadership would “deem” that a vote goes the way the leadership needs it to go. This is the same kind of dishonesty that forced Obamacare down our throats. This is how elite party leaders operate in both parties.
What has till not been answered is the questions of “Who suggested those entries be removed from the party platform in the first place” and “Who voted in favor of their removal. Clearly, the Democratic platform had taken an extreme turn to the left, and the party leadership got scared when they realized all the Jewish and Christian Democratic party member votes that they could lose.
Oh this is priceless: Anderson Cooper Says Democratic Congresswoman In ‘Alternate Universe’ After She Explains Jerusalem Platform Fiasco
Wait, I thought the talking points of the Democrats during the Bush years was how the United States needed to go to a Pure Democracy system. The Nays drowned out the Ayes, so under a Pure Democracy shouldn’t the Nay vote been chosen? Just curious, didn’t expect the Democrat leadership to literally ram something so unliked …. /sarcasm.
So now this is a surprise, after the last 3 years of the anti-religous bilge coming out of the DNC they now reach out and grasp for the religous connection? Seriously?
And it took them three times to cast a vote, really? Wonder how the Atheists who were cheerful of the removal of God in the DNC platform felt when it was forcefully added back in against the will of the Majority voice of delegates…
What ultimately bothers me is the claim that we belong to Government that came out of the DNC. This is very USSR Communist Party langauge…
The unscripted DNC chair!
Kind of reminded of the Republican response to the rule change decision last week.
I kind of figure that the god myth would rear its ugly head again, since most Americans—both Democrats and Republicans—believe it.
The DNC platform is very pro-gay.
Yet there is nothing in it indicating that Obama only ”evolved” into this position (heh) very recently.
The truth about the set DNC platform omitting both God and Jerusalem-as-Capital-of-Israel was that Obama planned to ”evolve” some more.
See, one part of this hasn’t been touched on:
Obama has idiotically called for a return to the 1967 borders for Israel.
Israel would be less than 20 miles wide, but more importantly…..
Gone would be Jerusalem from Israel.
So, calling for that is made easier IF Jerusalem is not set as an accepted capital of Israel.
No wonder we saw Arab-American Democrats boo-ing so loudly.
When you run the numbers the Dems lose of they stick it to those who believe in God.
Gallup’s demographic numbers for registered voters are based on a three-week rolling average.
In the three weeks leading up to Sept. 2, the polling firm interviewed 9,666 registered voters.
1,282 of these registered voters said they had no religion.
That’s a bit over 1 in 10.
In the three-week period that ended on Sept. 2, according to Gallup, Obama led Romney 69 percent to 23 percent among those who have no religion.
So, of those 10% of voters, Obama can get 7 out of ten of them.
Not enough to be burning religious bridges just yet.
Obama’s evolving view is going to have to wait.
@liberal1(objectivity): God myth?? What is that?? Amazing how you try to change the subject regarding Democrat platform failure.
What an ignorant putz you are! You clearly don’t even know what was put back in the Democratic platform yesterday, yet you think yourself fit to comment on it thinking we wont catch you out on your foolishness. The “God” reference that they deemed to reinstall doesn’t say anything about belief in a higher power. For your education, this is what the amendments “as voted on” are:
“God given” is a form of art, not a statement of belief in any particular deity. You will also note that the second platform amendment is contradictory and wish-washy. The first sentence says that Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, whereas the second statement indicates that this is up to negotiation. Both of these platform amendments reflect only an ambiguous, partial caving in to the campaign pressure of voter anger (by religious practicing Democrats who they alienated,) in hopes that this milquetoast bone will mollify them. It they actually read what has changed from 2008 to 2012, those affronted voters will realize that they are still being marginalized, and that they really haven’t been given anything back.
I posted the following on another thread, before coming across this thread (which was the more appropriate location for my comments). I apologize for the double post.
There’s a bit of a double standard going on.
The GOP platform calls for the total criminalization of abortion, with no exceptions for anything. This is an extreme position, which is certainly not supported by more than a minority of voters within the GOP, much less the nation. Why was this platform plank adopted? Because the people who attend both political conventions represent the most extreme, hard core membership of the respective parties.
Romney himself has stated his own position clearly. To wit:
“My position has been clear throughout this campaign,” Romney said. “I’m in favor of abortion being legal in the case of rape and incest, and the health and life of the mother.”
I’ve heard Nancy Pelosi describe her own position in precisely the same words. Note — not just “life” of the mother, but “health” of the mother, with “health” including mental health, which, as we all know, can mean anything.
Now, is Romney happy with the GOP abortion plank? No way; he knows that it will be used against him (playing into the “war on women” narrative), which is why he took such pains to repudiate that plank. Why didn’t he try to get it removed at the convention, the way that Obama did (with regard to inserting a plank that he didn’t like having been removed — which was removed for precisely the same reasons that the GOP plank was inserted, that being that the delegates at a political convention represent the most extreme hard core membership of the party)? Because, had Romney dared to try, he’d have been met with total rebellion. It wouldn’t have ended nearly so peacefully as did the God/Jerusalem kerfuffle at the Dem convention. So Romney just let it go and personally repudiated it — OUTSIDE of the GOP convention hall.
It’s an old problem for both parties at convention time. Getting the party platform to agree with the candidates’ positions.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA
A Democratic party platform writer said that they rewrote the platform to reflect the Obama administration’s policies.