Bill Melugin Points Out the Asylum Scam That is Roiling Our Nation: Fraudulent Claims Clog the System


By Jennifer Oliver O’Connell

As the United States Southern Border continues to be an open sore on the republic, Fox News Senior Correspondent Bill Melugin continues to expose the underbelly of this crisis and highlight the finer points that are often ignored. Earlier this month, Melugin presented footage of illegal immigrants actually thanking Joe Biden for creating the conditions that allow them to cross into the U.S. illegally.

Isn’t it amazing that while the elite class is targeting Jews, whiteness, and claiming what a horrible, racist country America is, that people are coming here illegally because they recognize that America is the land of opportunity? Just 10 days ago we saw new records broken as Texas and Arizona suffered under a fresh invasion.

The ongoing migrant crisis at the southern border is breaking new records, and multiple marks have been set since September, as the crisis deepens into its third year and Washington struggles to agree on solutions.

The latest record was smashed Tuesday with over 12,000 migrant encounters at the southern border.

It marked the highest total for a single day ever recorded. Over 10,200 of those were Border Patrol encounters of illegal immigrants coming between ports of entry.

The record is one of a number that have been broken in recent months. It was revealed in October that fiscal 2023 set a new record for migrant encounters at the southern border with 2.4 million migrant encounters, outpacing the record set in fiscal 2022.

In the wake of that, Congress held more oversight hearings, where Republicans claimed that they would withhold Ukraine funding if the Southern Border is not addressed. The Biden administration then claimed they are willing to make “significant compromise” on the Border.

President Joe Biden has said he is willing to make “significant compromises on the border” to meet Republican demands that the assistance be tied to an overhaul of US border policy.

Republicans say the record numbers of migrants crossing the southern border pose a security threat because authorities cannot adequately screen all the migrants and that those who enter the United States are straining the country’s resources.

Security risk and strain on critical resources is only half of it. These illegals pouring over the Southern Border destroy the meaning and role of asylum for those who are truly seeking it. Just like the Congressional testimony mess of Harvard President Claudine Gay exposed her as a convenient diversity hire, coupled with the recent embarrassment Facebook/Meta suffered with DEI executive Barbara Furlow-Smiles defrauding them of millions, these women cast shade on every accomplished and hardworking Black woman using their talents and perseverance to rise.

So it is with this illegal influx: It erodes the chances for anyone who is under true threat of danger. As more and more illegals are released into the interior of the country, it further disenfranchises American citizens, as is being played out in Chicago and New York, where illegal men are gaming the system and pushing out the so-called lower classes that Democrats claim they champion.

Recently Melugin has gone further in his coverage, shedding more light on how the asylum fraud is being swept under the rug.

There has been little acknowledgment of the mass asylum fraud taking place at the border. You’ll find discarded & torn up documents all over the ground, including MX humanitarian visas used to get to the border, mixed in w/ cartel wristbands. The migrants will tell you – on camera – they are here for economic opportunity. That does not qualify for asylum under US law. Still, the false narrative exists that the masses of people crossing the border illegally are “asylum seekers”. Are some of them? Absolutely. But the overwhelming majority are coming for economic reasons, and fraudulent asylum claims only further clog the system and make it more difficult for *legitimate* asylum seekers. These are some photos I’ve taken over the years.

Melugin reflected back to a border visit in 2021 where he actually met an actual asylum seeker who was lost in the shuffle of the illegal invasion.

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This is intentional. Every damned wetback of it, every fentanyl death, it’s all intentional. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden should be impeached for this catastrophe for HE created it out of what was border security.

Why would republicans NOT accept a deal that would cut unlawful immigration by two-thirds?

Because they NEED the the flood of immigrants as an election issue. The last thing they want is a meaningful solution.

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

It’s Democrats who are angry about border security. Clueless you are.

So republicans will refuse to cut illegal immigration by two-thirds because it would make democrats happy?

It’s Democrats who are angry about border security. Clueless you are.

So republicans will refuse to cut illegal immigration by two-thirds because it would make democrats happy?

Why should Republicans accept such an offer when, as you stated yourself, it’s “illegal” immigration?

We have laws against entering our nation without our permission. It is the responsibility of the President of the United States to enforce those laws, yet in less than three years, we have seen 10+ million illegals walk across our border because the CPB is being told to let them in by Biden.

What the Democrats are offering is no different than the “protection” racquet the Mafia excelled in.

”Pay us this much and we’ll only break one of your legs.”

Last edited 6 months ago by retire05

Because it would reduce the number coming in by two-thirds? That’s more progress than the GOP has made in years.

They don’t really want a solution. They want a politically exploitable issue.

Why should Republicans accept such an offer when, as you stated yourself, it’s “illegal” immigration?

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

Putin must not be defeated, because Biden would get the credit.

Illegal immigration must not be curtailed, because Biden would get the credit.

A strengthening economy cannot be acknowledged, because Biden would get the credit.

Ukraine had its opportunity hundreds of billions now it is out of men to fight, what will the women and old men yelling at them to get off his lawn do ?
More weapons, wtf did they do with all of the weapons given? They did not advance against the Russian troops no great offensive gains nothing.

wtf did they do with all of the weapons given

You’ve never given a single thought to what happens during war, have you?

You’ve never given a single thought to what happens during war, have you?

And you have fought in how many wars, groomer?

Not just the USA has been sending weaponry, with such overwhelming firepower, It must have been horrible commanders, so who will lead them to victory? The US has not won a war in a very long time. The best generals retired or flushed by Barry.
Perhaps our Admiral Levin can run the Ukraine Navy in the Black sea.
This whole thing is a f’n joke always has been.
Being a former communist nation they never held or shot a gun, so give them missiles.

Last edited 6 months ago by kitt

Putin’s propaganda, coming right out of your keyboard. It never ceases to amaze me.

Putin has an election in 3 months. His war on Ukraine is not popular in Russia. That could be the watershed moment.

So, what the hell, let’s make sure Ukrainian resistance collapses.

And screw any deal that would reduce illegal immigration by two-thirds.

That’s what the GOP has become, and Trump did it.

Because it would reduce the number coming in by two-thirds? That’s more progress than the GOP has made in years.

Funny, I thought Congress did the Federal budgets. Or are you going to blame Trump for the lack of funding needed for the border under the Biden administration?

It was not Trump that ordered border fence gates opened wide. It was not Trump that had Mayorkus order the Border Patrol to “catch an release.” It was not Trump that ordered the Border Patrol to take down the barriers place at the Rio Grande by a state who has, for six decades, bared the cost of illegal immigration.

Putin must not be defeated, because Biden would get the credit.

Putin could have been defeated, but Obama was a failure and Putin knows that Biden is incapable of running a road side park, much less the United States. You may hate Putin but he is not stupid. He knows Pedophile Joey is incapable on all fronts. To quote Obama “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.”

Illegal immigration must not be curtailed, because Biden would get the credit.

Biden is making NO effort to even reduce the illegal invasion. It is Biden that is violating immigration laws, laws enacted by Congress. But you’re too fricking stupid to understand that.

A strengthening economy cannot be acknowledged, because Biden would get the credit.

Yeah, get back to me when hamburger is no longer $6.00/lb.

I fail to see what betraying Ukraine’s defenders three months ahead of the Russian election has to do with the cost of your hamburger.

Nor do I understand why you think a 2/3 reduction in unlawful border crossings would be too high a price to pay for Putin’s possible downfall.

There’s nothing rational about the GOP’s behavior because revolves around their scheme to put your loser cult leader back in charge—something most of them don’t even want to see happen.

Trump, at a New Hampshire rally:

“They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

I guess you don’t recognize Nazi rhetoric when you hear it.

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

So we need to send money to the graveyard, thats where the defenders are.
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Last edited 6 months ago by kitt

I fail to see what betraying Ukraine’s defenders three months ahead of the Russian election has to do with the cost of your hamburger.

You are an absolute dimwit. The cost of my hamburger is tied to the cost of the money needed to fatten Zelenskyy’s coffers. Cause—effect, moron.

Ukraine is not on our borders threatening us, nor is Russia. Russia is on a European front and it is Europe’s responsibility to protect their own interests. How long does Europe get to nurse at the American teat?

Nor do I understand why you think a 2/3 reduction in unlawful border crossings would be too high a price to pay for Putin’s possible downfall.

Just because you think I’m hungry doesn’t mean I will accept your shit-sandwich. Why does the American taxpayer have to accept even 1/3 of the people that Biden is letting (in contradiction of U.S. immigration law) to our nation.

Shut the damn border gates.

Arrest, and deport those who enter illegally.

If they do have a genuine asylum claim (less than 10%), make them wait in Mexico until their court date.

End all foreign aid to those countries that are not only encouraging their peon class to illegally migrate to the U.S., but facilitating them.

Put our National Guard on the border with orders to not let anyone escape into the desert. If they get shot at from across the Rio Grande, order them to fire back.

Start deporting those already here. No excuses. If their nation of origin will not take them back, no more $$ for that nation and the illegal will be dropped off at the furthest point from the Texas border. Watch how quickly illegals start self-deporting.

In my neighboring school district, 69% of the student body is in ESL programs. For morons like you, that means they don’t speak English. So who the hell do you think is paying for those schools, those ESL teachers? It ain’t you, bubba.

Because anyone who isn’t an effin’ moron understands that a 2/3 reduction would be 2/3 of the way to a 100% solution. You’re arguing that it must be 100% immediately or nothing. That’s crazy. There is no immediate 100% solution.

The GOP doesn’t want a solution. They want a divisive political issue to exploit. They have a long history of rejecting meaningful solutions to the handful of hot-button social issues they exploit. They’ve got no detailed, reality based solutions to anything. They rely entirely on placing blame and stoking anger.

Why does the American taxpayer have to accept even 1/3 of the people that Biden is letting (in contradiction of U.S. immigration law) to our nation.

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg

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What is the “Nazi rhetoric”? Enforcing our laws? Defending our nation? Democrats are more akin to the Nazis, replete with overt anti-Semitism, than anything we’ve ever seen in this country.

A strengthening economy cannot be acknowledged, because Biden would get the credit.

This quote is laughable on its face

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The economy is not strengthening. Quite the contrary. You spend too much time watching TV for stupid people.