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None of the cases brought against President Trump wil be successful. Law fare has defeated the democrats and not Trump.

It will be interesting to see how Trump’s lawyers attempt to characterize payments to a porn star and the falsification of records to cover them up as official acts.

Somewhere in the Kremlin Putin is laughing hysterically.

The case will be dismissed skipper. Two USSC decisions favor Trump. Merchan needs a smoke screen(time) to do the dismissal.

A day will come when you will deny you ever supported the evil bastard.

Nothing remains to prevent an American president from becoming a Vladimir Putin except for his or her individual scruples.

That’s a fact. That is what the Supreme Court your cult leader methodically stacked has just done.

They loudly cry “fear mongering” when this is pointed out.

Note, however, that they DON’T say what effective obstacle to such abuses still exists. BECAUSE THERE IS NONE.

Last edited 2 days ago by Greg

Tier 2 effectively transforms the presidency into a dictatorship.

Tier 2: Presumptive Immunity for Official Acts. The Court declared that “the President must be immune from prosecution for an official act unless the Government can show that applying a criminal prohibition to that act would pose no dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch.” In short, if the President acts officially, as President, that act is immune—but a prosecutor can still proceed if they can show criminalizing that type of conduct will not hinder the Presidential office.

This is totally idiotic. It boils down to complete nonsense: The Government cannot intrude on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch unless it can show that doing so does not intrude on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch.

Last edited 2 days ago by Greg

“Trump vs. The United States” should be the first clue.

Skipper, separations of power. The President remains touchable, impeachment. You communist leftists do not like the Constitution. The Court is reversing the damage Domitian the Constitution by years of progressive tinkering. We are headed back to a government created by the founders and the framers and that pisses yiu off.

Yeah, but they tried to weaponize impeachment and failed, so now they’re throwing a temper tantrum because lawfare fails, too.

What a miraculous document the Constitution is.

The democrats were simply unable to prove their case in impeachment 1

Oh, please. Conviction requires a 2/3 majority in the Senate. Presidential control of slightly over 1/3 renders him bulletproof against impeachment—and he can bring ENORMOUS pressure to bear on senators without fear of criminal prosecution.

You’re setting up a dictatorship.

The only remaining remedy would be assassination.

Last edited 2 days ago by Greg

Some friendly advise, lick your wounds. Every case brought by law fare has failed. The communist left has heretofore been unable to stop President Trump.

That’s because you’re not smart enough to figure out what’s actually being lost.

His denial of reality has always been suspect but, today it is on full display.

At every turn he is floundering.

Last edited 2 days ago by TrumpWon

Basically. they’re betting all of their chips on a Trump win in November. If Trump loses, they will have conferred unrestrained Executive powers on his opponent—the very thing Joe Biden is warning America against.

Trump has brought them to the brink.

Last edited 2 days ago by Greg

How on earth does the walking cadaver biden win? How fucking stupid are you?

American voters aren’t stupid enough to surrender their nation to your f*cking cult leader.

House Republicans Now Have the Votes to Hold AG Merrick Garland in Inherent Contempt Following Intense Party Pushback

Do it. Show the voters why Trump and his MAGA cult must be put down for the count.

biden is going down faster than madcow going down on Hillary.

The worst is not behind you. PreoTrump wins reelection in November. Sotomayer checks out during his term and Trump appoints another conservative in the mold of Scalia. Let that sink in skipper.

You have no clue how f*cked you’d be after a right-wing takeover of America.

Nothing remains to prevent an American president from becoming a Vladimir Putin except for his or her individual scruples.

Really? How little you know about the U.S. government construct.

however, that they DON’T say what effective obstacle to such abuses still exists. BECAUSE THERE IS NONE.

Really, Comrade? I thought you were in the military. You claim to be a Vietnam vet. Who the hell did you fight for, the NV military?

As your side rants and raves how now the President could send Seal Team 6 to assassinate his political rivel, your disgust for our military, that all understand they have the right to refuse an unconstitutional order, should get you banned from all civil society since you are nothing but a pathetic liar.

Trump’s own lawyer admitted that absurd conclusion would result during oral arguments at the Appeals Court level, idiot.

No, he didn’t. See, you get yourself all worked up over your own lies. Settle down, go to your safe space and color for a while.

Denying reality is totally routine with you idiots:

No, he didn’t. See, you get yourself all worked up over your own lies. Settle down, go to your safe space and color for a while.

Last edited 2 days ago by Greg

Maybe greg is taking it the ass from a strapped on madcow

She wants to warm up on something soft before she gets to Stormy’s genital warts-encrusted business.

Maybe STD’s are the reason Trump’s goons raided his doctor’s office. It would certainly explain Melania’s hostility and separate sleeping quarters.

Only Democrats have been behaving like Putin, Stalin, Hitler or Kim. ONLY DEMOCRATS. The solution is to keep Democrats out of our government.

Sentencing delayed to give the judge cover to dismiss. Dismissing now would allow everyone to link it to the two USSC cases. Waiting until September will give the appearance the judge made the decision and not as a result of the high court.

As obvious as the nose on your face

Last edited 2 days ago by TrumpWon

He’s afraid Trump’s going to win and he and fat turd Bragg won’t have the DNC-DoJ to shield them any more.

How is logging payments to an attorney as legal fees “falsification of records”, and what business is it of the state how a private business logs its expenses, particularly when they aren’t taking a tax deduction for it?

What was that crime that all 12 jurors unanimously agreed upon that turned bookkeeping into a felony? You never seemed to answer that one.

This case will be dismissed. Too much at stake for the judge. So many civil rights denied President Trump. As if the immunity case was not enough to warrant dismissal,

Erlinger v. United States

held that a verdict must be unanimous and not constructed of partial affirmative votes. The whole of the jury must find verdict to be unanimous

Lawfare – 0
Constitution – 1

Well… it looks like all the Democrats have left is election fraud. It’s going to take a WHOLE LOT of it. Good luck with all THAT.

The Constitution is strong.

And your your a total fool to ever believe anything from any of these leftists News Sources