Anti-Hoaxers/Deep Fakers AWOL: Where Were They During the ‘Fine People Hoax’ and Other Hits?


By Sister Toldjah

The mainstream media are, as per the norm, doing their part in aiding and abetting the Biden administration/campaign in trying to counter the mountain of evidence – shown in video form – of Joe Biden looking lost, out of it, confused, wooden, and just generally unwell.

The full-court-press from The Usual Suspects, starting with White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, has come in the aftermath of a series of disturbing clips, including one showing former President Barack Obama having to gently lead Biden offstage during a Hollywood fundraiser Saturday, that further raise issues ahead of the presidential election about Biden’s age and fitness to lead the country.

While these deeply problematic moments reach back to well before Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election, the left-wing media’s penchant for covering for Democrats goes back much further than that.

But the last week or so of “cheap fake” talking points from the purported reporters who want you to believe that they really are committed to weeding out so-called fake news stories and alleged misinformation caught the attention of Fox News host Greg Gutfeld, who put things in perspective as only he can during Tuesday’s “The Five” broadcast:

“Where were these anti-hoaxers in the ‘fine people hoax’, the ‘drinking bleach hoax’, the ‘koi pond hoax’, the ‘migrant kids in cages hoax’, the ‘border patrol migrants whipping migrants hoax’, the ‘lab leak is a conspiracy theory hoax’, the ‘Russian collusion hoax’…?”

The answer is, as RedState readers know and understand all too well, that the mainstream media were right there with Democrats, pushing along the same fake narratives about Russia collusion, the “very fine people” nonsense, and all the rest.

“They’re the engine behind their hoaxes,” Gutfeld also correctly pointed out.

To put a finer point on it, these same media outlets that are gaslighting their readers and viewers now about how the videos are allegedly deceptive, taken out of context, etc., are the same ones who along with Democrats tried to sell the American people on the supposed need for Trump to be impeached over the Russia collusion hoax, the Ukraine call, and January 6th.

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