Arizona AG Announces Indictment Of GOP Election Officials Who Wanted To Hand-Count Votes


by Cullen McCue

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes, a Democrat, announced Wednesday that a grand jury has decided to indict two Republican election officials who wanted to hand-count all election day and early voting ballots.

Peggy Judd and Terry Crosby, both of whom have served as Republican supervisors in Cochise County, were indicted by the state of Arizona on November 29 on charges of conspiracy and election interference. The officials had called for a hand-count of the county’s ballots, citing distrust of machines due to well-documented issues in Maricopa County, and opted to delay the certification of the election due to their concerns.

“The repeated attempts to undermine our democracy are unacceptable,” Mayes’ office wrote in a press release. “I took an oath to uphold the rule of law, and my office will continue to enforce Arizona’s elections laws and support our election officials as they carry out the duties and responsibilities of their offices.”

“The indictment filed November 27, 2023, in Maricopa County Superior Court alleges that on or between October 11, 2022, and December 1, 2022, Judd and Crosby conspired to delay the canvass of votes cast in Cochise County in the November 2022 General Election,” the release continues. “The Indictment further alleges that Judd and Crosby knowingly interfered with the Arizona Secretary of State’s ability to complete the statewide canvass for the 2022 General Election, by preventing the canvass of votes from Cochise County from occurring during the time period required by Arizona law.”

Mayes narrowly won her own election in 2022, defeating Republican challenger Abe Hamadeh by just 280 votes. Hamadeh, who is currently running for a congressional seat in the Grand Canyon State, has condemned his former opponents brazen use of her office as a chilling abuse of power.

“Third world elections lead to third world dictators,” Hamadeh wrote in an X post. “Mayes is a fraud, she didn’t receive the most votes – and she knows it.”

“I don’t feel like I broke a law,” Judd told the Associated Press after receiving a subpoena earlier this year. “But, obviously the courts had different feelings,” she added.

The indictment accuses Crosby and Judd of “conspiring to delay the canvass of votes cast in Cochise County in the General Election held on November 8, 2022.”

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In other words, don’t question Democrat election cheating.

The officials were well with their responsibilities to examine the suspected irregularities from the election.
Not only is the AG of Arizona illegitimate, this action is unconstitutional.

They’re indicted for refusing to certify election results despite losing their case to delay certification in court.

…In an interview with The New York Times last year, Ms. Judd said she did not actually suspect there were any irregularities in the vote in Cochise County. She characterized the move as a protest against the election certification in Maricopa, the large urban county that includes Phoenix, where right-wing activists had made an array of unproven claims of malfeasance.

“Our small counties, we’re just sick and tired of getting kicked around and not being respected,” Ms. Judd said.” …

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

You don’t get to ignore the law just because you don’t agree with who won an election.

The indictment is ridiculous. The is marc elias sending a shit across the bow to warn people to accept fraudulent elections. Do not question results when democrats cheat because that is the only way democrats can win elections

No one is their right mind would vote democrat because the policies of democrats are good for America.

There’s no credible evidence of massive election fraud. That has been affirmed by republican officials again and again.

We have been over this Vaxx brain, a Wisconsin Supreme Court decision says other wise. Just because it was fraud in your face doesnt make it less credible.

Do a little reality test. Make a list of the proofs of Trump’s “MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION.”

There’s a simple and obvious reason why you won’t find it gathered together and presented online anywhere.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Some people never consider why they believe anything that they do.

They’re called “fools”.

Like those who believe Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden got anything close to 81 million votes and ignores the blatant election fraud perpetrated in Arizona in 2022.


because that is the only way democrats can win elections

As someone correctly pointed out, if the President were elected by popular vote, there would never be another Republican to hold the office.

Yeah, the Founders didn’t want our elections to work that way. So, Democrats have to commit fraud.

the Founders didn’t want our elections to work that way

I imagine that it will be amended away before too long.

Shouldn’t. Ours is not a “Democracy” of citizens, but a Federal Republic of States. Where the members are the States, not their residents. That is in order to a sure the small states, like Democrat Rhode Island or Maryland, that their interest weighs as much as That of Texas, NY or California.

The GOP should advocate a return to Federalism and Constitutional Constructionism so as to limit the damage interpretationists can cause because it suits their evolving ideology. The “enumerated powers” are exactly that. Enumerated, and if they’re not there, they’re not within the purview of the Federal apparatus.

Democrats can’t win power by Constitutional means; the public hates their policies.

I think Democrat election fraud has already “amended away” credible, dependable, legitimate elections.

The AZ AG is illegitimate. Just like the radical hobbs who is the illegitimate governor.

You’re illegitimate.

Peggy Judd stated she didn’t question the accuracy of her county’s ballot count. She stated that she refused to certify as a means of protest.

FBI Confirms Michigan Election Certification is a Fraud

What is this supposed to show?

Need to know basis and that could mean just try to figure t out on your own

That they only want to neuter you Michael . That is if your a man . Then again ? Maybe your not ? In that case all I can say is ” take a knee ” and capitulate into the dust-bin of history . CHUM!

Are you saying that having women in policy-making roles neuters men?

The entire 2020 election was fraught with fraud in every state. biden did not get 81 million legal votes, give me a break.

Because the media is such a trusted and unbiased entity…

Where is that mass of humanity of 81 million who voted for a guy so crooked that he had to bow out of his primaries, in 1987, BEFORE any primary vote was held… And them, he had to wait for enough gullible voters to be born who weren’t around when he was forced out of the contest.


What law? How long was PA delayed using machines?

You don’t get to cheat in elections just because you are a Democrat failure.

12/02/23 – Donald Trump Headed ‘Directly to Conviction’ for Jan. 6: Legal Analyst

Former President Donald Trump is headed “directly to conviction” for his alleged involvement in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot, according to legal analyst Laurence Tribe on Friday.

Trump faces four criminal cases across the country, the most prominent of which is a federal election interference case brought by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and special counsel Jack Smith pertaining to his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election that led to the riot. On January 6, Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., where Congress was certifying the results of Joe Biden‘s 2020 election win. The riot followed unsubstantiated claims made by the former president that the election was stolen from him via widespread voter fraud.

The trial is set for March 2024, presided over by U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, with Trump having previously pleaded not guilty to the charges, including conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. Trump has also pleaded not guilty to all charges in the other three criminal cases.

On Friday, Chutkan issued a ruling in the case, finding that Trump is not immune from prosecution stemming from his election interference attempts just because he was president at the time, as his legal team had argued…

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Seems the other side also has legal analysts, why wouldn’t the democrats want hand counts not done by janky machines?

156.4 million ballots could have been hand counted, and Trump STILL wouldn’t accept the fact that he lost. Three separate ballot counts in Georgia all resulted in the same Biden win; Trump STILL doesn’t accept the Georgia results. If he runs and loses in 2024, it will be the same bullshit all over again. That’s just how his brain is wired.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Seems Democrats have the same wiring, Tub of lard Abrams, Molach worshiping Hilliary.

Seems dems played a cheat game of, “I voted absentee (mail-in) but now I’m here at the poll and you have to count THIS ballot.”
They knew BOTH ballots would end up counted.
Several states are making this cheat illegal.

There you go again assuming.

It’s not ballots that matter, but voters.

Even the media couldn’t resist doing a victory lap.

Rigged by special interests who legitimized that which was illegal. Remember, it is not the judicial, nor the executive who Jas the Constitutional Authority to change how elections are conducted within given States, but that State’s legislature. And even they must adhere to the processes outlined in their own Constitution.

Because they need to cheat.

The GOP is going to get steamrollered in 2024. They’re determined to run a man facing 91 felony counts in four separate jurisdictions, and more state indictments could be coming. Nobody needs to cheat to beat that. Trump vs. democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution is no contest.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

The economy is tanking. Bidenonomics is a farse. Our national reserve of oil is damn near depleted and we’re buying oil from both Venezuela but Russia, as well. All dirty oil compared to our own.

Hamburger has gone from $3.49/lb to $6.79/lb. Eggs, flour, et al, all skyrocket (I’m sure you’ll blame that on the farmers). Insurance premiums will be higher and co-pays 30% higher. Gas is still not what it was on January 20, 2021. And Hell is on it’s way with almost 10 million illegals all depending on US tax payers to support them.

But the Democrats will cheat just like they did in 2020. Marc Elias is already packing his bags to file suits in every swing state so that he can judge shop to change election laws like he did in 2020. Never mind that only state legislatures can change election laws, the crooked Democrats never let a law stop them only when digging for a 150 year old law that it can misrepresent to destroy Joe Biden’s opponent in the general election.

You know your party cheated in 2020 and so do we. Yet, you will, once again, shove a liar who has not only been lying for 5 decades but who has used his own drug rattled, whore mongering son as a bag man when selling out this nation.

There is no forgiving you, Comrade Greggie. Marxism at any price is your mantra.

1 quarter whoo hoo!

Most of the gdp was government spending. Since September 28 we have almost add an additional 1 trillion to the face value of the national debt.

The gdp is a fake number.

Debt will continue to skyrocket as long as three decades of irresponsible tax cuts for multi-billionaires, multi-millionaires, and giant corporations continue.

They’ve used their money to buy political power, and used their political power to acquire more money.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Just who do you think benefits from typically Democrat spending?
Why is it that there hasn’t been a Federal Budget in a decade and a half?
Both sides are bought and paid for.

When Zuckerberg and others can bypass the parties and bankroll organizations to run a State’s elections (Wisconsin for exsmple), do you really think they spend hundreds of millions out of altruism?

And just LOOK at all that infrastructure going up right now!

“Just who do you think benefits from typically Democrat spending?”

Red states get more in Federal dollars than they pay in taxes, so I guess the answer to your question is “red states.”

Failing blue states get to deduct their state income taxes, so they have the red states paying their income taxes for them. The answer is the corrupt politicians that get huge amounts of un-monitored spending in flow and steal from it, mostly Democrats.

The tax cuts INCREASED tax revenues. Democrat spending, waste and theft is the problem.

Date—————- Total public debt outstanding

January 20, 2021——- 27,751,896

December 03, 2023—–33,884,303

That sure is a lot of tax cuts, oh my!

Last edited 7 months ago by TrumpWon

Trump’s 2019 (pre-covid) GDP growth rate was 2.3%.
For 2020 it was -2.77% (minus 2.77%)
For 2021, Biden’s first year in office, it was 5.95%.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Snapshots… Cropped ones at that…
“GDP data in Q3 2023 showed a number of important trends that we expect to evolve over the coming quarters. Following a lull in Q2, consumption growth came in much stronger in Q3. Growth in consumer spending on goods and (importantly) services both accelerated for the quarter. Despite these spending gains, real disposable personal income contracted by 1 percent for the quarter. This mismatch between spending and income is troubling. As pandemic excess savings are depleted, debt levels continue to rise, and mandatory student loan repayments roll out, we expect consumption growth to weaken and eventually dip into contractionary territory.

Today’s data also showed softer than expected growth in non-residential investment in Q3 (-0.1 percent, the weakest reading since Q3 2021). A contraction in business investment in equipment was a major driver of this weakness, but investment growth in intellectual property products and structures also came in softer than the prior quarter. High interest rates appear to be weighing on businesses’ willingness to borrow. Residential investment, on the other hand, had a better quarter and grew by 3.9 percent (the first positive readings since Q1 2021). Finally, private inventories saw a large expansion in Q3, which contributed 1.3 percentage point to overall GDP growth.

You go ahead and act as if this BS house of cards is solid. one thing that Biden has done that was good for the Country…


Trump had a 33% GDP growth one quarter. All he did was open the economy. Democrats hated it, shut the economy back down wherever they could.

Massive Federal Spending To Thank For Rosy GDP Numbers, Experts Say

Economic growth for the third quarter of 2023 was notably high, but was boosted by a huge increase in federal spending, according to data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).

The U.S. reported that Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a measure of economic growth, was 4.9% year-over-year for the third quarter of 2023, far higher than the 2.1% increase that was reported for the second quarter, according to the BEA. The abnormally high growth for the quarter is linked to unsustainable federal spending, according to experts who spoke to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Federal spending increased the debt but you assert three decades of tax cuts has resulted in debt 6 trillion in new face debt since 01/20/2021 is because of tax cuts.

Debt will continue to skyrocket as long as three decades of irresponsible tax cuts for multi-billionaires, multi-millionaires, and giant corporations continue.

“The most significant contributions to today’s blowout third quarter U.S. GDP number came from private inventories and government spending,” Peter Earle, economist at the American Institute for Economic Research

And as for government spending being a foundation for growth, even a glance at the trend of US debt and the federal deficit makes clear that it can’t go on forever.”

Government spending is playing a big role in the GDP numbers — it continues growing faster than personal spending, a clearly unsustainable trend,” E.J. Antoni, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, told the DCNF.

The face value of the National debt will exceed 34 trillion by years end. It stands at 33.884 trillion U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time ( as of today.

Under Biden, the federal deficit reached $2 trillion for fiscal year 2023 when the president’s failed student debt forgiveness plan is properly accounted for, with the new excess in spending helping to boost GDP by creating additional consumption through deficit spending. The national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time in U.S. history this fiscal year.

GDP can make things LOOK rosy when they actually are NOT. It’s QUITE misleading and is NOT representative of what’s ACTUALLY happening around us or whether it’s good or bad. I like this example given in an article I just read “It is good at quantity, but lousy at quality. If the food or service improves in your local restaurant, GDP will not notice, ditto if an airline’s safety record improves. In fact, GDP might prefer a plane crash – so that it can build a new plane.” That’s the reality of it…

Take out the inflation number and the real GDP will show a completely different story.

It will be revised downward next month, when no one is watching. Just as it is every time.

You should read the notes and not the headlines. This not like your Denny’s menu.
“Real GDP increased at an annual rate of 5.2 percent (1.3 percent at a quarterly rate1
) in the third quarter
of 2023, compared with an increase of 2.1 percent (0.5 percent at a quarterly rate) in the second
Baked into the third quarter are orders for the upcoming Holliday season inventories. Let’s hope they do better than EV’s. Those are also logjsmmed into inventories.

Remember… Joe Biden’s dad was a used car salesman… Joe is also a lemon peddler.

Dennys, Gregs fancy date night with his mom?

Counting heavily on election fraud again, I see.

You are a delusional, pathetic fool. The Democrats incited the violence, not Trump. Everyone with a brain now knows it.

Larry Tribe???? Are you kidding me?

Laurence H. Tribe is a Professor of Constitutional Law Emeritus at Harvard University. He knows what he’s talking about.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Democrats have brought fascism to our government.

People would be well advised to ignore tribe, he is a consummate moron.

Like Krugman, the left loves to idolize so-called “geniuses” and cling to their every thought. This is how we wind up with utter morons like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden in office.